********** P-R-S **********
PALE RIDER/Kalpea Ratsastaja/FI/K16/cut 2 sec. No cuts by VET, but the dvd-version have suffered some cutting by the German censors. The "dance"-scene near the end of the movie has suffered some trimming: a few shots of the baddies shooting, and the wussy "dancing" have gone. Damn Warner-fucking-Bros! NOTE: The Finnish videoversion (rated K16) is of course uncut.
PARTS: THE CLONUS HORROR/Clonus/FIx/cut. The murder
done with a scalpel is removed, and a cruel sawing of a head is
almost completely deleted. NOTE: The FIx-version titled "Varaosat"
(above on the right) is the same cut version.
PASSENGER 57/Matkustaja 57/FI/K16/cut 1 min 34 sec. Even though the violence in this Wesley Snipes flick is so light through-out the film, the distributor trimmed away a bunch of medium violence. The cuts include Rane shooting innocent passengers (completely removed), a bloody terrorist corpse comes out of the plane lift is cut out, and the final battle has been shortened. Almost every fight in the movie has trimmings. NOTE: The Finnish videoversion re-release, and the widescreen Finnish dvd-version (both rated K18!) are uncut. The Finnish theatrical version (rated K18) was uncut.
PEKKA PUUPÄÄ KESÄLAITUMILLA/FI/S/cut 38 sec. 1953 Finnish comedy by Armand Lohikoski. When the film was submitted to VET in 1953, they forced the scene where Pekka Puupää serves alcohol to be removed from all of the 10 produced cinema prints, and the Finnish videoversion is taken from exact same cinema-version. The negatives for the censored footage survived, though, but I have no idea that if any kind of restoration has ever been made...
PERFECT WEAPON/Täydellinen Ase/FI/K16/cut 1 min 17 sec. The cuts include Jeff Speakman kicking butt, bashing thugs with sticks, and burning the giant thug near the end of the movie.
PERKELE! KUVIA SUOMESTA/FIc/cut 37 sec. Excellent documentary by Finnish maverick artist Jörn Donner. At the time of its release (1971), VET at least demanded that an authentic sequence where Jaakko Talaskivi, the film's assistant director, picks up a girl from a bar and proceeds to having sex with her, had to be deleted. NOTE: The fully uncut version was screened for the first time in the early 90's in the Tampere Film Festival. Most current theatrical prints now include the uncut version.
PET SEMATARY/Uinu, Uinu Lemmikkini/FIc/K18/cut 8 sec. The cut only includes the theatrical version, which didn't pass even the K18-rating without cuts, but the Finnish videoversion (with a K16-rating!!!) passed uncut!!! It's totally unbelievable, but that's the way it is - the Finnish widescreen dvd (rated K15) is also uncut. The theatrical version had the death of the old grandpa reduced.
PET SEMATARY TWO/Uinu, Uinu Lemmikkini
2/FI/K16/cut 33 sec. The scene, where Edward Furlong's dad shoots
zombie-Clancy Brown's brains out, and the poor thing walks in the
room looking confused, is removed. NOTE: The Finnish theatrical
version (rated K18) was (suprisingly?) uncut. The Finnish dvd-version
(rated K18) is uncut and matted widescreen.
PHANTASM/Yön Kauhut/FIx/cut 20 sec.
The distributor trimmed this weird horror movie to such condition,
that the audience is not able to see the groovy drilling to the head done by the flying sphere. The
version was pre-cut by the MPAA.
Tappaja/FI/K16/cut 3 min 30 sec. The notorious distributor
Showtime cut this flick to a complete torso. The cuts are as
follows: The boy's (who is the mall owner's son) death is almost
completely removed (in the uncut version, the boy is hanged to a
slide escalator!), the scene where Eric pushes a mall security
guard's head to an electric-closet and his eyes pop out is almost
completely cut out, the scene where Eric pushes a guy's head to a
fan is shortened of course, the scene where the arcenist's head
is cut off in the warehouse is almost completely cut out too (uh-oh!),
the fight between Eric and Melody's new lover (Rob Estes) is
extremely heavily cut, the bodyshot of a woman who Eric has
threwd out of a window is cut (poorly), the WHOLE scene where
Eric talks to the owner of the mall and then lights him up has
been deleted, and the whole scene where the burning Eric comes
out of the mall and the blowing of the mall throws him to the air
has been deleted!!! NOTE: The Netherlands' videoversion is uncut.
PIKKU ILONA JA HÄNEN KARITSANSA/FIc/S/cut 1 min. VET cut out the scene where the mother is killed in a bombing, back when this premiered in 1957. NOTE: There is a Finnish videoversion, but no info on is it uncut or not.
PIRANHA/Piraija/FI/K16/cut 3 min 18 sec! The cuts
include: 1.The death of the boy's dad is shortened. 2.The death
of Dr. Hoak is shortened to that point, that we lose almost every
shot of the piranhas ripping his flesh. 3.The piranhas attack on
the children has lost lots of footage; tons of close-ups of the
piranhas ripping the children's flesh, and a piranha attacking on
the male camp counsellor. 4.The death of Betsy is less graphic. 5.When
the piranhas attack on the guests in The Lost River Lake, the
beginning of the sequence has lost several killings done by the
piranhas. 6.After Dick Miller's line We've got a situation
down here, we don't see a very grisly corpse (a'la Rob
Bottin) floating in the water, nor the piranhas eating tons and
tons of people, and the by-standers watching (this scene is cut
almost TWO minutes!). 7.The piranhas attack on Paul (Bradford
Dillman) under water lasts much lesser time. NOTE: The Finnish
videoversion re-release in the 90's (above on the right) passed
suprisingly uncut with a K16-rating! The US dvd (a part of the
"Roger Corman Classics" series) is uncut (the image
being presented full screen, which is the director's preferred
aspect ratio for the movie), rated 'R', and contains some nice
POINT OF NO RETURN/Koodinimi: Nina/FI/K16/cut 2 min 29 sec. The Finnish dvd of this US version of "Nikita" is unfortunately the same as the German disc, which had to be extremely brutally cut to archieve a "FSK 16" rating from the German censor. The scene in the beginning where Maggie shoots a cop is cut, Maggie stabbing the man with the pen is deleted, Bob shooting Maggie in the leg is cut, restaurant shooting has cuts applied to Maggie shooting a cook and bodyguards, Maggie's fight scene is edited, and all scenes where Victor (excellent Harvey Keitel) cleanes someone have been trimmed, and Victor choking Maggie is also trimmed. NOTE: The Finnish dvd re-issue (with a K15-rating, widescreen) is completely uncut. The Finnish videoversion is also uncut, and rated K16.
PREDATOR/Saalistaja/FI/K16/cut 5 min.
The notorious distributor Showtime did a real number on this all-time
favourite. The cuts include shots of corpses that are skinned
alive, a terrorist shooting a hostage to the head (completely
deleted), the team's attack on the terrorists is very heavily cut
(including shooting, burning bodies flying through the air, and
the famous "Stick around!" scene), the death of the
team member with glasses is briefly shortened, Predator dragging
the team member's body away (why is this cut?!!), a shot of team
member's dead body in the tree, the gory murder of the team
member, Mac (Bill Duke) slashing his own face with a razor, a
stick bumbing to a team member, the gory death of Mac, the
extremely gory death of Dylan (Carl Weathers) is completely
deleted, Billy slashing his own chest with a machete (what a
bunch of masocists!), the predator shooting Dutch (Arnie), the
predator beating the crap out of Dutch (extremely heavily cut!),
and wounded predator spitting green blood out of his (its?) mouth.
The most notable thing is that the Predator's real ugly alien-face
isn't shown even one time in this cut version! NOTE: The Finnish
theatrical K18-version was heavily cut. The Finnish dvd-version
rated K18 (!!!) has some cuts (same as the standard UK-DVD); some
shootings are cut, the "Stick around" is now "cut
around" poorly, Mac's dead body squirming around is no more,
and the death of Dylan is briefly shortened. The Finnish Special
Edition dvd-version rated K18 is uncut and matted anamorphic
widescreen, and with extras. At least the British cert.18-videoversion
on full screen has survived uncut by some miracle (there are also
rumors of cut versions circling in the UK market).
