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ACE VENTURA: NATURE CALLS/Ace Ventura - Luonto Kutsuu/FI/K12/cut 15 sec. The Finnish dvd-version (widescreen) is unfortunately same as the German dvd, which has the scene, where Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey) punches a pregnant native woman's belly, and the bloodied newborn whirls to the daddy's arm, completely cut out by the German censor FSK. NOTE: The Finnish videoversion also rated K12 is uncut. There is a re-issue of the Finnish dvd (rated K11). The British PG-certified video- and dvd-version is cut 1 minute and 38 seconds (3 seconds for cinema, and further 1 minute and 35 seconds for video!)!! The cuts are as follows: 1.The "Cliffhanger" spoof in the beginning is reduced. 2.Ace's simulation of beating one of the projector pics via shadow (!?). 3.Ace snorting has been deleted for the PG audiences. 4.Ace's (famous?) line Your balls are showing. 5.Shadow of Ace jackin' off is removed. 6.Ace pushing his eye is toned down cutting away several shots (a dangerous imitable technique!). 7.The "newborn" scene also cut in Germany has fallen over the BBFC censor as well. 8.A native stomping on Ace's crotch.
ACROSS THE 110th STREET/Verinen Katu/FIx/cut. The distributor applied a few cuts to tone down the torturing scene. NOTE: The American R1 dvd is widescreen and uncut.
ACTION JACKSON/Ässä Hihassa/FI/K16/cut 7 min 39 sec. This action-comedy-blaxploitation- whatever was cut pretty bad by the notorious distributor Showtime. The cuts include violence starting from the pre-credits-sequence which is deleted completely (the FI-version starts from the opening credits!). The other cuts include few burnings, and lots of shootings (like shooting the man played by Robert Davi, and the gory shooting of the bossbaddie in the end) are cut. The long sequence where Jackson beats the crap out of the black thugs in the basement is cut, some knife-throwing action is cut out too (in the boat, and in the party). NOTE: The K18-version, which runned in Finnish theatres was heavily cut too (about 4 minutes!). The British cert.18-videoversion is cut too! The BBFC cuts total to 10 seconds, and are applied as follows: *In the pre-credits scene, a sight of a butterfly knife being twirled is removed. *Close-up of a twirling butterfly knife is deleted. *Close-up of a woman with blood on her breasts is cut out. *Close-up of a butterfly knife being twirled near the end of the flick is removed. The Swedish videoversion is cut 4 minutes 35 seconds. Uh-oh. The Danish videoversion (above) is (fortunately!) totally uncut, as is the US dvd (R1).
AIRPLANE!/Hei, Me Lennetään!/FI/K12. Nobody seems to know, who has done these cuts. Not VET, maybe the distributor, or the version is simply just a cut one. This or that, this version is missing the entire scene of a woman playing a guitar, and unplugging the hose of the sick boy! NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version is uncut, and widescreen. The FIx-version (Finnish title also "Hei, Me Lennetään!") is also uncut. The Swedish videoversion is cut 29 seconds!
ALIEN/Kahdeksas Matkustaja/FI/K16/cut
1 min 5 sec. The "birth" of the alien fetus is heavily
shortened, and the decapitation of the android is shortened too.
NOTE: The FIx-version (above) is uncut! The Finnish widescreen
dvd-versions are uncut also. There are some rumors that the
Finnish theatrical version contained the same cuts as the FI tape.
There is some reports of the Canadian laserdisc containing extra
ALIENS/Aliens-Paluu/FI/K16/cut 3 min 42
sec.The cuts include some gory murders done by the aliens, some
acid-to-the-face-scenes, and pretty oddly the entire "fingers
and knife"-game between the soldier and Bishop, and just a
shot of "Newt" in the water and couple of aliens rising
up to the surface, are cut out (!!!). The scene in the end of the
movie, where the alien queen rips Bishop in half is heavily cut too. The Finnish
videoversion re-release is still heavily cut (3 minutes and 3
seconds), although it's a little more complete (at least the
"fingers and knife"-game is intact). The cuts on both
versions were applied by the distributor. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version
(widescreen, with a K18-rating!) is uncut. The Finnish theatrical
version passed uncut with a K18-rating.
ALLIGATOR/Alligaattori/FIx/cut 40 sec.
The party-scene is shortened by couple of shots, like a man
bleeding against a winshield. The "alligator wrestling"-scene
in the beginning of the movie is shortened by a couple of shots
poorly. The scene where a man (torn apart by the alligator) is
pulled out of the water, and his foots are missing, is completely
cut out. NOTE: The FI video (rated K16) suprisingly passed uncut
from VET. The Finnish dvd is also uncut. The Swedish videoversion
is cut 1 minutes and 55 seconds!!!
The distributor layed their heavy scissors upon this not-so-great
Italian exploitation-amazon-flick. 1.In the boat, blowed arrows
impacting on Catherine's mother, and father's shoulder, have been
cut. 2.A sight of a native carrying the severed head of Catherine's
mother is completely cut out. 3.An alligator attacking a native
in the water is poorly shortened. 4.De Vega stabbing a native in
a flashback is reduced. 5.The revenge on the De Vega couple has
lost all the axe-chopping (poorly edited). NOTE: The Dutch region-free
dvd release is uncut and widescreen. The British cert.18-videoversion
is cut 52 seconds. The BBFC states that the 2003 UK release (also
certified '18') has only "some cuts waived", so it may
very well be cut. The German videoversion is heavily trimmed. The
German Astro widescreen dvd titled "Cannibal Holocaust 2"
(!) is uncut, and contains an English soundtrack.
AMERICAN NINJA/FI/K16/cut 2 min 9 sec. Note that
these cuts are made by VET, and not the distributor Showtime (which
usually did the trimming themselves). Cuts include sword-violence
in the ambush, shooting near the end, and couple of cool killings,
and the final battle has been reduced poorly. NOTE: The Finnish
video re-release (above on the right) is the same cut Showtime
version! Motherfuck! The Finnish theatrical version was rated K16
by the request of the asshole distributor, and contained the same
cuts as the videoversion. The British cert.18-videoversion is cut
26 seconds (some shots of banned-in-the-UK weaponry is deleted,
like the scene in the beginning, where G.I. Joe [Michael Dudikoff]
twirls a butterfly knife is trimmed, and some violence is cut out
too). The British widescreen dvd-version (cert.18) has
suprisingly been passed uncut from the BBFC, with all the
previous cuts waived.
AMITYVILLE 1992 - It's About Time/Amityville
1992 - Aika On Tullut/FI/K16/cut 48 sec. The evil distributor
Showtime of curse did cuts to this sequel, which gives a new
standard to the word "crap". Almost every murder is
uncut (strange for Showtime), but a couple of scenes near the end
of the movie have been trimmed: 1.The scene where Jacob beats the
crap out of Rusty is heavily (and EXTREMELY poorly!) shortened. 2.Andrea
stabs Jacob, but we of course don't see the actual deed being
done. NOTE: I could tell you which version is uncut, but I'm sure
nobody cares.
THE AMITYVILLE CURSE/Amityvillen Kirous/FI/K16/cut
50 sec. The notorious distributor Showtime found something to cut
from this piece of shit, so the cuts are as follows: 1.The scene
in Debbie's dream, where a decomposed zombie attacks her, is
shortened for some reason. 2.The death of the old hag omits the
neck breaking (shown later uncut as a camcorder recording!).
Violence against Frank near the end of the movie has suffered the
most; 3.Debbie stabs Frank to the cheek, but not in the FI-version.
4.Debbie stabs Frank to the right leg...or rather doesn't. 5.The
scene where Debbie shoots Frank with a nail-gun has been reduced
from five nail-impacts to three (poorly cut). 6.The ultimate
death of Frank is completely deleted!!! Of course in the
tradition of cut movies a'la Showtime, the back of the videocover
includes images from the cut scenes!
ANDREI RUBLEV/FI/K16/cut approx.17 min. This movie
by Tarkovsky (probably his best one) suffered heavy cuts (over 50
in quantity!) by the Soviet censors prior to its release.
Tarkovsky himself edited the required cuts, so that they would be
as less damaging as possible (while they do are mostly smoothly
made, several of 'em still hurt the movie badly, as they destroy
the rhythm of several sequences, and abruptly end many long takes),
and refused to make many of them, and the constant clashing with
the censors delayed the movie's release by many years. *As the
movie opens, an exchange of dialogue is missing in the cut
version: Pull the rope and This one?. *A shot
showing the villagers chasing the running Yefim (this also
includes some dialogue by the balloon men refering to this). *Before
Yefim gets to the shore, a shot showing the balloon men preparing
the balloon, has lost all dialogue (mostly about finding the rope).