PREDATOR 2/Saalistaja 2/FI/K16/cut 1 min 24 sec. The cuts include thugs stabbing the sacrificial victim hanging from the ceiling, The Predator shooting a flying spear to a head of a Jamaican thug, The Predator pushing a spear to a thug, the decapitation of the Jamaican boss is reduced, the slaughter of the SWAT team has lost some material, the tough cop (Danny Glover) shooting The Predator with a shotgun, and the death of the SWAT leader (Gary "I'm in every movie you've ever seen" Busey) is shortened a little bit too. NOTE: The Finnish theatrical version passed uncut with a K18-rating. The Finnish dvd-version with a K18-rating is uncut, and widescreen. The Australian video rated "MA 15+" has been cut as follows (the Austr. dvd rated "R +18" is uncut): 1.Harrigan blasting away gangers with a shotgun during the street war (white flashes are added to smooth over the cuts). 2.During the street war, a ganger snorting cocaine, and putting some of it to his wound is missing. 3.During the street war, a ganger taking drugs from his jacket and snorting them, is deleted. 4.Harrigan's line Which means cutting off my dick and shoving it up my ass is censored. 5.The knife being pushed to the sacrifical victim's stomach is deleted. 6.Jamaican thug getting stray bullets to him in the Predator attack. 7.The Predator spearing a Jamaican is removed. 8.Shot of a skinned-alive body hanging from the ceiling (which startles Jerry). 9.The death of the SWAT leader is edited.
PRINCE OF DARKNESS/Pimeyden Valtias/FI/K16/cut
20 sec. 1.The scene where the black guy slits his throat with a
sharp piece of wood is cut (slow-motion being used in the editing,
so that the soundtrack could be intact). 2.The death of the guy
who's runned into the alley is shortened (lost a pale bum [a
cameo by Alice Cooper!!!] impaling him). 3.The scene near the end
of the movie, where the priest (Donald Pleasence) decapitates the
possessed woman, and the woman picks her head up, and puts it
back to her shoulder, is completely missing. NOTE: The Finnish
cinema-version with a K18-rating passed uncut. Beware of the 15-rated
UK version, because it's said to be pre-cut by the distributor as
follows: the impaling is shorter, and the scene where the black
guy slits his throat with a sharp piece of wood is toned down.
PRISON/Vankila/FI/K16/cut 27 sec. The bloody murders are shortened, like the nasty barb wire murder. NOTE: The 18-rated British video is uncut. The US R-rated version is cut down from the violence.
PROM NIGHT/Koston Kruunajaiset/FIx/cut
11 min 9 sec! The distributor really did a number on this slasher!
At least most (all?) of the violence is cut out, and a scene
where the killer just spies on a couple in a car, has been hacked
out (!). NOTE: The Finnish dvd released by Future Film is uncut.
The Danish videoversion has been (very poorly) cut, e.g. from the
prom decapitation. The US dvd released by Anchor Bay is uncut,
and widescreen.
Murhaaja/FIx/cut 2 min 48 sec. The cuts in this cool slasher (with
make-up fx by Tom Savini) are as follows: 1.The murders of the
girl, and her new lover in the prologue is shortened by 14
seconds. 2.The murder of Carl outside the shower is heavily
shortened. 3.The extremely graphic pitchfork murder of the girl
in the shower is removed almost completely. 4.The throat slit of
the girl in the pool is heavily cut. 5.The murder of the woman
walking to the pool, is shortened. 6.The fight between Vicky
Dawson and the killer is shortened heavily (about 40 seconds),
losing the shooting of the killer, the shooting of the old guy,
the killer getting a pitchfork to his back, and the climax of the
killer's head blowing to pieces! 7.The "shock" shower
scene before the end-credits is shortened (WHY?!). NOTE: The
Swedish videoversion is heavily cut. The US release was cut and
censored to archieve an 'R' rating - *The killing of the girl and
her new lover is a few gory seconds shorter. *The murder of Carl
has lost some blood-gushing from the head, and the guy's eyes
going bonkers. *The shower murder has lost the pitchfork digging
deep to the girl's stomach, and the girl spitting blood. *The
throat slit of the girl in the pool is shortened. *The murder of
the woman walking in the pool is trimmed. *The head-explosion is
censored. The Greek videoversion and the widescreen Blue
Underground US dvd are fully uncut. There has also been a UK
video release in the 1980's.
PSYCHO COP 2/FI/K16/cut 1 min 24 sec.
At least the scene where Psycho Cop (Bobby Ray Shafer) kicks the
dead body in the roof of the high building, is shortened. NOTE:
The US R-rated version has a few stripping- and sex-scenes
trimmed (the cut FI-version has all this material intact).
PSYCHO III/FI/K16/cut 19 sec. The
murder of the teen bitch in the bathroom has lost all shots where
she's stabbed in the stomach (the throat-slit is still intact),
and the gory murder in the phone boot is shortened. NOTE: The
Finnish theatrical version was passed uncut with a K18-rating.
The FIx-version (above, Finnish title "Psyko III") is
PULP FICTION/Pulp Fiction-Tarinoita Väkivallasta/FI/K16/cut
1 min 19 sec. The cuts, which seem like the distributor (or VET)
was just trying to think something to cut, because this was rated
K18 for some reason in the theatres in Finland. These cuts are: 1.All
shots of Vincent Vega (John Travolta) preparing to use drugs and
then pushing an injection needle to his vein (completely deleted).
2.Couple of seconds cut from the scene where Zed fucks Marsellus
Wallace (Ving Rhames) up the ass (along with a shot Maynard
mumbling Yeah, yeah) 3.Butch (Bruce Willis) slashing
Maynard with a samurai sword. 4.After Marsellus shoots Zed to the
groin, two shots are deleted; Marsellus walking to Zed with the
shotgun and ejecting its shell, and Zen lying on the floor in
pain (along with the line Fuck!). NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version
(widescreen, rated K18) is not cut. The British cert.18-video (and
dvd) version is cropped on the drug injection scene (you don't
see the needle piercing the skin).
Paholainen/FI/K16/cut 20 sec. The distributor Showtime did
amazingly little cuts on this horror flick directed by sfx-master
Stan Winston. One 20 second cut, that's done in a row, includes
The Pumpkinhead pushing a rifle through a guy's stomach, and then
hanging him high into the air.
THE PUNISHER/Rankaisija/FI/K16/cut 11 min. The massive cuts on this excellent extremely violent, and cartoon-ish movie (based on the Marvel comic book) include the strangling of a thug, dozens shootings of thugs, the yakuza-woman crushing the bones in a mob boss' hand, beatings of thugs, plus the shooting in the restaurant is heavily shortened. The ambush in the pier has several cuts; the yakuza gunning down the mobsters is shortened, a masked yakuza slashing a mobster's throat is removed, the roped spike impacting on the yakuza is trimmed, a white-shirted thug falling down with his stomach shot and bloody (this happens when The Punisher is gliding down on the rope shooting), The Punisher shooting two masked yakuzas in a row is shortened to just one, The Punisher shooting a masked yakuza with a chain is completely removed. Also, while The Punisher is chasing the van, he shoots a thug with a machine gun - this is also fully deleted, even though this is quite non-graphic. The huge massacre near the end of the movie has lost whole minutes of carnage; at least The Punisher (Dolph Lundgren) and Gianni Franco (Jeroen Krabbé) shooting the army of samurai thugs is completely cut out. The scene where The Punisher throws a knife to the yakuza-woman's forehead is almost completely deleted, and the fight between Gianni Franco and The Punisher has been shortened. Strangely, all the scenes in the sewer, where The Punisher mumbles vigilantish thoughs, like Why are the innocent dead and the guilty alive? are deleted. Perhaps because The Punisher has been wanted to be presented as a killing machine with no strong motives. Oh well... NOTE: The British cert.18-videoversion is cut 1 minute 21 seconds; 1.The fuckin' opening-credits have been cut! Ok, so it features the camera going through the sewer, and sort of paper-doll versions of thugs, that are still, appear, and they are shot to little sharp pieces. First of all, the second thug that appears (a completely yellow one), has a pair of nunchucks (but they're NOT wawed, because the thug is completely still, freeze frame-like). In the UK version, we actually see the thug, when he first appears (when we can't clearly make out what kind of weapon he's holding). But suddenly the frame freezes, and goes completely black, and then the next thug appears. In the uncut version, the frame goes forward, and passes the yellow thug, and we clearly see, what kind of weapon he's holding, and then the second thug (and the credit of Dolph Lundgren) appear. 2.The opening-credits; just before the film's title, The Punisher shoots a bunch of paper-doll thugs, but the same thug with nunchucks cut out before, getting shot, has been removed. 3.In the boat, a single shot of a martial arts weapon flying through the air, has been cut. 4.An identical cut to cut 3, in both cases, the weapons impacting on their victims was no problem for the BBFC! 5.A man attacking a masked yakuza with a spear, has his neck snapped, but not in the great U of K. 6.A masked yakuza severing a man's palm, is no more. 7.A brief close-up of a masked yakuza's foot, which has razors attached to it, has been cut out (because the BBFC fears that the viewers may imitate this! Ooo-wee!). 8.Just as The Punisher arrives at the harbor, several shots of him looking at the arriving men, have been cut, because The Punisher has a crossbow in his hands (a huge BBFC no-no, even though a shot of it was at least left intact in the British cert.15-videoversion of Sam Raimi's "Army Of Darkness", and many others!)!!! 9.The Punisher kneels down to take aim...or rather doesn't, because the weapon he's aiming, is a crossbow. 10.A masked yakuza throwing a knife to a thug's throat, has been cut out, but the shot of the masked yakuza throwing the knife, has been lifted to little later in the movie, when another thug gets a threwd knife. 11.When The Punisher shoots a roped arrow to a yakuza thug's chest, we miss two close-ups of the roped arrow flying through the air (!). 12.When the roped arrow has impacted on the yakuza thug, a very brief shot of it sticking out of his chest, has been cut. Still, just a moment later, The Punisher shoots some thugs, and in the same shot, you can see what is cut here! 13.In the casino, The Punisher throwing a knife to a sun glassed thug's neck, has been completely removed. 14.Now this is probably the most strangest cut I've ever walked into! The scene of The Punisher totally shooting up the casino with a huge machine gun, has been extremely heavily cut, over 40 seconds in a row!!! This includes him just shooting slots and liquer bottles, not a single person! I guess the only explanation I can come up with, even considering BBFC's perverted policies, is that he's enjoying it too much (similar cuts were made to "Rambo 3"). 15.After the yakuza girl has thrown her sharp ear-rings to the mob-boss' palms, close-ups of the palms bleeding, have been trimmed. 16.When the yakuza woman kills the mob boss by shooting him in the mouth, the mob boss roaring when the gun is stuffed to his mouth, has been deleted. This is cut 'cause the BBFC fears that this may lead to viewers roaring in real life, if they have a gun stuffed to their mouths! 17.When the thug attacks the buss full of kidnapped kids, a single shot of the children twisting his fingers, so that he would fall out of the window, is cut out (!!). 18.The last breaths of the martial arts thug, while spears are sticking through him, are no more. 19.A single shot of the yakuza girl having her shoe flip out razors, has been cut, that poor moronic working-class viewers wouldn't imitate it. 20.The Punisher snapping the yakuza girl's neck, has lost the snapping. Even the otherwise extremely heavily cut FI-version has some of these cuts intact! The US version rated 'R' is cut too: two scenes of thugs getting shot in the head (eg the bodyguard thug in the restaurant) have been cut. Everything is cut! Cut, cut, cut...