*The lenghty shot showing Yefim going into the church, and then
stepping out, and walking to the balloon men is an alternative
take, which includes slightly different dialogue from Yefim, and
less dialogue from the balloon men (maybe Tarkovsky used this
take because he thought it worked better on the context of the
censored cut, or maybe this take excluded those things the
censors maybe objected to). *Yefim's yelling towards Archibuska
is altered from You try to hold them to something like Here
I am. Hurry up. *The villagers beating the balloon men down
is cut by few seconds. *A sight of one of the balloon men pushed
to the ground yelling is trimmed. *The POV of Yefim rising to the
air features slightly different dialogue, e.g. the comments from
the villagers are gone. *Strangely, the censored cut features a
completely new POV shot, that of a city, when Yefim is flying (Tarkovsky
probably thought it would fit the context, though it's quite a
bizarre addition, as the mileau is clearly away from any big
cities). *In the censored cut, alternative dialogue is heard when
Yefim crashes (he sounds more scared). *The shot showing the
ruins of the balloon is shortened to remove all sight of Yefim's
dead body (the preceding shot of the dancing horse is also
shortened for continuity, as we see the horse walking past dead
Yefim at the beginning of the shot). *At the beginning of the
"Jester" segment, an entire scene showing Rublev and
his friends leaving, is removed. *The jester standing on his head,
and revealing his bare ass, which has a face painted on it, is
removed (the censored version cuts away just before the bare ass
enters the frame). *After the jester crows like a cock, a sound
of laughing heard off-screen, and the jester getting back down on
his feet are cut out. *The wonderful 360º single take is ruined
by cutting some of it from the beginning (possibly the reduce the
fact that Kirill is gone when the frame returns to where the take
started). *A sight of a monk walking past trees is shorter,
possibly due to print damage. *The opening of the "Theophanes
The Greek" segment, which is a sight of a town square, where
a suspect is about to be executed on the stage, is few seconds
longer in the uncut version. *Theophanes The Greek cursing aloud,
and one of his pupils coming in, and Theophanes cursing at him is
completely removed (also a line of dialogue from Theophanes to
Kirill is missing). *In the uncut version, the off-screen
monlogue which bashes Christians is played over the shot of
Kirill watching Theophanes' icon, but in the cut version it is
heard over the shot of the dead man being put down (maybe the
Soviet censors didn't like the way the scene maybe juxtaposes the
icon with the monologue). *An entire scene which shows Kirill in
his room with a thoughtful monologue going non-stop in his voice-over,
is lifted later into the movie, when the messenger has left, and
is missing Rublev's disciple arriving, and announcing that the
messenger has arrived. *The messenger's farewell is on-camera in
the uncut version, but in the censored cut, it plays off-screen
while the frame is on Rublev. Maybe Tarkovsky thought this would
play better in the context. *The shot of Rublev and the disciples
walking inside the monastry lasts about a second longer in the
uncut version. *Laughs heard from the monks when Kirill leaves
the monastry are absent in the censored cut. *The sight of Kirill's
battered dog squirming around and dying, is removed. Also the
penultive shot of Kirill walking away is removed for continuity.
In the cut version, a new title card comes, which says "How
Andrei sees suffering - 1406", but in the uncut version, the
33 seconds of the following scenes are still part of the "Theophanes
The Greek" segment! *Rublev taunting his disciple in the
woods is deleted (this happens right after the disciple is
rubbing mud on his face). *An exhange of dialogue between Rublev
and his disciple is cut out (it mostly concerns the possiblity of
Rublev leaving his disciple). *Rublev's disciple touches a dead
bird, and several shots of aerial POVs (reminiscent of the
opening prologue) start rolling. In the cut version, this
beautiful scene is completely excised! *Rublev's line It's
never too late to repent is excised from the crucifixion
sequence. *The dialogue and the sound of moaning that the pagan
couple (whom Rublev watches) have while making love is removed
from the soundtrack. *A shot totalling 54 seconds showing the
pagans putting a coffin with a candle on it floating around in
the water (full of naked people and a horse), is not cut, but
lifted a few minutes later into the movie, when Rublev is untied.
*The pagan jumping around noticing Rublev just before he is
caught, it cut out. *Rublev's POV of his captors walking away is
removed, along with brief dialogue. *The sight of the naked woman
walking forward a little, and then looking at Rublev seductively,
is cut. Also the transition to the next scene is a fade, instead
of a cut as it i in the uncensored version. *The woman struggling
with one of the authorities, resulting in her clothes being
ripped off, is completely removed. *The shot of the naked woman
running into the water lasts substantially longer in the uncut
version. *Painters arguing is shortened (ruining another long
take), and the dialogue is also slightly re-edited also in the
cut version. *Rublev's disciple walking the bearded man out of
the cathedral is removed. *Rublev arguing with Danil is re-edited
in an odd way, with the last shot of the scene (of Danil and the
rider on frame), appearing as the first shot of the scene as an
abridged version. *Rublev speaking with his associates about not
wanting to paint "The Last Judgment" is completely
missing. *Rublev's biblical voice-over is re-edited a little. *The
guards killing the travelling painters has lost the man with his
eyes gouged out falling on the bushes, and some of the painters
battling the guards on horses (destroying another fine long take!).
*The guard riding across the man with his eyes gouged, and
whipping him, is excised. *The explicit sight of the man with his
eyes gouged out is shortened. *The peasant girl apparantly
pissing on the floor is cut out, and substituted with two shots,
that is, of Rublev's hand, and of the floor. *An entire (flashback)
scene showing Rublev and some of his fellow monks stopping under
a tree during rain, while the boy's religious citation plays in
voice-over, is excised. *The beginning of the Tatar raid has been
re-edited: the prince's brother's flashback is actually a little
longer in the censored version, as it features footage which
appears in the uncensored version after a sight of a burning cow.
Also shots of Tatar horses galloping have been lifted into the
beginning of the raid, when in the uncut version it appears after
the flashback extention. *The sight of a dying man on the ground
with a sword wound on his neck (with a saw next to him) is
shortened to remove some blood gushing from the wound. *A Tatar
soldier throwing a torch into a hay stack has been edited from
one shot into two, losing many seconds. *The shot of a burning
cow running around, and then its owner being speared is
completely removed. *When the flashback extention of the prince's
brother kicks in (see a few cuts before), an entire (fantasy?)
sequence showing the prince being kicked around in snow, and his
brother looking triumphant, is deleted. *A Tatar dragging her a
peasant woman from her hair, and throwing her off the balcony (accompanied
by her scream) is cut out... ruining yet another exquisite long
take. *The prince's brother watching Tatars chasing a man with an
axe, with horses has been lifted a little later into the picture.
*A shot of a man in flames falling on the ground is missing. *After
the horse fallen off from the staircase, sights of it squirming
around bleeding, and a Tatar coming and spearing it, have been
eliminated. *The raid on the church actually contains a shot not
found in the uncensored version, where a soldier is dragging the
peasant girl, and Rublev notices this from the crowd (maybe this
was added that Rublev would have more motivation on killing the
man, and would appear as less cold-blooded in his act). *A sight
of victims being against the church wall with their eyes gouged,
is trimmed. *Boiling fluid being poured into a prisoner's mouth
with bloody results is shortened (it appears that the Soviet
censors were clearly upset with long takes!). *A shot of a horse
dragging a prisoner outside the church is cut out. *The shot of
Rublev's disciple and many others fleeing Vladimir has been
lifted to appear a few minutes earlier than in the uncensored
edit. *Before Rublev's disciple is shot, him looking around, and
starting to walk ahead slowly, is excised. *Rublev noticing the
peasant girl eating dirt (who is liking it), and forcing it out
of her mouth, is excised. *The peasant girl stomping on the mud
Rublev forced out of her mouth, and smiling, is excised. *The
gate keeper bringing Kirill into the monastry is deleted
completely for some reason. *The scene where Kirill begs
forgiveness from the Father, and the Father accepts him back is
lifted later into the movie, with its beginning chopped out. *The
dogfight is shortened about 8 seconds. *Shot of the peasant girl
riding with the Tatars is removed, and substituted with a close-up
of an object falling on snow. *The men talking to the bellmaker's
son is slightly re-edited. *The bellmaker's son noticing the
prince is completely removed. *Sight of Rublev, when the bell is
being fired up, is shortened. *After the bellmaker's son touches
the carved up bell, his fantasies have been eliminated completely.
*Before the bell rings, sights of the crowd are slightly trimmed.
The cuts total to about 17 minutes in lenght, with a few minutes
of substitutions. NOTE: The only video releases of the complete
uncut version (205 minutes NTSC) to my knowing are the widescreen
Criterion Collection dvd (above on the right) and laserdisc (o.o.p.).