PUPPET MASTER/FI/K16/cut 2 min 21 sec.
The cuts are as follows: 1.The throat-slit of Dana. 2.In the
dining room, three shots of Frank's, Carissa's, and Dana's
corpses have vanished. 3.The scene, where Gallagher beats Alex
badly has lost one punch, along with Jester giving a sad look,
and Gallagher saying What the hell are you looking at?.
The gory, long death of Gallagher is extremely heavily shortened;
4.A brief cut of The Tunneler drilling Gallagher to the leg is
cut. 5.Blade tossing Gallagher's severed fingers away, is
completely removed. 6.Brief cut of Gallagher looking at his blood-splattering
mutilated hand. 7.A shot of Blade jumping from the elevator shaft
along with a shot of Gallagher's mutilated palm spurting blood. 8.A
brief cut of The Tunneler drilling Gallagher, and Leech Woman
nearing Gallagher's mouth (poorly cut). 9.Blade forcing Gallagher's
mouth open, and Leech Woman putting a leech in there (completely
cut out). 10.A brief shot of the leech moving in Gallagher's
mouth. 11.The Tunneler drilling Gallagher, and Pin head snapping
his neck (the censors have used soundtrack altering!). NOTE: The
British cert.18-videoversion has been trimmed. The version rated
'R' by the MPAA has the sex-scene between Frank and Carissa
shortened, and one brief cut to Gallagher beating up Alex. The
otherwise cut FI-version has the MPAA cuts completely intact!
PUPPET MASTER 2/FI/K16/cut 21 sec. The cuts include Blade going for the fat burned woman's corpse and ripping her forehead with a blade (poorly cut), the scene where The Tunneler drills a man's forehead is shortened, and the scene where Blade slits a man's throat is shortened too. NOTE: The US R-rated version is uncut.
approx. 5 min. The scene where the surgeons cut skin off from a
lady is shortened, the scene where a surgeon goes apeshit and
cuts a lady's fingers off is heavily cut, the scene where a
workman gone apeshit turns a driver to a bloody mess with a drill
is pretty heavily censored, and the entire scenes of the
massacres in the police department and in the shopping (or should
I say chopping) mall are COMPLETELY cut out! NOTE: The Finnish
theatrical version was rated K18, and had three cuts totalling
approximately 20 seconds applied by VET: The surgeon cutting a
piece of skin off in the first reel, and two short "killing
scenes" in the second and forth reels. The British version
certified '18' is uncut. The Swedish video is heavily cut.
RAKAS VARKAANI/FIc. Before the release of this Finnish movie in 1957 (directed by William Markus), VET thought that the movie was "morally questionable", and demanded the ending to be changed! A scene of a character going to prison was added. All versions, including the Finnish video, are the VET-approved one.
RAMBO 3/Rambo 3 -
Taistelija/FI/K16/cut 9 min 11 sec. The infamous, nasty, evil,
etc distributor Showtime cut this sequel to shreds! The cuts are
are as follows: 1.The opening stick-fight is extremely heavily
cut; after the first blow on Rambo (Sly Stallone), almost 2 and
½ minutes of punches and kicks are removed (along with many many
shots of the audience) in a row! 2.The copter attack near the
border; several shots of the copter shooting soldiers, and
Trautman (Richard Crenna) shooting at the copter are removed. 3.The
copter attack near the border; few shots of a soldier crashing to
a car window are deleted. 4.Copter attack at the rebel base;
about 10 seconds of the rebels getting shot, just after the
copter first opens fire, is cut out. 5.Copter attack at the rebel
base; when Rambo seeks cover from the ruins, several shots of the
rebels being bombed (a woman with a baby being blasted etc) has
been removed. 6.Bullets blasting out from a back of a white-shirted
rebel is no more. 7.Copter attack at the rebel base; just when
the shooting has stopped, incredibly lot of shots of dead rebel
bodies have been omitted for some reason. When the next scene
cuts in, two shots of Rambo watching the casulties have been
exiced for reasons unknown. 8.When Rambo first tries to free
Trautman, heavy cuts have been made to the soldiers shooting the
boy soldier, wounding Rambo, and Rambo (of course) shooting them.
9.After Rambo's first attack on the Russian base, Zaysen's guard
actually hits Trautman three times, before Zaysen starts the
interrogation, but not in the cut FI-version. 10.The scene (which
lasts about two minutes), where Rambo removes the piece of stick
from his rib, is completely deleted in its entire content! By the
way, this particular special effect was created for the movie by
Giannetto "Zombie Flesh Eaters" DeRossi himself! 11.When
Rambo finally rescues Trautman from the nasty blowtorchers,
several seconds are shaved from the beating of one of the
torturers, and another Russian coming in. 12.In the underground
cave, Rambo shoots an arrow with blue light, and it impacts on a
soldier, and the other soldiers start to shoot the poor bastard.
In this cut version, all that remains is Rambo shooting off the
arrow. 13.The lurking Trautman shooting the moustached soldier
aiming at Rambo, is cut (the censors have even used poor
sountrack altering!). 14.The ENTIRE scene of the burned up giant
thug vs Rambo is removed! That's right! When Rambo comes out from
the underground cave, no giant thug, no kicks, no punches, no
crushings, no grenades, no round house kicks, no explosions, no
nothing! What a nerve! 15.The final battle; massive cuts! Rambo
shooting soldiers with a machine gun in the car, rebels being
blown away, Trautman getting shot, rebels setting off bombs (!),
all cut! 16.The death of Zaysen, and his co-pilot is shortened
about 10 seconds (them getting riddled with bullets, along with
footage of Rambo roaring), therefore lowing the tension of the
finale to nothingness! NOTE: The Finnish videoversion re-release
in the 90's was suprisingly passed uncut with a K16-rating! The
Finnish dvd-version is also uncut, rated K15, and anamorphic
widescreen (2.35:1). The Finnish cinema-version was left uncut
from the censors, and was rated K18 at the time. The British cert.18-videoversion,
which even has the video cover art censored by the VPRC to remove
the bow and arrows on Rambo's back, is heavily cut (3 minutes and
3 seconds!) as follows: *The stick-fight is heavily cut, deleting
almost all of the hits, punches, and kicks. Also, shots of Rambo
gasping to whether or not to bash the enemy has been removed (courtesy
of the wacked-out BBFC censor guidelines). *The copter attack
near the border has lost three rebels being shot. *In Zaysen's
interrogation, the giant thug beating Trautman is reduced. *The
rebel kid twirling Rambo's knife has been deleted. *The copter
attack in the rebel base is heavily trimmed, eliminating all the
more explicit shots of rebels getting killed. *A POW getting
executed in the Russian base is cut. *The scene where Rambo
throws a knife at a soldier's throat, is short of a close-up of
the knife. *Rambo shooting a few soldiers in the base has been
reduced and cut. *Outside the Russian base, a rebel getting shot
three times is no more. *Rambo hitting Trautman's torturer. *Trautman
breaking his torturer's neck. *A POW shooting a couple of guards
from the helicopter is no more. *Rambo machine gunning down the
tower guards is deleted (originally there was a cool shot of
their blood spraying on the camera). *Lurking Trautman™ shooting the moustached soldier is
reduced (in the uncut version we see about four bullets blowing
out, but that's reduced to about two). *The fight of Rambo vs the
giant thug has a few punches to Rambo omitted, and the climactic
head-butt also removed. *Zaysen and his co-pilot getting riddled
with bullets is briefly cut. The cut Showtime FI tape includes
lots of violence intact, which is trimmed in the great U of K.
RAPID FIRE/Sarjatulta/FI/K18/cut 5 sec. This first tried to surface up in Finland for video in in the early 90's, when it was a little suprisingly rated KK (banned). In 2001, the dvd-version was released, but unfortunately it was the sameas the UK disc, which had the movie taken from a British video master, which contained the following BBFC cut: A bad guy twirling nunchucks, and Brandon Lee proceeding to throw him with a sheet, has been deleted. NOTE: The French dvd-version is completely uncut and widescreen.
RATKAISUN PÄIVÄT/Fic/cut. VET ordered the scene in the movie showing a child being dragged into a car to be cut. The cut was made during this Finnish movie's release back in 1956. NOTE: The Finnish videoversion (rated K12) possibly is uncut.
RAW DEAL/Raaka Keikka/FIx/cut 51 sec. This excellent Arnold Schwarzenegger-flick has suffered cuts from the distributor, like the final death of bossbaddie has lost Arnie pumping shotgun-rounds to him, reduced from six rounds to only one (poorly cut). NOTE: The Finnish re-release videoversion with an K16-rating passed uncut from the evil clutches of VET.
RED DAWN/Red Dawn - Punainen Vaara/FIx/cut 25 sec. This is probably the only cut version of this movie in the whole world. The fuckhead-distributor deleted the whole "introduction-text" in the beginning, where the audience is told what's happened to the world (that UN is busted etc). Maybe they were afraid that the Russians might have been offended (!), because the relations between the Fins and Russians were a little busted at the time (the cold war, an' shit..). NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version is uncut (and widescreen).
31 sec. The cuts include the shooting of the hooker's (Liza
Minelli) customer in the beginning, the scene where Burt Reynolds
beats a cock out of thug is shortened, and the final fight
between Burt and the masked thug has been trimmed by few seconds.
NOTE: The Finnish videoversion re-release (excellent quality
widescreen) in the 90's by Scanbox (above) passed uncut with a K16-rating.
The Finnish dvd is uncut, rated K15, and anamorphic widescreen.
The Finnish theatrical version (rated K18 at the time) was (suprisingly?)
uncut. The British cert.15-videoversion is uncut.
RESERVOIR DOGS/FI/K16/cut 51 sec. For
some reason, almost the whole scene where Vic Vega (excellent
motherfucker Michael Madsen) tortures the chicken shit cop (slashing
him and cutting his ear off) is deleted. NOTE: The Finnish 2002
dvd-version release is uncut, widescreen, and with a K18-rating.
The Finnish videoversion re-issue (also rated K16, above on the
right) is the same previous cut version. The Finnish theatrical
version rated K18 is uncut. The US non-anamorphic dvd-version (rated
'R') is uncut, but the image in framed up the ass, with data
missing from the left side of the screen. The US Color Edition
dvd-version (also rated 'R') is anamorphic widescreen (now framed
correctly), and contains good extras (including a more graphic
ear-cutting scene).
2 min 7 sec. The attack in the beginning of the movie is
shortened (48 secs); this includes thugs strangling a guard,
slitting the throat of the fat guy, and butchering the family
with machine guns. The further cuts are shooting the thug lying
on the ground to the head (3 secs), slitting a thug's throat
pretty graphically with a broken bottle (35 secs), the whacking
of the guard (31 secs), and the whacking of the bossbaddie with
shurikens (10 secs).
NINJA/Ninjan Kosto/FIx/cut 1 min 47 sec. The gruesome distributor
Video Express Scandinavia butchered this excellent Sho Kosugi
ninja-flick. Still, suprisingly little cuts, thinking what the
same distributor did to "Silent Night, Deadly Night". 1.The
butchering of the ninja's (Kosugi) family has been shortened. 2.The
evil ninja snaps the criminal's neck in the comote... or rather
doesn't. 3.The death of the playboy is shorter. 4.The death of
the informant bum is shortened. 5.The beating in the back of the
art gallery is shortened. 6.Ninja throws a shuriken to a thug's
hand... or does he? 7.The death of the granma ninja is shortened.
8.Spikes to a thug's face is no more. 9.A scene where the ninja
spits razors at a thug's face is shortened. 10.Ninja slicing a
thug's hands off is no more. 11.The death of the fucked up white
karate-guy is shorter. 12.All extremely graphic shots of the evil ninja spurting blood after he's stabbed are
deleted. NOTE: The UK video (certified '18') is extremely heavily
cut (over six minutes!!!!) losing all sights of banned-in-the-UK
martial arts weapons, like nunchucks, and shurikens, and the best
bits of gory violence. The US R-rated version had several cuts -
a bodyshot of the ninja's kid (with a shuriken buried in his face)
is cut, the ninja slicing off a thug's hands is trimmed, and the
evil ninja spurting blood is reduced. At least the Greek
videoversion is uncut - the US dvd is also reported uncut.
RICOCHET/Harhaluoti/FI/K16/cut 22 sec.The cuts have been made to the gory escape from the prison (a con sawing a man, and a con drilling a man to the neck), and other medium violent content. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version (2.35:1 widescreen) and the vhs (full screen pan & scan) both rated K18 are uncut. The Finnish theatrical version (rated K18!!!) was cut by a couple of seconds (the con sawing a man). The British cert.18-videoversion is trimmed 5 seconds, cutting a punch, and brief twirling of a butterfly knife. Beware of the US dvd (R1), as it has the film's aspect ratio cropped to a mere more than 1.85:1.
- Kuuma Kapakka/FI/K16/cut 3 min 11 sec. The favourite movie of
bouncers, and almost an actioner classic, which is a little
mediocre at first, but then when it reaches its "let's kill
bad guys, and say one-liners" phase, it really gets rocking.
It also unfortunately had pretty heavy cuts upon VET (the Finnish
cinema-version rated K18 [!] was trimmed by 1 minute and 6
seconds, and additional cuts of 2 minutes and 5 seconds were
applied to get an K16-rating for video!). *The scene in Tilghman's
office, where Wesley's thugs and McGurn threaten Dalton is
missing a montage totalling 11 seconds after Dalton has kicked
McGurn out of the window; Dalton hitting the suited man and the
fat guy picking up the knife; Dalton now throwing the suited guy
into the corner, and the fat guy slashing Dalton, and Dalton
responding with a kick in the chest... the suited man grabbing
Dalton from behind and the fat guy giving Dalton a punch, as the
following shot of Dalton pushing the fat guy away with his feet.
*A brief shot (totalling 3 seconds) of the fat guy punching and
kicking a bouncer in the office. *Yet another brief shot of the
fat guy punching a bouncer, and the bouncer entering the room
putting the fat guy down with a punch. *Outside Wesley's house,
after Wesley has punched O'Connor, all the following is deleted -
Wesley saying You are a messy bleeder to O'Connor and
busting his balls, and Wesley then commenting You're weak.
You got no endurance for pain, and hitting him to the ground.
Welsey then tries to get him up, but fails, and commands his
goons to do the deed, as they do. The following line You're
gonna be fine is also cut out, though it's still in the
subtitles. The deleted footage adds up to 25 seconds. *In the
brawl outside the bar, a sight of Dalton ear-clapping a goon,
kicking him once, and kicking him the second time as he hits the
ground, is missing. *The scene outside the bar, where Wesley's
goons (who are harassing the liquer supplier) has lost Dalton
kicking a goon to the head with a roundhouse kick, then a goon
grabbing Dalton, who donates multiple headbutts to him to get off,
and the third goon knocking Dalton down via smashing a liquer
bottle to his head. *A close-up of Wade punching a goon to the
groin is cut. *A close-up of Wade now kicking the goon in the leg
is cut. *In the scene outside the bar, Wade punching the fat guy
attacking him, and then knocking down the two goons attacking him
via punches and kicks, is completely deleted. *The bar brawl is
very heavily cut, deleting Wesley's line Can't anybody have a
drink around here?, and Jimmy bashing all of the red-shirted
bouncers with his stick, and kicking a bouncer in the chest,
making him crash to a bar table. Also some fistfighting shots of
Wade are omitted. *The fight between Wade and Jimmy has been
edited 15 seconds for the following: Jimmy punching Wade once,
and kicking him on the side of his head; Jimmy then attacks Wade,
and tries to snap his neck, but Wade fights back by bashing Jimmy
to the ribs, and flipping him over to a table. Jimmy then kicks
Wade to the head, and growls Come on, old man. *In the
fight of Dalton vs Jimmy after Jimmy has been thrown onto the
sand by Dalton, Dalton jumping on him, plus numerous kicks and
punches are removed, right until Jimmy drops onto the sand the
second time. *After Jimmy's line I used to fuck guys like you
in prison, Jimmy throwing Dalton to the ground and giving
him a kick is cut out. *After Dalton has broken Jimmy's leg,
repeated punches, kicks, and roundhouse kicks to Jimmy are
deleted. The Finnish video cuts straight from Jimmy's leg being
broken to the shot of Doc running towards the fighting duo. *Jimmy
having his throat ripped out by Dalton is trimmed (poorly edited).