The UK dvd certified '15' (the same as the RusCiCo dvd edition
released in many countries) has the movie spread over two discs,
many unique extras, and the image is anamorphic, and has a better
framing than the Criterion edition (more visual data on all four
sides), but the original 2.35:1 Sovscope image is squeezed to a
distorted 2.05:1 (also it is somewhat less sharper than the
Criterion transfer, and the colors on the color sequences look
absolutely ghastly). And worst of all, it only contains the cut
version (same as the Finnish vid), which makes this disc hard to
recommend. There are some reports of the British video (which is
also 15-certified, and contains the shorter cut version) omitting
the sight of the horse falling off a staircase. There have been
numerous shortened version (including the original US theatrical
version), some as short as 145 minutes. The completely uncut
version was first shown in 1988.
ANGEL HEART/Noiduttu Sydän/FIx/cut.
The distributor trimmed some of the ugly bodyshots, like the
bodyshot of an old man, a black man, and a lady. Also the (in?)famous
sex-scene between Mickey Rourke and Lisa Bonnet is trimmed. NOTE:
The FI video released in the 90's (by DVD Productions) passed
uncut with a K16-rating. The Finnish widescreen dvd-version is
also uncut, and with a K15-rating. The British cert.18-videoversion
has a cockfight totalling 5 seconds trimmed out by the BBFC. The
US version rated 'R' has the sex-scene trimmed by ten seconds.
ANIMAL HOUSE/Delta-jengi/FIx/cut 2 min 30 sec!!! The cocksucker distributor has cut some scenes where folks smoke pot almost three minutes worth from this comedy by John Landis. Nice going, Esselte! NOTE: The FI-video (rated K16) is uncut.
ASSAULT ON THE PRECINCT 13/Hy kk ys Poliisiasemalle/FIx/K16/cut. I've heard that the infamous shooting of the little girl with the ice cream cone, and several shootings of the police mans in the precinct have been deleted. Still many sources report, that both of the released FIx tapes are completely uncut... Who knows? NOTE: The FI tape released in the 90's was passed uncut with an 'S' rating (!!!). The Finnish dvd-version is uncut, and rated K15, but the widescreen aspect ratio is cropped from the original Panavision 2.35:1 to just 1.78:1! The region free US dvd-version released by Image Entertainment (above on the right) is widescreen (2.35:1) in letterbox, uncut, and contains an audio commentary by John Carpenter, and the original theatrical trailer - the US dvd re-issue is also uncut, plus it is anamorphic widescreen, and contains more extras. The Finnish theatrical version was cut by 17 seconds (the ice cream cone shooting, no doubt) to archieve a K18-rating. The Swedish videoversion is cut 1 minute and 39 seconds!
AUTOTYTÖT/FIc/cut 3 sec. Finnish movie from 1960 was trimmed by VET in its initial theatrical release. A shot of money being given away is removed.
AUTUAS EVERSTI/FIc/cut approx. 7 min 20 sec! VET first completely banned this Finnish comedic outing from, suprise, William Markus, and then approved it only after major butchering in its initial release in 1958. The censors objected to the scenario, where an elderly man is thought to be dead, and put into a coffin, from where he escapes. The VET-approved version almost completely removes all this, and references to it (including slightly "macabre" fantasy sequences), and as the events of the entire movie mostly revolve around this incident, the final version is more than a bit confusing for the most part. VET stated on their decision that: "The fumbling with the coffin goes unbearable with its bad taste" !! Unfortunately it seems that at least the screenings in Finnish tv have been only of the cut version. ATTIC does not have any solid info on the status of the existing theatrical prints, and is not aware of any videoversions released.
AVENGING FORCE/Teloittaja/FIx/cut 5 min. The cuts on this maybe the best Mike Dudikoff actioner (well, at least those masks are super-cool!), include the hunters beating each other in the beginning, a masked man pushing a spear to a blonde man's stomach, some thugs shooting innocent civilians with Uzis in the parade, Hunter (Michael "cock" Dudikoff) kicking and shooting some thugs, Hunter and Larry kicking some ass in the harbor, Elliot shooting Parker, masked mans eliminating some secret service-guys, shots of a guy burning, the masked mans shooting Larry, an arrow going through Hunter's leg, Hunter pulling the arrow out from his leg, the fight between Hunter and the white masked fighter (heavily cut), the fight between the commando and Hunter, the fight between Hunter and the unmasked baddie, the masked Elliot strangling Hunter, Hunter stabbing the masked Elliot, and the final battle between Elliot and Hunter (heavily censored).
THE BABY OF MÂCON/Baby Of Macon/FI/K16/cut
1 min 14 sec. Another Peter Greenaway movie (this time one of his
best) censored - this time the distributor did the cutting. The
cuts have been almost certainly applied to the death of the
bishop's son, and to the child dismemberment, and also possibly
to the not-so-explicit rape sequence. NOTE: The Finnish
theatrical version was passed uncut with a K18-rating. The UK
video (certified '18') is uncut and widescreen. The Australian
dvd (above) is rated R18+, uncut, and widescreen (even though the
back cover incorrectly lists the aspect ratio as 4:3 full screen).
The Japanese versions (including the Japanese widescreen
laserdisc) are optically censored for all genital nudity (and
using big oily smears instead of the usual blurring mosaics!).
BAD BOYS/FIx/cut 16 sec. This ain't the bubble gum actioner made in '94, starring Will "stupid" Smith, but the Sean Penn drama. The "cans in the pillow" scene has been shortened. Adding to this, this is the widely-spread shorter version of the film. NOTE: The Swedish videoversion is also cut from the above-metioned scene. The scenes missing from the widely-spread shortened version are as follows: Mick playing guitar in his bedroom - Paco talking to his father - Mick entering the correctional center and walking in - A jogging scene with the new kid - J.C. walking out of Walgreen's market - Another scene where Tweety and Viking harass the new kid - A longer scene of J.C. walking before she gets raped - After the rape, J.C. indetifying Paco from a line-up - Tweety getting released from the correctional center - A scene where Mick hands out the working assignments - A scene where Paco talks to Paretti about going 50/50 -Paco and Viking harass Horowitz and Mick while they're watching a movie - Another scene of Horowitz working on the fertilizer bomb. The cuts total to approx. 18 minutes. The US Anchor Bay widescreen dvd re-released in 2001 contains the complete version. The FI tape is uncut, and rated K16. The Finnish dvd-version is also uncut, and rated K18 (for some reason).
BAD GIRLS DORMITORY/Kova Kakku/FIx/cut. For some reason, the sensitive distributor has cut a lot of soft fights between the women convicts. NOTE: The British cert.18-videoversion is cut. This otherwise cut FIx-version contains the footage trimmed in the UK.
BAD INFLUENCE/Huonoa Seuraa/FI/K15/cut 28 sec. The forthcoming Finnish dvd (widescreen) is unfortunately exactly the same as the UK dvd, which has been cut down by 28 seconds by the BBFC. As usual, the BBFC have commented: "To obtain this category cuts of 0m 28s were required. The cuts were Compulsory. Cut to remove dangerous imitable technique - in accordance with current BBFC classification policy and guidelines." Ok... Considering the certificate, and the current BBFC policies, the "imitable technique" isn't a headbutt or an ear-clap, but probably a scene showing how to make a weapon out of normal household items or something like that. NOTE: The British theatrical- and videoversions (both certified '18') are as cut. The Finnish videoversion is uncut.
BAD LIEUTENANT/Paha Poliisi/FI/K16/cut
7 min 16 sec. The distributor trimmed two scenes of drug use
completely, one of smoking, and one of heroin injection (both
between The Lieutenant [excellent Harvey Keitel], and Zoe [Zoe
Lund]). Zoe's monologue, which starts in the heroin injection
still has not been completely cut, but it starts as soon as the
monologue shifts away from the heroin injection spot, and goes
into voice-over. This makes the monologue absurd, a couple of
sentences long strange mumbling! The infamous "raping of a
nun" scene is still passed intact. NOTE: The Finnish
theatrical version (rated K18) is uncut. The version rated 'R' by
the MPAA has suffered almost as much cuts as the torso FI tape (though
in some different places, like from the sensuality, the rape, and
the language; for example the rape of the nun is heavily
shortened, the scene of The Lieutenant in full-frontal is
completely missing, the scene where The Lieutenant harrasses the
girls in the car completely excludes the masturbation, and the
heroin-injection is heavily cut also, and The Lieutenant
screaming You fucking nigger, fucking cocksucker! at the
radio is missing), and the British cert.18-videoversion is pretty
heavily trimmed (1 min 47 sec), from the raping of the nun (a
shot of pubic hair is omitted), and the scene of injecting heroin
has been trimmed very heavily; the UK dvd (open matte full screen,
also certified '18') has all the cuts waived. The US dvd (R1)
with an NC-17 rating is uncut, and matted anamorphic widescreen.