*In the "tails again" scene, as Dalton has twisted the
knife on Wesley's goon's belly, McGurn appears behind them, and
shoots at Dalton with a shotgun. Dalton uses Wesley's goon as a
human shield, and then pulls the knife out, and throws it at
McGurn, and it's a hit. McGurn falls to his death, and Wesley
enters the spot, and spots the two corpses, with Dalton being
suddenly disappeared. All of this is deleted in the Finnish video.
*Brief close on Dalton kicking Wesley's leg is omitted. *Wesley (who
has a bloody bullet wound in his chest) pointing his gun at
Dalton. *When Emmet shoots Wesley, the bullet impacting is cut,
along with a shot of Tilghman approaching, and Wesley pointing
his gun again. *When Wesley is finally gunned down by Tilghman,
the body crashing on a glass table is removed. NOTE: The Finnish
videoversion re-release (with a K16-rating also [above]) is the
exact same cut version, as the older videoversion... The Finnish
cinema-version has cuts at least made to Dalton ripping Jimmy's
throat out, and the climatic shooting of Wesley. The 1990 release
British cert.18-videoversion is cut 10 seconds; an ear-clapping (along
with some dialogue), and a punch to the groin, are no more.
Fortunately the British cert.18-version re-release (vhs and the
widescreen dvd) is uncut!
ROBOCOP/FI/K16/cut 10
min 48 sec!!! The massive cuts on this all-time favourite include
lots of strong and medium violence. Remember that this is the
already cut R-version (trimmed about 40 seconds by the MPAA to receive an
R-rating) with more cuts! 1.The scene where Ed-209 shoots Kinney
to shit is shortened (every shot of Kinney being riddled with bullets are no more). 2.In the
chase, the cops pulling aside to re-load, and the gang picking up
the wounded Bobby, and throwing him at the police patroller's
windshield, and the cops tossing the dead Bobby on the road, has
been removed entirely (about 35 seconds cut in a row). 3.Clarence
Boddicker (Kurtwood Smith) saying Ne-ne-ne-ne.. before
he blasts Murphy's palm to kingdom come (too sadistic, kids!) is
shortened. 4.Boddicker
blasting Murphy's palm to kingdom come. 5.The scene where
the gangblast Murphy's
body to shreds is
very heavily shortened and re-edited (the brief aftermath of
Murphy's palm-amputation is cut, Murphy crawling away from the
sadistically laughing gang is no more, every shot of Murphy being
riddled with bullets is cut out, the gang running out of bullets
is trimmed, and the soundtrack is altered too). 6.The climax of
Murphy's death, where Boddicker shoots Murphy's head (the gang
leaving the spot is shortened too). 7.The whole final 55 seconds
of Murphy's cpr (and flashbacks as well) are deleted. The first
brief views of the Roboocp P.O.V. have also gone. 8.The whole "rape"-scene is deleted (!!!). 9.Shots
of Bob Morton and two whores sniffing cocaine is no more (along
with a bunch of funny dialogue). 10.The scene where Boddicker shoots Morton's legs is reduced (only one shot
is left intact). 11.The shooting in the drug factory is heavily
shortened; every shot of Robocop shooting thugs has been deleted! 12.Robocop
strangling Boddicker, and Boddicker telling him that Dick
Jones is behind the crimes (almost all of this is shown
later on a small screen in Robocop's P.O.V. recordings!). 13.Clarence
blowing his gang buddy's car away, and he and his gang blowing
cars away with their Gobra-guns (WHY is this cut ?!!! Almost a
minute and a half in a row! Unbelievable!). 14.All shots of the
deformed Emil are deleted (also almost all material of Lewis
chasing Boddicker with her car [which is intercut with the
deformed Emil footage], and Boddicker running over Emil with his car are no more).
15.The scene where the no-more-mr-nice-guy Boddicker shoots Lewis
is briefly reduced. 16.Boddicker pushing a crowbar to Robocop's
chest and Robo yelling (along with the line Sayonara,
Robocop). 17.All shots of Boddicker bleeding from the neck are deleted (extremely
poorly cut!!). 18.The scene where Robocop shoots Dick Jones is
shortened. As you all see these cuts are a crime to humanity! The
Finnish videoversion re-release in the 90's by Warner Bros was
passed K16 with cuts totalling "only" 58 seconds; the
amputation of Murphy's hand, the lethal shot to Murphy's head,
and Robocop pulling his spike from Boddicker's neck are cut. NOTE:
The Finnish videoversion released in 2000 by Future Film is
indentical to the Warner Bros version (cut 58 seconds). The
Finnish dvd-version (a part of the "RoboCop DVD Collection")
features both the standard version, and the director's cut! And
adding to that, the VET rating is K15!!! The US out-of-print
Criterion Collection dvd also contains the director's cut.
Strange that this movie wasn't released in Finland by Showtime,
because two of the three pictures in the back of the video cover
above, are images from the scenes cut in the video itself!!! The
theatrical version (RATED K18!!!) which runned in Finnish
theatres in the 80's was cut about six minutes!! Now, here's a
very good example of censorship evolution: first on cinemas very
heavily cut with an K18-rating, then to video with an K16-rating
with even more cuts made to the most mildest of footage, then
just some years later re-released on video with an K16-rating and
cuts over ten times less than in the previous videoversion (!),
and then finally on dvd uncut (and finally with every possible
cut intact including a lot of extremely graphic X-rated violence!)
with an K15-rating...! These guys at VET are outta their minds!!!
ROBOCOP 2/FI/K16/cut. NOTE: The Finnish cinema-version (with a K18-rating at the time!!!), was cut (!) about 20 seconds! The Finnish videoversion re-release (with a K16-rating) is uncut! The Finnish videoversion released Future Film and the Finnish widescreen dvd-version (a part of the "RoboCop DVD Collection") are both rated K15 and uncut. The British cert.18-videoversion (!) is cut 40 seconds (!); the "Magnavolt" TV commercial has lost a hoodlum breaking into a car, a hooker piercing a man's eye with a high heel, Cain shooting a woman hiding in his car, Robocop rubbing Duffy's face to broken glass, Lewis shooting a sniper thug is reduced, Robocop killing a man in the drug factory is cut out, the torture of Duffy has lost the man piercing him and all of Duffy's screaming, and Robocop 2 snapping a woman's neck is no more.
ROBOCOP 3/FIc/K12/cut. The distributor (for some reason) trimmed the violence on this lousy sequel to archieve an K12-rating for cinema. Reports state, that some bloody shootings had to go. NOTE: The Finnish videoversion (with a K14-rating) is uncut. The Finnish dvd-version (widescreen, with a K14-rating) is uncut, but some reports say that it has 3 seconds of BBFC cuts on a scene, where a splatterpunk is seen twirling nunchucks - the Finnish dvd re-issue which is a part of the "RoboCop DVD Collection" is uncut for certain. The US version was cut to archieve an PG-13 rating (the Finnish videoversion has these cuts intact).
ROB ROY/FI/K16/cut 24 sec. Finnish videoversion is rated K16, and uncut, but the dvd-version is the same as the UK disc, which has cuts by the BBFC for a '15' certificate. The rape of Jessica Lange is extensivelly cut, and re-edited. All of the PAL discs (R2 and R4) are the same censored versions.
THE ROCK/Rock - Paluu Helvettiin/FI/K16/cut 40 sec. No cuts by VET, but the Finnish dvd-version has some cuts made by the German censor (those Nazi fucks!): 1.A gunned down SWAT soldier dying while Hummel (Ed Harris) watches, is eliminated. 2.Mason's (Sean Connery) knife-throwing has lost his line You must never hesitate, and a shot of the knifed terrorist falling on his feet. 3.Mason shooting a terrorist in the feet has vanquished. 4.Mason shooting a hanging fridge (or what ever) to a shot terrorist. 5.Shots of a thug's feet burning have gone. 6.Goodspeed (Nicholas Gage) screaming You motherfucker! Die! Die! Die! while shooting a terrorist in the tracks, that's attacking Mason, is cut. 7.Mason neck-snapping is omitted. 8.Some bloody shootings near the end of the movie have been hacked. 9.Shot of Captain Darrow (Tony Todd) with a steak through his stomach is no more. NOTE: The Finnish K16-videoversion is uncut, and the Finnish "Special Edition" dvd-version (with a K15-rating) is also uncut! The British cert.15-videoversion is trimmed 15 seconds (has cuts 1, 2, 3, and 7 trimmed). The Australian videoversion (rated MA 15+) is cut as follows: *Hummel's men shooting the SWAT unit has been heavily edited. *The fight in the tracks between Goodspeed, Mason, and Hummel's men is slightly edited. *Captain Darrow's death has lost the shot of him through the stick.