After the film was released, Led Zeppelin threatened legal action
when the soundtrack featured a rap song "Signifying Rapper"
by Schooly D which had a sample from "Kashmir". This
song was then removed from most releases as follows - A street
drug dealer doing business before The Lieutenant comes - The rape
of the nun (replaced with church organ music) - The Lieutenant
walking into the hospital - The end credits (replaced with Abel
Ferrara's song "Bad Lieutenant" [the one which was the
inspiration for the film itself]). I've heard both soundtracks,
and which was better...? Well, it is pretty much a draw. The
uncut Swedish videoversion contains the original soundtrack.
BARBARIANS/Barbaarit/FI/K16/cut 9 sec.The
cuts are to two scenes which include violence against the
Bossbaddie; The scene where the little boy bites a couple of the
Bossbaddie's fingers off, and the scene where the barbarian
brothers throw their swords at the Bossbaddie.
Morsian/FI/K16. Not exactly cut (at least not by any censor), but
this is a softer version (you can find one in about every movie
of maestro Jess Franco). The alternative takes are switching all
the semen suckings to blood suckings, several sexual scenes are
completely cut out or substituted with alternative takes, and
altering the scene where the doctor touches a dead woman's pussy
to the doctor touching the dead woman's neck. Some sex-scenes (and
the whipping of Lina Romay) are shorter too. NOTE: This version
includes some footage intact, which is cut from the British cert.18-videoversion
released by Redemption. This version is titled "Female
Vampire", and it's cut 6 minutes and 12 seconds (!!!) by the
BBFC: 1.The fellatio has all the shots of Lina Romay having a
cock in her mouth trimmed. 2.Lina Romay masturbating over a body
has lost all shots of Lina Romay... um... well, masturbating. 3.The
entire whipping of Romay, and the following death of Monica Swinn
was all too much for the "chaps". 4.The doctor touching
the dead woman's pussy is no more. The UK version re-release (also
titled "Female Vampire" also) is cut "just" 1
minute and 51 seconds, with most of the previous cuts waived, but
with the death of Swinn still missing. The US videoversion titled
"Loves of Irina" has also been cut (mainly some short
snippets of narrative scenes, but the death of Monica Swinn is
completely deleted). The German videoversion (titled "Entfeswselte
Beglerde") has lost the entire sequence of Romay's whipping,
and the subsequent killing of Swinn. The US videoversion titled
"Erotikill" is identical to the Finnish "soft"
version. The US dvd-version from Image, a title in their "Euroshock
Collection" is claimed to be uncut in the sleeve, but the
distributors themselves have been obviously too ashamed to
release hard sexual footage (and yet they've at least released
the notorious "Caligula" fully uncut... the mind
boggles!), so the fellatio performed by Lina Romay has been
censored (you bastards! What a waste, when the film itself is
presented as a gorgeous anamorphic 2.35:1 widescreen version...).
The Redemption Benelux video is uncut, and widescreen. A version
with lots of hard-core inserts (shot few years after the film was
released) is available in Germany on dvd with the title "Erotikill".
The Japanese version is optically censored from all below-the-waist
BASIC INSTINCT/Vaiston Varassa/FI/K16/cut
38 sec. Cuts to the stabbing it the beginning where a man is
stabbed in the face (this scene was shortened in the R-rated
version in the US too), the stabbing of Gus is almost completely
trimmed, and some shots of the bleeding Gus' body are deleted.
The sex-scenes cut from the R-version and many other versions,
are intact. NOTE: The Finnish theatrical version is rated K18 and
uncut. The British videoversion (certified 18) is (a little
suprisingly) uncut. The R-rated version has been heavily cut from
the sexuality (the famous Michael Douglas ass-fuck is much more
lighter), and from the gore (the unrated version's uncut).
BATTLESTAR: GALACTICA/Taisteluplaneetta: Galactica/FI/K16/cut 9 min 30 sec. The distributor trimmed this flick almost ten minutes. Nope, these cut don't include violence, or anything like that. The cuts have just been made to remove the un-necessary parts (for business reasons perhaps) to straighten the plot. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version is the full uncut version, and on widescreen.
Peto/FIx/cut. The distributor has applied cuts to three scenes,
these including shots of the nude Shirpa Lane (aka Sirpa Laine)
while of her rape, and shots of the space heavy's erected dick.
NOTE: A version with hard-core inserts is available in Germany.
BIG/Big - Isoksi Yhdessä Yössä/FI/S/cut 2 sec. The Finnish dvd-version is pre-cut by the BBFC; one use of the word Fuck has been cut (from the scene of Hanks and the junior chatting in the office). This is to secure to UK 'PG' certificate. NOTE: The Finnish videoversion (also rated S) is uncut.
THE BIRDS/Linnut/FI/K16/cut 42 sec! The
ass distributor Esselte trimmed this classic for some reason (it
would had passed uncut with a VET K16-rating otherwise for sure!).
Some material from the scene where the birds attack the children
is deleted, a couple of shots of a man whose face is covered with
blood is deleted, some shots of the birds doing a number on the
man's hand is deleted, and the classic scene where the birds
attack Melanie is censored. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version (which
is part of the "Alfred Hitchcock DVD Collection") is
uncut, and with a K15-rating, but for some awful mothafucking
reason, the image is pan & scan 4:3 full screen (!), with
loads of visual data missing from the sides!!! And even the
picture quality is pretty inferior! The R1 dvd is uncut, and with
a beautifully digitally remastered 1.85:1 widescreen image.
BLACK MOON RISING/Black Moon/FI/K16/cut 46 sec. The cuts (made by VET) include beatings between Tommy Lee Jones and thugs, and an ugly close-up of a man who is shot in the head. NOTE: The Finnish K16-videoversion re-released in the 90's passed uncut. The theatrical version in 80's in Finland was rated K16, and contained the same cuts as the older videoversion. The British cert.18-videoversion is cut 40 seconds! The Finnish dvd-version (4:3) is uncut too...but now it has a K18-rating...? What the motherfuckin'?
BLASTFIGHTER/FIx/cut. Italian movie by
Lamberto Bava (hiding under a pseydonym, naturally) was cut by
the distributor from the throat cutting of Tiger's wife. NOTE:
The UK videoversion is cut 12 seconds to archieve a '18'
BLIND FURY/Silmitön Raivo/FI/K16/cut 1 min 36 sec. The cuts in this enjoyable actioner include Nick Parker (Rutger Hauer) slicing the faker cop's hand off, pushing a sword to the black faker cop's stomach, and the scene where he slices dozens of thugs pretty gory in the dark is heavily shortened. NOTE: The British cert.18-videoversion is cut 4 seconds; Parker smelling that Frank's home-made napalm is a mix between gasoline and cleaning liquid, and commenting on this, has been completely cut out (those Brit censors are crazy). The British 15-rated theatrical version is trimmed 20 seconds. The Swedish videoversion is cut 26 seconds (the hand was "cut" off, along with other strong violence). The US dvd-version rated 'R' is uncut and widescreen.
BLOB/Valuva Kuolema/FI/K16/cut 38 sec. The 1988 movie. Small snippets of strong violence are removed from this remake, which is actually better than the super-goofy Steve McQueen original. The cuts include an ugly shot of an old man whose body has been melted apart by the blob, Paul melting, Paul's severed hand moving in the floor, Vicki's face going awry, the gory death of George in the kitchen, shots of the projectionist's fucked up face yelling in the blob, one of the goverment biologist's burning, and the blob snapping the sheriff apart and pulling him out. NOTE: The version runned in theatres in Finland, was rated K16 by the request of the distributor, and it contained the same cuts. The Finnish dvd-version is uncut, widescreen, and with a K15-rating. The Swedish videoversion is cut 1 minutes 11 seconds. And I have to add, I hate that I always have to make sure to comment that this was made in 1988 instead of just writing "Blob" because that people wouldn't mix it up with the 1958 "classic". Why wouldn't they just named this like "Blob ´88" or something...
ESCAPE 2000) /Kalkkunan Metsästys/FIx/cut 5 min 13 sec. The
infamous distributor Kasino Video cut this excellent human
hunting movie to a non-sense torso; 1.The scene, where the woman
is beaten to death in the disiplence event, is shortened. 2.The
cruel game-sequence is almost completely deleted. 3.Right after
the game-sequence, the scene of a prisoner burning alive is no
more. 4.The severing of a toe (!), and eating it, is completely
deleted. 5.The beating and neck-snapping of a prisoner with
glasses is shortened. 6.The shooting of an armed prisoner to the
arms and legs with a crossbow, and running over him with a Jeep,
has been very heavily cut. 7.The scene, where a man drives
against a tree with a Jeep, and "The Beast" is left in
the middle of the tree, and the car, is almost completely deleted.