Otteessa/FI/K16/cut 16 sec. Two scenes are shortened: The scene
where the mafiawoman (Lena Olin) strangles Jack (Gary Oldman) in
a car is pretty heavily shortened (12 seconds), and the scene
near the end where Jack shoots the mafiawoman is shortened by
four seconds. NOTE: The Finnish theatrical version was passed
uncut with a K18-rating. The Finnish dvd rated K18 is uncut, and
anamorphic widescreen. The British videoversion (certified '18')
is uncut.
THE ROOKIE/Tulokas/FI/K16/cut 26 sec. Passed uncut from VET with a K18-rating for theatrical distribution (at the time), but the distributor trimmed the videoversion to archieve a K16-rating: 1.The bar-fight of Ackerman (Charlie Sheen) vs the thugs has lost some shots of Ackerman beating thugs with a pool cane. 2.Ackerman beating the killer has been shortened. 3.Ackerman's girlfriend shoots the killer only once instead of six times. 4.When Ackerman executes the female assassin in the airport, he shoots her only once instead of three times. 5.A shot of the dead body of Shóm (Raul Julia) is omitted. NOTE: The Finnish videoversion re-release was passed uncut with an K15-rating. Well, uncut or not, this movie's such fuckin' crap, so who cares...
ROVASTIN HÄÄMATKAT/FI/S/cut. Back in 1931, this movie, which was one of the first Finnish sound pictures (containing basically just musical cues, and the dialogue being presented as intertitles), went afoul with VET, which demanded that an intertitle saying: "Vanhassa puussa voi olla tuore oksa" (= "An old tree can have a fresh branch"), had to be cut out!! The censoring was made probably because of the intertitle presenting a very mild sexual innuendo, I suppose. The Finnish video is exactly the same as the cut Finnish theatrical version.
1 min 41 sec. The rape-scene where the thugs rape
Brenda's (Linda Blair!) mute sister (Linnea Quicley!) is
shortened pretty heavily (thugs painting her with lipstick, etc),
and some gruesome bodyshots near the end are deleted too. Also an
entire scene where the goody-goody boy of the gang, is in the
streets having flashbacks (of the cut scenes) is completely
deleted (17 seconds in a row). NOTE: The British cert.18-videoversion
is cut 12 minutes and 32 seconds (!!!) ! Haw haw haw!!!
Cop - Mahtava Vastustaja/FI/K16/cut 2 min 20 sec. The cuts
include: 1.Large amount of footage from the opening-sequence;
only one head appears to Sam's dad's head instead of three, and
one head bulging is reduced. 2.Scanning of Harrigan is shortened.
3.Insanity-ward material cut from the beginning (poorly). 4.The
scene, where Pratt stabs the cop, has lost the stabbing. 5.A shot
of Glock (genre-veteran Richard Lynch) in the ground with a hole
in his head has been cut. When the next scene cuts in, Harrigan's
line has also gone almost completely at the same time; I
should have killed him, when I got the chance is now only chance
! 6.Zena's head-explosion is reduced. 7.Glock's death is
massively reduced. And like in the old fassion a'la Showtime, the
back of the video cover has a image of Sam's dad having three
heads appeared in his forehead!
SCANNERS/Tappava Ajatus/FIx/cut approx. 20 sec. The cuts in this near-masterpiece's FIx tape include the you-know-what-scenes: The legendary head explosion is completely deleted, and the final battle between the two scanners has the other scanner's eyes exploding removed. NOTE: The FI tape released in the 90's suprisingly got passed uncut with a K16-rating (widescreen, though with a terrible framing). The Finnish Future Film dvd is uncut with a K15-rating, and anamorphic widescreen (much better framing than the Future Film vhs). The Finnish theatrical version (K18) had no VET cuts, but the distributor trimmed a few seconds to remove the head explosion. There are reports of the R-rated US version being cut by the MPAA from the head explosion.
ORDER/Scanners II: Rukoilet Armoa/FI/K16/cut 1 min 51 sec.
Showtime trimmed pretty heavily this what some mall call a good
sequel; 1.The scanning of the convenience store robber has been
shortened - the scanner going to his girlfriend on the floor (which
is repeated on the security cam tapes moments later) is also
missing for some reason. 2.In the lab, a sight of needles being
stuck from the doc's abdomen, is removed. 3.The scanning of
Gelson in the lab deletes Gelson's fingers being bloodied, and
his head-explosion (soundtrack altered). 4.A guard (who's being
scanned) shooting another guard is mildly shortened. 5.The
scanning and death of Drak is massively cut, losing most of the
scanning, and all footage of Drak's flesh hatching away. 6.Forrester's
scanning has been shortened, mainly for close-ups of his head
deforming. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version from Future Film is
uncut, rated K18 and anamorphic widescreen.
SCARFACE/Arpinaama/FI/K16/cut. The infamous chainsaw-scene is shortened, and the scene right after it, where Tony Montana (Al Pacino) shoots the chainsaw-guy to the head is shortened. The final massacre, where Montana ka-blows thugs with his auto dum-dum dugan is shortened, and the shot where the hit man blows Montana's guts out with a double barrel is deleted. NOTE: The FIx-version (released by Esselte) is uncut. The Finnish dvd-version (anamorphic widescreen) with a K18-rating is uncut. The British pan & scan cert.18-videoversion has almost the whole chainsaw scene deleted, but the widescreen version (also cert.18) is uncut. The movie was originally given an X-rating from the MPAA, and then cuts were made for a lower rating (the chainsaw scene, and a clown getting shot in the bar were heavily cut, and a lot of the language was reduced), but the rating remained the same. Then director Brian De Palma packed up a bunch of journalists, and lawyers, and the scared-shitless MPAA gave the movie its R-rating without a single cut made.
SENSUELA/FIc/K18/cut. Fabulous 1973 movie by Teuvo Tulio, which has grown probably into the biggest Finnish cult movie. Before the movie received its very limited theatrical run when being released, VET demanded cuts for a K18-rating (!) at least into the scenes near the end of the movie involving a castration, and a scene set in the S/M club, where a woman is whipped and tortured. Some reports state that the cuts (which were edited by Tulio himself) clocked in close to 5 minutes and 30 seconds! NOTE: The Finnish Film Archive made a new restored print of the movie in 2001 (and it was granted a K15-rating from VET), but as far as I know, it still contains the old VET cuts.
RAINBOW/Käärme Ja Sateenkaari/FI/K16/cut 2 min 33 sec. The cuts
are as follows: 1.Snake coming out of the zombie-bride's mouth
and attacking Alan in Alan's dream (completely deleted!!!). 2.In
Alan's dream, Alan drowning to red fluid (blood?) inside a coffin.
3.Some Alan's dialogue, and a shot of a severed head of the black
man falling to Alan's arms. 4.The police chief and his fellow
thugs nailing Alan's balls off (off-screen!). 5.A black man
ripping his own head off (gory!). 6.The police chief burning near
the end of the movie has been shortened. 7.Alan furiously beating
the burned police chief (extremely heavily cut, over 40 seconds
in a row!). NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version is uncut, rated K18,
and anamorphic widescreen. The Finnish theatrical version (K18)
was shortened by one minute by VET!!! The cinema cuts at least
included the black man's head-ripping. The British 18-rated
version is cut 5 seconds from a mild cockfight.
SHAFT IN AFRICA/Shaft Ja Orjakauppa/FIx/cut 3 sec. One neck-snapping is deleted. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version (ws / pan & scan) released in 2001 passed uncut with a K18-rating! What a nerve (couldn't K15 be enough ?) ...
SHOCKER/FI/K16/cut 2
min 34 sec. Showtime did their usual stuff, an' made this
extremely lousy film even more lousier (if that's possible); 1.When
Pinker (Mitch Pileggi) attacks the two guarding officers, the
male officer's throat-slit is briefly shortened. 2.The gruesome
bodyshot of a dead cop is deleted extremely poorly. 3.When
Pinker kills Alison, her squirming around in the floor, and
spilling it with blood, is no more. 4.Jonathan walking to the
bathtub with Alison's corpse in it, and Don dragging him away, is
completely deleted. 5.The fight between Jonathan, and Pinker, has
lost Pinker pushing Jonathan's head to a spinning ball. 6.A small
scene right after Pinker is dragged away from his cell, has been
completely cut out. This features the guards trying to revive
Pinker by mouth-to-mouth, but Pinker bites the reviving guard's
lip, and the second guard's fingers. The both guards start to
kick Pinker, and back-up arrives. Pinker pronounces I'm ok.
7.Pinker's execution has been severely cut. When the power first
goes off, a complete small segment is cut out; this features
Pinker waking up with his head fried, and the female doctor going
to check him out, and Pinker electrocuting her. 8.Pinker giving
Jonathan electric shocks, while he's lifted against a wall, is no
more. NOTE: The Finnish videoversion re-release in the late 90's
by Finnkino (above) has been taken from the exact same Showtime
master-tape, so it features the same cuts. The Finnish theatrical
version was rated K18, and uncut. The British 18-rated
videoversion is uncut.
On Aasia/FIx/cut 1 min 50 sec. The whole scene of a sex change
operation is deleted. NOTE: The unrated US videoversion is uncut.
The British cert.18-videoversion is cut 12 minutes and 59 seconds!!
SHORT CIRCUIT 2/Johnny 5/FI/S/cut 2 sec. The Finnish widescreen dvd is the same as the UK disc, which has two seconds of cuts to fit into the 'PG' certificate... Two uses of strong language (the word Fuck, that is) are removed. NOTE: The Finnish videoversion is uncut. The UK videoversion (also certified 'PG') is cut 6 seconds (one cut was waived for the UK dvd).
SHOWDOWN IN LITTLE TOKYO/FI/K16/cut 3 min 30 sec. The cuts in this excellent camp-actioner include: 1.The punishment of the failed bodyguard is shortened; the finger removing is intact, but the stabbing, and the yakuza-boss' yelling (Bring me the head of the blond cop!) is completely deleted. 2.The scene in the steam bath has lost some footage; several shots of Kenner (Dolph "wood log" Lundgren) stabbing the fat guy and pushing a hose to his mouth in the pool have been deleted, and the shootings of the nude yakuza-men in slow-motion are no more. 3.The scene where Kenner comes to rescue the suicidal woman (hot Tia Carrere) has lost some neck-snappings, and shootings. 4.The final scenes has lost a lot of material, like Johnny (the late great Brandon Lee) blowing the guy in the gas barrel, and Kenner shooting thugs with a big machine gun. 5.The ultimate showdown between Kenner, and the bossbaddie has been pretty heavily trimmed; all the bloody slashings to Kenner are no more, and a sword is pushed through the bossbaddie's stomach... or rather isn't. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version (anamorphic widescreen 1.85:1) is the full uncut version, and so is the Finnish videoversion re-release too (both rated K18). The UK videoversion (cert.18) has been cut by 9 seconds - an Oriental thug twirling a butterfly knife, Kenner twirling the butterfly knife after grabbing it, and Kenner twirling the butterfly knife in front of Johnny. The US version rated 'R' (released in vhs, laserdisc, and dvd in the US) is cut (totalling 13 seconds) as follows - 1.At the party in the pool; lost a shot of an Oriental man walking with a topless woman (!!!). 2.Several shots of Yoshida caressing Angel before choping her head are deleted (!). 3.The exact chopping of Angel's head is shown in two different angles, but only one in the R. 4.When the coroner opens the body bag, in the unrated version we get to enjoy two shots completely of Angel's seperated head, but the R has only one intact. 5.When Kenner stabs the fatso under water, one brief shot of Kenner twisting the knife in the stomach while blood pours out, is removed. The cut FI tape is based on the full, unrated uncut version, and it features almost all material cut from the R-rated version!
LAMBS/Uhrilampaat/FI/K16/cut 1 min 29 sec. The cuts in this
masterpiece include: 1. Hannibal Lecter (excellent Sir Anthony
Hopkins) beating Pembry against the cell's bars, and spraying
liquid to his eyes (along with the shots of the cuffed guard
screaming Jesus Christ!, and a shot of him trying to
uncuff himself). 2. Lecter beating a guard with a nightstick
several times (reduced from six hits to one!). 3.A lenghty
sequence that comes right after Lecter has whacked the guards (where
he plays music and walks across the dead guard's body) is
completely removed (along with Lecter's dialogue Ready when
you are, sergeant Pembry). 4.Right after Buffalo Bill is
shot by Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster), there is a long-lasting
(about fifteen secs) shot of his bloody dead body, that in the
cut version is not that long anymore. NOTE: The Finnish
videoversion re-release a couple of years later in the 90's was
passed uncut with a K16-rating, and the "director's cut"
on video is uncut too. The Finnish Special Edition dvd-version (with
two discs) is uncut, but now it has a K18-rating (!). The Finnish
theatrical version (rated K18 at the time) was uncut. The British
cert.18-videoversion is uncut, and so is the out-of-print
widescreen Criterion Collection dvd (the two-disc Special Edition
dvd is anamorphic, and contains a better framing, but lacks an
audio commentary).
Tappaja/FIx/cut. This laughable turkey thriller (with an
extremely misleading cover, with vampires on it!) was mildly cut
by the distributor. NOTE: The UK video certified '18' is cut 1
minute and 34 seconds!
NIGHT/Jouluyö, Murhayö/FIx/cut 1 min 6 sec. The cuts in this
splatter-classick are as follows; 1.Wacko Billy
strangling the creep with christmas lights (heavily cut). 2.Some
frames showing the knife in Pamela's stomach. 3.Blood spraying in
a box after Billy has hit Mr. Simms with a hammer. 4.The scene
where the drunken bitch finds Mr.Simms' body, has lost several
bodyshots of the corpse of Mr. Simms with a hammer in the head. 5.One
second deleted from the scene where the drunken bitch gets an
arrow to her back. 6.Several bodyshots of the bodies of Pamela,
Mr.Simms, and the drunken bitch are deleted before the nun faggot
comes to the toy-store. 7.Shots of the headless corpse of a kid,
with some shots of his severed head bouncing from the hill have
been deleted. 8.All shots of the dead Denise's (Linnea Quicley!)
corpse hanging from the reindeer's head, have been deleted (when
Denise's boyfriend finds her, and when Billy attacks Denise's
boyfriend). 9.Two bodyshot-cuts of Denise's boyfriend's corpse (just
after Billy has thrown him out, and after Billy leaves the spot).
10.One cut lasting a second from the scene, where the cop gets an
axe to his chest. NOTE: This cut version is the cut R-rated
version cut by 50 seconds by the MPAA, with
additional cuts. The back of the FIx-version's cover has three
pictures from shots, that are cut from the movie itself (a'la
SILENT RAGE/Mieletön Raivo/FIx/cut 2 min. The cuts on this Chuck Norris-classic include shots of a man going apeshit with an axe (poorly cut), the bar brawl is trimmed, the murderer's murders are only cut as murder, and the last grande finale round house kick in the final battle is shortened (VERY poorly cut!). NOTE: The British video- and dvd versions (cert.18) have been chopped 41 seconds.
THE SIMPSONS - SIMPSON & DELILAH/FI/11/cut 15 sec. The Finnish Season Two dvd Box-set of the series "The Simpsons" is the same as the UK one, which has 15 seconds censored from the audio commentary track of the episode "Simpson & Delilah". The BBFC themselves comment: "To obtain this category, compulsary cuts of 0m 15s were required, some or all substitutions. A cut was required to sexual references in order to keep work in line with previous 'U' category". The entire Box-set is however certified 'PG'... NOTE: The US Box-set is uncut and uncensored.
1 min 38 sec. Huge chunk of cuts have been made to this ok horror-flick
even using soundtrack altering a couple of times! 1.The scene
where Charles rips his teacher's hand off, has lost couple of
seconds from Charles pulling the teacher's arm, and on the part,
where Charles gives the hand back to the teacher, along with
saying his corny joke (13 secs). 2.In the cemetary, Tanya gouging
Charles' eye out with a corkscrew, has Charles bleeding, and
spilling blood on his shirt well shortened (there's only a brief
glimpse of this intact). Gone are also Charles' line Just
look at this shirt. My mother's gonna kill me!, and Tanya's
line Get off me, get off! (6 secs). 3.The death of the
cop (pencil-to-the-ear) has lost a shot of the cop screaming with
the pencil stucking out from his ear, and Charles (who finds all
this quite amusing!) throwing him to the ground, resulting of the
penicl being buried even more to his ear (4 secs). 4.The scene
where Clowis The Cat mutilates Charles has lost two shots of
graphic mutilation, and three reaction-shots of Tanya (10 secs).