8.The scene of severing a bald man's hands off with a machete, is
shortened. 9.Hitting a machete to a man's head is shortened. 10.The
scene, where General Thatcher is shot to pieces, is almost
completely deleted! NOTE: The videoversion released by VIPCO,
with a "Strong Uncut Version" sticker, is uncut and
widescreen - as are the UK and US dvds. The British cert.18-videoversion
titled "Turkey Shoot" is cut 5 minutes and 56 seconds
(!!!) - *The beating of the woman is heavily shortened by 46
seconds. *The burning of the prisoner escapee is pretty much
completely deleted (this particular cut totals to 2 minutes and
24 seconds!!). *The first hunt has lost the toe-ripping and
eating, and the subsequent beating almost totally. *Arrows being
blowed to Griff is deleted. *24 seconds cut from Alph's death! *Jennifer
running over Rita is cut out. *Ritter's death is heavily cut. *Shot
of Rita's body is omitted. The UK widesceen video (also certified
'18') released by VIPCO and titled "Blood Camp Thatcher"
is cut 5 minutes and 42 seconds (!) ; much of Alph's death is
restored, but the death of the escapee is even further! Also
beware of the R-rated version "Escape 2000", which is
butchered about 14 minutes!!! What a cruel world!
BLOODSPORT/Bloodsport - Viimeiseen Asti/FI/K16/cut approx. 20 min !!! Just in the late 80's, when censorship was in its "highlights" in Finland, this action classic came to video, and was extremely cut. The cuts include almost every fight of the movie, Jackson's first fight is heavily cut, every Chong Li's fight is cut to pieces. The whole sequence where the "Kumite"-song is heard and it shows several fights is removed, and the final conflict between Dux (J-C Van Damme) and Chong Li (excellent Bolo Yeung) is extremely cut (several minutes). NOTE: The UK video (certified '18') is suprisingly uncut. The German dvd-version rated 'FSK 18' is uncut, anamorphic widescreen, plus it contains an English soundtrack.
BLOODSPORT III/Bloodsport III - Kumite/FI/K16/cut 1 min 24 sec. Some brutal beatings are shortened, like the fight between Lima Lama and The Beast, and the final battle between The Beast and Alex Cardo is heavily (and extremely poorly) shortened. NOTE: The British version certified '18' is cut 26 seconds (eg The Beast - Lima Lama fight is toned down).
BLOODY FISTS/Veriset Nyrkit/FIx/cut. The only scene that has had the hacking, is the scene where the Japanese group kills the villager. Even though the cuts, the FIx-version is still fairly graphic.
BODY COUNT/Body Count - Shamaani/FIx/cut
50 sec. The infamous distributor Kasino Video released some of
Ruggero Deadoto's movies ("Cut & Run"), but of
course trimmed. This ok slasher flick is cut to that point, that
pretty much every murder in the movie is shortened more or less.
The version is still quite splatterly, though. NOTE: The British
cert.18-videoversion is cut 14 seconds. The British dvd is re-certified
'15', but the version is pre-cut as the UK video. The Danish
videoversion is uncut.
BOOGEY MAN 2/Boogey Man 2: Tappajan
Paluu/FIx/cut about 40 sec. The flashback murders from part 1 are
shortened pretty heavily; 1.The flahback of Lacey's mother's
lover's (!) murder. 2.The flashback of the girl slitting her own
throat with a pair of scissors. 3.In a flashback, where a girl
holding a fragment of the mirror enters the bathroom, has lost
the bodyshots of the girl who slit her own throat, and the boy
above her. 4.The flashback of Matt's murder in the car is
shortened. 5.When Matt's girlfriend finds his body, a bodyshot of
Matt's body is eliminated (along with the line Matt?). 6.The
bleeding of the priest is heavily shortened.
BORN AMERICAN/Jäätävä Polte/FIx/cut
4 min 42 sec. What a nerve from VET! First they banned this
Finnish cult film, and when it finally came on video, horrific
cuts were made, 3'50" by the distributor, and an additional
52" by VET. 1.A brief butchering of a deer is completely deleted (really bad
editing, though. In fact, if you freeze frame the picture, you
can see about one brief frame of the deleted shot!!). 2.The rape
is briefly shortened. 3.The famous "humorist" scene is
outrageously shortened (the guard hitting Mitch with a Pepsi
bottle is no more). 4.KGB Officer plugging a pen to K.C.'s
wounded leg, is poorly shortened. 5.The famous nipple-torturing
of Mitch has completely gone. 6.A scene of the Russians stealing
Mitch's clothes is cut out!!! This unbelievable cut was actually
applied by VET! Those were the days... NOTE: The British cert.18-videoversion
(titled "Arctic Heat") is cut 14 seconds (the
butchering of the deer is shortened, and a shot of a butterfly
knife is cut). The US version rated 'R' by the MPAA has been cut from the shot of the deer getting
an axe to its head, and a quick shot of a dead Russian who has
been ran over by a Jeep. The Finnish theatrical version (rated K18)
was cut. Also, a partially restored Finnish theatrical print was
screened twice as a part of the Finnish Night Visions movie
festival - unfortunately, the organizers only found a few meters
of the censored film footage they could restore; the butchering
of the deer and the rape were uncut, and the Russians stealing
Mitch's clothes was intact, but for some reason the "humorist"
scene was even shorter than in the severely cut Finnish video!
The Swedish videoversion is pre-cut several minutes by the
distributor. The Danish videoversion is uncut on violence, but it's
missing some narrative scenes. The Greek videoversion (titled
"Arctic Heat") is fully uncut. BONUS: Click on the cover
to see a deluxe-size version of this torso's cover.
BRAVEHEART/FI/K16/cut. The Finnish ws dvd-version is unfortunately same as the UK disc, so it has pre-cuts by the BBFC (in addition to the MPAA cuts made to the film before release), made to archieve a '15' certificate. The old man's throat-slit is shown in more tame angles. NOTE: The Finnish dvd re-issue (with a K15-rating) is the same old version with the BBFC censoring. The Finnish cinema- and videoversions (also rated K16) are identical to the R-rated version, and without additional cuts.
BRIDE OF CHUCKY/FI/K16/cut 10 sec. The shortened
scenes are as follows: The throat slit of the cop, the murder of
Damien, the stabbing of the fat guy (a'la Chucky), and the murder
of the couple on the waterbed. NOTE: The Finnish theatrical
version (rated K18) is uncut, and the Finnish dvd-version rated K18
is uncut too (though with an 4:3 image). The 18-rated UK
videoversion and the Swedish videoversion (above on the right)
are also uncut.
THE BURNING/Koston Liekit/FIx/cut 1 min
29 sec. The cuts in this cool slasher include almost every
gruesome make-up effect by the master of gore, Tom Savini. The infamous raft scene is heavily cut (only thing that's
left is a series of extremely brief flashes), almost every murder
(the death of the hooker, throat-slit, the death of the long
haired guy etc) and the burning of Cropsy (Lou David) in the
beginning and in the end of the movie, are shortened. NOTE: The
British cert.18-video- and dvd-versions are cut by 19 seconds (3
cuts totalling 10 seconds for UK cinema, and further 3 cuts
totalling 9 seconds for UK video); the throat-slit has lost a
shot of blood in the breasts, and the raft-scene is cut to pieces
(at least losing the finger severings, and the scissors being
stabbed in the throat). The Australian videoversion is cut from
the death of the hooker, and from the raft scene, and the British
videoversion released prior to the UK video act is also cut. The
Greek videoversion is also trimmed from the violence, and so is
also the New Zealand videoversion. The US version is cut about 40
seconds to archieve an 'R' rating as follows - the hooker's
murder is severely shortened (scissors being pushed all the way
to the stomach and the following bleeding, the hooker spitting
blood, Cropsy removing the scissors from her and pushing her
through the window, and blood gushing on the mirror), the throat-slit
has lost some shots of the throat bleeding, the raft scene is
heavily cut (the finger severings has lost blood spurting on the
victim and the victim holding his own blood splattering palm-stump,
the white-shirted kid screaming with blood on him, the scissors
being pushed to a boy's throat and then pulled out, and the girl
being slashed in the forehead has lost the bleeding), the long
haired guy getting dragged in the air with scissors on his throat
has been deleted, the long haired guy being pinned to a tree is
shortened, Cropsy getting an axe to his head has been cut from
the gory blood-gushing shot, and Cropsy getting the scissors on
his back is reduced. The videoversion with a "Strong Uncut
Version" sticker released by VIPCO, is uncut.
CALIGULA/FIx/cut. The FIx-version of this classick doesn't have any cuts from the distributor, or VET for that matter as far as I know, but reportedly this version still loses some shots of violence, like the ending (spoiler, spoiler!) has Caligula only axed, completely missing the subsequent repeated spearing, and all of the hard-core sex is deleted. NOTE: The Finnish K18-rated dvd-version (with two discs) is the fully uncut, unrated version on anamorphic widescreen! The Finnish theatrical version's rated K18, and heavily cut, (4 minutes and 14 seconds by the distributor, and additional 1 minutre and 9 seconds by VET) mostly from the violence. The British cert.18-version (video and dvd) has cuts to extremely graphic sexuality, nudity, violence, and all the other non-conservative content totalling 55 minutes and 7 seconds (!!!) courtesy of the distributor!!! The UK video released prior to the British video act was identical to the X-certified UK theatrical version, which was cut approximately 14 minutes from the hard-core sex sequences, strong female nudity and masturbation, babies sucking genital-shaped bottles, some bestiality references, almost all of the graphic bloody violence, and also the very strong blow-job sequence was removed (along with the woman licking the post-climax sperm) - some of the censored sexual footage was padded with lighter substitutions by the distributor. The R-rated version is cut about 40 minutes (!) the cuts at least include: *Sight of Drusilla laying on her side with her vagina visible is deleted. *A clear sight of Drusilla's vagina visible (while she's on top of Caligula) is cut, along with some dialogue, including the mentioning of Marcellus' dick size. *When Caligula does his dance at Tiberius' pool, several explicit shots are substituted with footage from alternate, tamer camera-angles. *Sentry's dick being tied is completely deleted (along with some explicit insert shots). *The scene with Caligula in bed with Drusilla (which ends with the black bird appearing) is cut out. *The scene with the three senators in a mud bath (which also includes Caligula's torture chamber fantasy) is completely removed. *Macro swearing alliance to Caligula is cut. *Caligula noticing a man fellating on another in hardcore detail in the secret room, and then banishing them, is missing. *Scene detailing two senators having a land dispute is deleted for some reason. *Caligula banishing Ennia is removed. *Caligula's and Caesonia's sex scene is cut (though it is quite ungraphic). *The shot of Macro being decapitated is removed. *The rape of Livia is completely removed (the scene ends in the R-rated version just after Caligula says Take off that robe). *Scenes of Caligula, Drusilla, and Caesonia plus Anneka and Lori having sex are cut. *Close-up of Caligula vomiting in the horse stable is missing. *The scene showing the horse in bed with Caligula is completely deleted (this also includes Drusilla arriving, Caesonia getting Longinus, Caligula reciting his will, and the senator offering his life for Caligula's). *The scene where Caligula approves several of the documents, and loses his temper is cut for some reason. *The death of Proculus is completely cut out (including the naked women rubbing his blood on their bodies and pissing on him, and his penis being cut off, and fed to dogs). *A sight of Caligula watching a rat pulling a small toy chariot is removed (perhaps because it is animal torturing... maybe). *The birth scene is shortened (including a graphic shot of a newborn baby sticking out from the vagina), and a preceding scene of the city is added. *The death of Drusilla has lost Caligula dragging her naked body. *The jail scene is shortened. *The Imperial Bordello scene is very heavily cut (mostly to remove hardcore sexual details), and loads of substitutions, mostly alternate and tamer camera-angles, have been added. *The Celebration Feast scene is shortened to remove sexual details. *Charea's plot to assassinate Caligula being overheard is removed for some reason. Also just about every sight of hardcore sexual footage overall is either removed or substituted with a milder camera-angle or take, which mask the hardcore details out). The R-rated version originally ended with the Mighty Guccione himself appearing, and urging the audience to seek out the unrated version. The Swedish videoversion is almost uncut; it only has the biblical passage in the beginning missing.
CAMERON'S CLOSET/Pahuuden Portti/FI/K16/cut.
Cuts to gruesome shots of corpses. NOTE: The UK videoversion is
Polttouhrit/FIx/cut about 10 min 25 sec. The distributor Alfa
Panorama did a real number on this Italian cult classic. 1.The
death of a muskrat is shortened (the close-up of the muskrat
being stabbed, is cut). Over one minute is cut from the "ceremonial
punishment"-scene: 2.The native woman being raped with an
uncomfortable dildo and the following genital mutilation have
been completely cut out. 3.The native man crushing the woman's
head with a rock, has been completely deleted. 4.When the fried
native woman is brought to the place, where the cannibals are
dismembering and raping women, a shot of a woman being skinned
alive, is removed (the shot is on the videocover of the cut FIx-version!).
5.A second shot of the woman being skinned alive, is cut. 6.The
whole killing of a turtle has been cut out (over 2 minutes in a
row!). 7.The leg-amputation has been removed almost completely -
only the machete hit is intact, and the rest is removed. 8.The
natives picking up a monkey, and chopping its head with a machete,
has been cut out. 9.The native women digging the fetus out of the
pregnant native woman, has been cut. 10.The native women bashing
the not-so-pregnant-anymore woman into the head with rocks, has
been completely removed. 11.The native girl being raped
repeatedly by the film-crew, has been completely cut out (about 2
minutes in a row). 12.When the camera-crew nears the pole pierced
native woman, we miss them taking photographs of it (you can see
a pic of this on the cut FIx-version's cover too!). 13.Panning
close-up of the pole pierced woman's body, is cut out. The last
filmclip is extremely heavily cut: 14.Jack's castration has been
cut out. 15.The natives beating Jack's corpse with sticks, and
therefore tearing it to pieces, is no more. 16.Fay being raped
twice, and the natives hitting her with sticks, has been
completely removed (over 2 minutes in a row!). NOTE: The British
version certified '18' has 5 minutes and 44 seconds of cuts (it
was previously completely banned) - extremely heavy cuts to
sexual violence, and animal-torturing/killing (the FIx-version
has some of these cuts actually intact!). The Japanese laserdisc
is optically censored. The Netherlands' video (on the Cult Epics
label) - and the dvd-version, and the Irish video (on the Cosa
Nostra label) are presented widescreen and uncut (though the
Irish one is a few seconds shorter due to some print damage [there
is a second or two worth of footage briefly missing just prior to
the scene where the party eats with the natives]). The dvd
release by EC Entertainment is slightly shorter from "The
Last Road To Hell" sequence - it is missing a snippet
showing the firing squad - oddly, the Italian dvd also contains
this cut. The US laserdisc is reported optically censored.
CAPE FEAR/FI/K16/cut 13 sec. Good 1992 remake directed by Marty Scorsese. The shortened scenes are: Max Cady (Robert De Niro) biting Sam Bowden's (Nick Nolte) co-worker's cheek off, thugs beating Max Cady (brief cut), Max Cady slitting the detective's throat with a wire, and a couple frames of (suprise, suprise!) Max Cady burning in the end of the movie. NOTE: The Finnish widescreen dvd-version (two disc collector's edition) is uncut, and with a K15-rating.
CASINO/FI/K16/cut 1 min. This version is the already pre-cut US R-rated version with more cuts. The bloody shootings are all intact, but 1.The torture-scene, 2.The beating of Dominick with baseball bats, and 3.The extremely graphic beating of Joe Pesci with baseball-bats, have been heavily shortened. NOTE: Coincidence or not, but the Swedish videoversion contains the exactly same cuts! The Finnish theatrical version (rated K18) was passed without cuts.
CAT PEOPLE/FI/K16/cut 2 min 22 sec. 1982 Paul Schrader movie. Cuts made by the distributor. At least the scene where the tiger rips a man's arm off, is shortened. NOTE: The FIx-version (titled "Kissaihmiset") is uncut. The Swedish videoversion is cut 3 minutes and 21 seconds!
SACRIFICE/Maissilapset 2: Viimeinen Uhraus/FI/K16/cut about 2 min
30 sec. No cuts by VET, or the distributor, but the version is
already a shortened one. The cuts are as follows: The scene where
a corn slits a black cameraman's throat is shortened. The uncut
version shows the throat bleeding. The next cut comes in a wait
for just couple of seconds - the man's head, which is hit by a
flying corn, bleeds a couple of seconds longer. The death in the
church, where a man's nose starts to bleed with no reason is
heavily shortened. The uncut version shows the man's nose
bleeding dozens of seconds longer, and spreading his blood all
over people. The murder of the doc, is heavily cut too, losing
about 50 seconds. In the cut version, we don't even see doc
killed, just knocked down to the floor. In the uncut version, the
kids take his medical razors and stab him over and over again,
until the leader of the group stabs him in the back with a beeg
knife (this is shown in slow-motion). The final battle in the
field has lost a man sticking a spear through a boy's stomach,
and when the leader dies, in the cut version we don't see his
bloody flesh flying through the air. NOTE: In the beginning of
2000, the Finnish dvd-version (rated K16) was released by Future
Film, and it appears to be the full uncut version.
CHILD'S PLAY 3/FI/K16/cut 13 sec. The
murder in the barber shop (Chucky killing genre-favourite Andy
Robinson!) is shortened, and a couple of other gory shots have
been removed; at least the scene, where the truck-driver gets his
hand ripped off, could be shortened. I've seen a pic, where his
hand (including the edge, with bloody flesh) is fully visible. In
the FI tape, there's just one shot of the hand, where we just see
the palm, and some blood dripping. NOTE: The Finnish widescreen
dvd-version (with a K18-rating) is uncut.
CHUD 2: BUD THE CHUD/Kuunpuremat/FI/K16/cut
29 sec. The cuts include the gory scenes near the end of the
movie, such as Bud The Chud ripping his own heart out, and some
other Chuds falling apart.
CLASS OF NUKE 'EM HIGH/Sairasta Menoa/FI/K16/cut
approx. 45 sec. The cuts include: 1.The melting of the nerd in
the pre-credits sequence is cut to remove his face melting away (poorly
edited). 2.Mutant-Warren stuffing his hand to a Cretin's mouth is
shortened about 7 seconds. 3.The death of the woman who enters
Westly's office is heavily cut; the Finnish video misses out her
getting shot many times (and exit wounds coming from her back),
spitting blood, a sight of the Cretins laughing, and the woman's
body dropping on the floor. 4.The female Cretin rubbing Chrissy's
blood over her chest has been completely removed. 5.The monster
killing the female Cretin via burying through her head is almost
completely cut out. 6.The death of the Cretin with a nose ring is
shortened to remove a close-up of the monster's claw coming from
the Cretin's eye. 7.The two motoring Cretins getting killed is
shortened - the decapitation of the male is shortened, and the
killing of the female is completely deleted. NOTE: Just as in
probably every Troma movie ever made, the US version rated 'R' by
the MPAA is cut. The British and the Australian videos are uncut.
COMMANDO/FI/K16/cut 1 min 22 sec. The cuts in this
superb actioner classic include the most bloodiest shootings (like
Cook shooting the man in the beginning), the neck snapping in the
airplane, the fight between Matrix (Arnie) and Cook (Bill Duke),
and the scene where Matrix buries an axe to a soldier's stomach
and then cuts a soldier's arm off with a machete! The final battle
between Matrix and Bennett has been shortened (beatings and pipe-to-the-stomach).
NOTE: The FIx-version (above on the right) has been taken from
the Finnish cinema-version, which was cut 48 seconds by VET to
archieve an K18-rating (!) at the time, so it has the same cuts.
The Finnish dvd-version with a K18-rating has unfortunately been
printed from a pre-cut version, which has a bunch of cuts
totalling 56 seconds (!); Cook shooting the man in the beginning,
the airplane neck-snap, Cook suffering in the floor with a spike
through his stomach, Matrix slitting a soldier's throat, another
soldier's throat-slit, Matrix killing two guards at once with a
pair of ballistic knives, Matrix shooting soldiers, Matrix
shooting soldiers with a variety of guns, a dungfork in the chest,
axe in the groin, (Suprise! Suprise!) hand off with a machete,
Bennett juggling in eletric wires, Matrix throwing a pipe to
Bennett, and of course, the pipe in Bennett's stomach. The
British cert.18-videoversion is cut 12 seconds - Matrix hitting
an axe to a soldier's groin, cutting the soldier's hand off, and
the fight between Matrix and Bennett has lost the pipe-to-the-stomach
(though the British 18-rated laserdisc was released uncut
accidentally!). The Swedish videoversion is extremely heavily pre-cut
from the violence by the distributor. The US version rated 'R' by
the MPAA is uncut.
COMPANEROS!/Petturit Hirteen Companeros/FIx/cut. Good stuff from your favourite and mine, Sergio Corbucci. The flashback in the beginning is completely missing (presumably due to the distributor's scissoring). NOTE: The Finnish theatrical version (rated K16) was cut by 28 seconds. The Anchor Bay American dvd is completely uncut and anamorphic widescreen (2.35:1).
CON AIR/FI/K16/cut 9 sec. The Finnish videoversion (also rated K16) is uncut, but the dvd-version is the same as the German dvd, which has been cut by the Germ censors. At least some of the shooting of the passengers on the plane, and the finale head-crushing of Cyrus "The Virus" Grissom (poorly edited) have been eliminated.
CONAN THE DESTROYER/Conan Hävittäjä/FIx/cut 54
sec. The first Conan went uncut just like that, and this didn't.
They contain just as much violence (the first one contains even
more, if I might add...)! The shortened scenes are mostly Conan (Arnie)
chopping monster's (or whatever they are) heads off, and
butchering them to pieces with his sword (the opening fight has
lost Conan gorily slashing a baddie on horse [poorly edited]).
The attack on the wood people is missing a close-up of a
decapitated head flying through the air, and Malik cutting a
baddie's throat is deleted. The final battle also has cuts. NOTE:
The Finnish dvd-version (the same disc spread all over
Scandinavia) has been taken from the exact same master as the cut
FIx-version, so it has the same cuts, and it's pan & scan
full screen too!! What the FUCK ?!!! The British cert.15 versions
have been cut 28 seconds - some shots horses falling in the
beginning are cut out, Zula's (Grace Jones) horse being tripped,
Malik slitting a baddie's throat , and Arnie punching a camel
(!!!). The Swedish videoversion (above on the right) has been
trimmed heavily. The American PG-rated (!) dvd-version is uncut,
and widescreen.
CONQUEST/Jumalten Nuolet/FIx/cut approx.
5 min. The censor-loving distributor Kasino Video got their hands
on this not-too-great Lucio Fulci-flick (it has a great score,
though), and decided, not too suprisingly, to butcher the
motherfucker out of it as follows: 1.The long scene that comes
straight after the opening credits, that shows the dark
surroundings, primitive people, and Ocron, is completely deleted!
I don't know is this scene deleted in the original master-tape,
because it's really strange if the distributor has really cut
this away on purpose. 2.The creature hits an old man to the head
with a hammer, only to have a shot of the old man's bloody head
to be removed! 3.The creatures spread a woman's legs so much that
the woman is sliced in half (!) ...or rather don't. 4.Right after
this, Ocron caressing the sliced woman's shoulder, and hitting
the woman's head with a hammer is cut. Ocron drinking blood from
it is still intact. 5.Almost right after this, Ocron's dream is
missing a shot of the arrow making a bloody hole to Ocron's chest.
Strangely, all the splatterings later on the movie, seem to have
been left intact. NOTE: The Dutch videoversion has been cut: the
scene of the creatures spreading the woman's legs, has lost the
woman ripping in half. The British video released before the
local video act has cuts 4 minutes and 8 seconds (!!), same as
the BBFC-approved UK cinema-version, worth applied to the violent
scenes as follows: the sight of an old man's brains exposed after
him receiving a cranium blow, Ocron whacking a severed head open,
various gory arrow hits, a woman's legs being spread and her
slicing in half, zombies being staked, several graphic burnings,
Ocron's heart blowing after receiving a laser-bolt to her chest.
The Australian video used a cut UK master, so it has the same
cuts as the UK video. The Belgian video is uncut, and widescreen.
The forthcoming US dvd from the goo' old folks at Blue
Underground is uncut and anamorphic widescreen (unofortunately
not much on the extras department).
CONQUEST OF THE PLANET OF THE APES/Apinoiden Planeetan Valloitus/FIx/cut 18 sec. The stupid distributor decided to cut this flick, which was rated 'PG' in the US. Some battles between the apes and men have suffered. The removings mostly include blowing of squips. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version (with an K18-rating [!], a part of "The Planet Of The Apes DVD Box-set") is reported uncut, and widescreen.
THE COOK THE THIEF HIS WIFE & HER LOVER/Kokki, Varas, Vaimo, Ja Rakastaja/FI/K16/cut 2 min 7 sec! The Finnish censor apparantly didn't cut (the pun intended) any slack to most Peter Greenaway flicks, as this had heavy censor treatment by VET for the K16-rating for video: the shit-eating is heavily shortened, and some violence is missing; the climatic "cannibal" scene is reported slightly shortened... NOTE: The Finnish dvd is uncut and excellent anamorphic widescreen. The Finnish theatrical version passed uncut with a K18-rating. The UK videoversion (widescreen), and dvd (excellent anamorphic widescreen) both are certified '18' and uncut. The US dvd from Anchor Bay is uncut and anamorphic widescreen. The US version rated 'R' is EXTREMELY heavily butchered - almost a half an hour is censored...!!! The cuts include most of the shit-eating, the Thief pissing on a man, some violence, almost all of the full frontal nudity, all of the love scenes are very heavily censored, and the "cannibal" scene has lost the Wife suggesting the Thief to taste the cock, and the Thief starting to carve it up and eating it. The Japanese versions are optically censored from all of the below-the-waist nudity. Also beware of the US laserdisc, which though uncut and uncensored, has audio drop-outs, and worst of all, the original Technovision 2.35:1 widescreen aspect ratio is horizontally squeezed to a distorted 2.55:1.
COPYCAT/Copycat - Kopiomurhaaja/FI/K16/cut 46 sec. The shortened scenes are the throat slit in the beginning, the throat-slit of the cop, the copycat ripping a piece of glass from his leg, and the shooting of the copycat in the end. NOTE: The Finnish theatrical version is uncut, and with a K18-rating. The Finnish videoversion re-release is uncut, and rated K18. Why do they print uncut re-releases from such bullshit flicks as this?
THE CRAZIES/Kaikki Saastuneet Tuhotaan/FIx/cut
5 min 32 sec. The heavy cuts (nice video cover, though) on this
cult favourite are as follows: 1.A bodyshot of a girl's dead
mother on a bed. 2.A bloody gasmask flies to the ground... or
rather doesn't. 3.The battle between the crazed crowd and the
soldiers is almost completely deleted. 4.A shot soldier bashing
against a wall is removed. 4.When Judy finds the hanged man in
the closet, the body is shown just for a couple of frames,
instead of seconds. 5.David throwing the body in cellar (poorly
cut). 6.The scene where Clank holds up the soldiers, has lost a
blood squip coming from a soldier, and a shooting of another
soldier. Some of these cuts contain slow-motions put by the
distributor, that the sountrack could be intact. A few seconds
from the start of the film showing an exterior shot of a house is
also lost due to print damage. NOTE: The British cert.18-videoversion
released by Redemption is uncut (but taken from such an awfully
washed-out and heavily cropped master-tape, it's unwatchable!).
The old Swedish video is uncut, and in good quality print. The US
Blue Underground dvd (region-free) is uncut, matted anamorphic
widescreen (1.66:1), and features some nice extras - the UK disc
certified '18' features the same specs, plus additional Dolby
Digital 5.1, and DTS soundtracks.
CREATURE/Olio/FIx/cut approx. 1 min 10 sec. The
cuts include: 1.Howard's death in the pre-credit sequence has
been shortened by few seconds. 2.The death of Susan omits the
blood splattering. 3.When possessed Susan wakes up, she spits
blood... or rather doesn't. 4.Ugly bodyshots of hanged bodies are
no more. 5.All sights of Melanie ripping possessed Jon's face are
removed. 6.All shots of the creature eating Melanie are deleted (along
with a shot of her severed head dropping to the floor). 7.A shot
of possessed Jon's face erupting is no more. 8.Jon's head
explosion is no more. 9.Possessed Hofner's (Klaus Kinski) face
erupting is no more. NOTE: There are two FIx-versions, the cut
one (above on the left), and one that's uncut (above on the right).
The uncut FIx-version's Finnish title is "Otus".
CREEPSHOW/Yöjuttu/FI/K16/cut 1 min 52 sec! This is
probably the most worst version of this classic that you can find,
thanks to the infamous distributor Showtime. The cuts are listed
by each episode: "Father's Day": The strangling of
Bedelia is shortened, a neck-snapping is gone, and the entire
climax of the episode is cut out poorly (!!!)."Something To
Tide You Over": Harry (Ted Danson) drowning in a close-up is
completely removed, and Richard (Leslie Nielsen) shooting the
seazombies is very heavily cut. "The Crate": The death
of the janitor is shortened (the creature muching him), the
creature biting Charlie's neck open and bashing him onto the wall,
and Henry (Hal Holbrook) mumbling Tell him to call you Billie!
(!) when the creature's killing Wilma. "They're Creeping Up
On You!": The whole gory end of the episode (!!!), where
cockroaches come out of Mr. Pratt's (excellent E.G. Marshall)
mouth and body, is cut out! NOTE: And of course according to the
Showtime traditions, the back of the video cover features a pic
from the cut scenes (the female seazombie getting a bullet to its
head). The FIx tape is uncut. The Finnish theatrical version was
rated K18 and cut by 4 seconds. The British cert.15-videoversion
(above on the right) is uncut. The Finnish dvd-version released
in 2000, was passed uncut from VET with a K16-rating! This
version has unfortunately the image quality pretty lame - even
the UK video has better quality on the colors. The Finnish
videoversion re-release in 2001 is also uncut. The US dvd rated 'R'
is uncut, and matted widescreen (1.85:1).
CREEPSHOW 2/FIx/cut 1 min 45 sec. The
first two episodes are suprisingly uncut, but the third and the
final episode, "The Hitch-hiker" has been shortened
pretty heavily. The shortened scenes are: Mrs. Lansing shooting
the zombie hitcher several times pretty graphically is shortened
about 40 seconds (in the cut version Mrs. Lansing shoots the
hitcher only once, while all the other shots are deleted), Mrs.
Lansing screaming I got you! and running over the
hitcher with her car, and finally Mrs. Lansing running over the hitcher with her
car against a tree over and over again (in the cut version reduced to only
one time). NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version rated K18 is uncut, and
matted widescreen. The British cert.18-videoversion is uncut.
CROW/FI/K16/cut 19 sec. The cuts include violent shots, such as a crow gouging a woman's eyes out, and a sword being hit trough a man's stomach. NOTE: The Finnish theatrical version, rated K18, passed uncut.
CRUISING/Yön Kuningas/FIx/cut 4 min 13 sec. The cuts include the first murder almost completely, the stabbing in the "theatre", the stabbing of the murderer, and an ugly shot of Pacino's dead sliced and diced neighbour. NOTE: The British cert.18-videoversion is heavily trimmed (58 seconds); the first murder is heavily cut, and a long-lasting shot showing the "morally corrupted" lads in a gay bar has vanquished. The 2003 UK release (widescreen, certified '18') has almost all of the previous cuts waived - it has BBFC cuts totalling only 1 second applied as follows: "To obtain this category cuts of 0m 1s were required. The cuts were Compulsory. Three compulsory cuts for 18 required to remove sight of explicit anal penetration by penis in two murder scenes in line with BBFC Policy and Guidelines on sexual violence". These cuts are to the famous subliminal hard-core close-ups (totalling about six or seven frames) which have been placed into the first murder, and to the murder in the theatre: the initial UK video actually had the subliminal frames in the theatre murder intact, but the master tape is so dark and murky, it looks like nothing. The Swedish video is cut 1 minute and 36 seconds (the first murder completely deleted).
THE CRYING FREEMAN/Mafian Pyöveli/FI/K16/cut 2 min 4 sec. The shootings in the beginning, and in the middle and... well pretty much all around in the movie are shortened, the samurai-sword action is cut out, and the shot where The Freeman (Mark Dacascos) pulls the knife out of the Yakuza woman is deleted. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version (rated K18) is uncut, and so is the Swedish video also.
CUBA/Kuuba 1959/FI/K15/cut 24 sec. The Finnish dvd is exactly the same as the UK disc, which was chopped by the BBFC, who comment as follows: "To obtain this category cuts of 0m 24s were required. The cuts were Compulsory. Cuts required to remove scenes of real cockfighting in accordance with BBFC policy relating to the Cinematograph Films (Animals) Act 1937." The cuts were made to archieve a '12' certificate. NOTE: The Finnish videoversion (rated K16) is uncut. Strangely, the BBFC lists the UK video (also certified '12') released in the late 1990's as uncut.
CUJO/Kauhun Silmät/FIx/cut. At least
the first murder has been almost completely deleted from this
classic's FIx-version. The running time of the cuts has been
rumoured to be anywhere from thirty seconds to almost two minutes...
NOTE: The FI video- and dvd-versions are uncut (both rated K16).
CUT AND RUN/Kuvaa Ja Pakene/FIx/cut. A flick by Ruggero Deodato, trimmed by Kasino Video. At least the "groin ripping" scene is shortened. NOTE: The FIx tape titled "Painajainen Huumeleirillä" released by United Film is uncut. Still, an even more grisly version of this flick is available in France, and in the US (from Anchor Bay). This was made as a "gore re-shoot", because the producers (who tried to duplicate the success of "Cannibal Holocaust") wanted as much violence as possible (great attitude!). The differences between the standard version, and the notorious "hard" version include: The wacko (Michael Berryman) throws a guy off the pier in the beginning, in the standard version he falls into the lake, but in the hard, he's impaled by a stick. - There are several more shots of fully naked bodies lying around - In the opening credits, the drug-smuggling woman lies dead; with her clothes on, or in the hard, nude with graphic wounds on her knees. - In the airbase, a guy gets an arrow to his neck, and falls down. In the hard, a guy comes on the scene after this, and decapitates him very graphically with a machete!! - The woman coming on the spot trips on the body; in the standard version, the body has just got the arrow in the neck, and in the hard, the body is decapitated. - Several bodies in the wiped-out camp are alternative; in the hard, several of them are mutilated, and several more vultures chewing on them (!) are seen on the monitors. - The "groin ripping" scene is much more graphic and longer. - A shot of Richard Lynch's decapitated head is shown - The sight of the Wacko's body is slightly more graphic.
/ D-E-F / G-H-I / J-K-L / M-N-O / P-R-S / T-U-V / W-Y / # / MPAA-U/C /
You can use anything in this page for selfish purposes - The covers taken from The Finnish Cover Archive are used with permission.