5.The scene where Charles' mother bashes Tanya's dad with a stack
of flowers has been reduced; the bloody impact close-up of Tanya's
dad lasts at least a few seconds in the uncut version, now it's
just a few frames. Also Tanya's dad crashing onto the floor has
been slowed down, so that the soundtrack wouldn't have to be cut
(2 secs). 6.A lenghty bodyshot of Horace with a corn being stuck
on his back pretty bloodily, has been deleted (along with, for
some reason, the Sheriff yelling for Horace on the other side of
the phone) (16 secs). 7.Charles' mother biting the Police man's (Ron
Pearlman) fingers off, has lost two shots; Charles' mother
ripping the fingers off with her teeth (juicy close-up), and the
following shot of the Police man grabbing his gun, while his stub-fingers
are bleeding. 8.Charles' mother snapping the Police man's arm has
been completely deleted (4 secs). 9.Tanya gouging Sleepwalker-Charles'
eyes out, is very poorly cut and slightly re-edited. The two
shots of Tanya pushing her fingers to Sleepwalker-Charles' eyes
has been substituted with a brief footage of the vampire-ish
Charles' mother shown before (so that the soundtrack could stay
intact). Tanya pushing Sleepwalker-Charles down briefly is
completely cut out (4 secs). 10.A close-up of Charles' mother
snapping a cat's neck (!) is cut (2 secs). 11.Charles' mother (turned
into a Sleepwalker) pulling Tanya from the police patroller, and
Tanya hurting her hand on the broken glass (blood! blood!). Gone
is also the Sheriff's line Hey, ma! (5 secs). 12.Charles'
Sleepwalker-mother hitting the Sheriff into the picker fence, and
turning back to Tanya (5 secs). 13.The scene of the cats
mutilating Charles' Sleepwalker-mother has been horribly cut and
re-edited; many shots of the cats ripping her, and new cats
hopping in, are deleted (also a few reaction-shots of Tanya are
no more) (16 secs). 14.The burning of Charles' Sleepwalker-mother
is shorn of several shots of the Sleepwalker-mother running
around burning, and the cats watching (6 secs). NOTE: The Finnish
theatrical version (K18) was suprisingly (?) passed uncut from
VET to theatrical presentation. The Finnish dvd-version is rated
K18, anamorphic widescreen, and, you guessed it, uncut.
SOLDIER/FI/K16/cut 32
sec. The VET cuts in this one of the worst sci-fi movies ever
made, starring goo' ol' Kurt Russell (whose face is stuck to an
eternal grimace), at least include Todd (Russell) bloodily
ripping the gene-soldier's (Jason Scott Lee) forehead open. NOTE:
The Finnish videoversion re-release, and the widescreen dvd (both
rated K18) are uncut.
STAGE FRIGHT/Mielisairaalan
Massamurhaaja/FI/K16/ cut 4 min 32 sec! The damn distributor made
so many cuts to this visually delightful giallo, that it's hard
to keep up with the plot! The disturbing cuts are as follows: 1.All
shots of Betty falling dead on the ground (with an axe sticking
in her mouth) are deleted. 2.The stabbing of Corinne is shortened
(missing the part where The Owl lifts her off the bed and stabs
her a couple of times). 3.The murder of Mark is pretty heavily
shortened. 4.Danny dragging Sybill from the hole, and finally
getting only half of her body to his arms (completely deleted!).
5.The scene where The Owl saws Danny's body to a mess with a
chainsaw in the basement is very heavily (and poorly) cut. 6.The
scene where The Owl wounds Laurel with a chainsaw, and kills
Peter with an axe is almost completely cut out. 7.The scene where
The Owl stabs wounded Laurel in the shower is shortened. 8.The
scene where The Owl plays around with the corpses on the stage (stuffs
feathers to the mouths of the dead bodies, throws wax heads, and
lifts Peter's severed head up) is very heavily cut. 9.The burning
of The Owl is exteremely heavily cut. 10.The part from the
climatic sequence where Allie counts the corpses left from the
massacre, has been completely deleted!!! NOTE: The British
videoversion re-released by Redemption, and the Danish
videoversion (above on the right, Danish title "Bloody Bird")
are uncut. The initial British cert.18-videoversion has been
trimmed 4 seconds (the murder of Mark has lost a huge drill
coming out of his stomach, and Peter's murder has lost The Owl
decapitating him with the axe). The US Anchor Bay dvd is uncut,
and matted widescreen.
THE STEPFATHER/Isäpuoli/FI/K16/cut 6 min 8 sec! The notorious distributor Showtime cut this nice horror-thriller to pieces. The murders are shortened, stepfather (Terry O'Quinn) beating his wife, and a big chunk where the stepfather is trying to catch his stepdaughter has been completely deleted (!), and the gory climax where the stepdaughter stabs stepfather and the stepfather says I love you (This is shown in the beginning of the Finnish videoversion of "Stepfather 2" uncut!) is deleted. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version release from Future Film is uncut, full screen (open matte), and rated K18. The Finnish cinema-version passed uncut with a K18-rating.
STEPFATHER 2/Isäpuoli 2/FI/K16/cut 11 sec. The
notorious distributor Showtime did suprisingly little damage to
this flick. The scene where the stepfather kills his shrink has
lost shots of the shrink looking at stepfather with a knife in
the back of his head. When near the end of the movie, a kid hits
stepfather with a hammer, the scene has lost a close-up of the
hammer in stepfather's stomach, and a close-up of the kid. NOTE:
This includes material cut from the FI-version of the first
"Stepfather". The Finnish videoversion released without
a VET rating by Razzel Video (above on the right) is uncut.
1 min 45 sec!!! The distributor did these absolutely idiotic cuts
to this flick that's so soft on violence as possible. 1.The rape-tape;
after Iris' line Let me go, please it has lost a shot of
the raper giving Iris eletric shocks (a fast glimpse of this is
shown later uncut). 2.The rape-tape; heavily cut: The raper
undoing him trousers (completely deleted), and thrusting over
Iris. Some shots of Lenny (Ralph Fiennes) have also gone. 3.The
rape-tape; Iris dying is briefly deleted. 4.The beating of Lenny
by the gang is heavily cut. Just when the gang has lifted Lenny
and after the first blow, four hits totally are removed (8 secs),
along with the line Pain, pain. 5.When Mace (Angela
Bassett) has beaten the gang, they're about to leave, but Lenny
goes back, and gives a vicious kick to one of the gang members on
the ground. This act wasn't appreciated by the distributor (7
secs). 6.Very brief cut to Lenny knocking off Wade in the hallway.
7.The Faith-video has been reduced 7 seconds from thrusting (WHY?!
It isn't rape!). 8.The Faith-video has lost Max (always great Tom
Sizemore) having his gun on Gant's mouth and screaming Shut
the fuck up! (!!). 9.Max shooting Gant is reduced by few
seconds. Now, this is intresting. It turns out that the censoring
cocks have used soundtrack-altering; Max in the uncut version
says You just did just when he shoots Gant, but now it's
dubbed over Lenny's line Jesus!. Lenny's line is still
in the subtitles, and Max still says his funny comment on it, but
we can't hear the line Jesus! in the soundtrack at all.
10.Max vs Lenny; Max delivers only two punches to Lenny instead
of four. 11.Max vs Lenny; Lenny doesn't snap Max's wrist at all (5
secs). 12.Falling Max crashing to a car is cut. A reaction shot
from Lenny and Faith is deleted as well (6 secs). 13.The SWATs
beating Mace is heavily cut (9 secs). 14.The suicide of the cop
is briefly shortened. 15.The shooting of the other cop is briefly
cut (1 sec). NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version (widescreen, rated K18)
is uncut. The Finnish theatrical version (rated K18 for some
reason) passed uncut. The British cert.18-videoversion is cut 15
seconds (the BBFC have totally "raped" the rape-tape.
The cut FI tape has the scene much more stronger, though cut).
The Swedish videoversion is uncut. I just never saw what all the
censors see in this supposedly "violent" flick. To my
opinion, even a K16 is too strong for this!
STRAW DOGS/Olkikoirat/FI/K16/cut.
The rape of the girl is reduced, and the cruel final scenes of
the movie have been shortened; the shot of an old man's shotgun
blowing up his foot has been replaced with the screen going
completely red (!!!), and all sights of a man having a bear trap
on his head are removed. NOTE: The FIx tape (also titled "Olkikoirat")
is uncut! The theatrical version which runned in 1981 in Finnish
theatres was rated K18 and uncut. The version rated 'R' by the
MPAA has been trimmed by 47 seconds. The Finnish dvd-version
released in 2001 (rated K18) claims to be uncut on the cover, but
is actually identical to the R-rated version - the 2004 re-issue
eliminates the claim from the cover. The US Criterion Collection
dvd is uncut, and anamorphic widescreen (the UK dvd has a better
framing, though a slightly less better picture quality). "Straw
Dogs" was banned in the UK for a very long time (the UK
videoversion released prior to the UK video act is uncut - with
an exception of the entire scene of Dustin Hoffman confronting
the girl after the rape missing due to print damage), and in the
late 90's, the R-rated version was submitted, and it was banned.
But when in 2002, the full uncut version was submitted, the BBFC
granted this uncut with a '18' certificate for video and
widescreen dvd, because this fully uncut version wasn't as "bad"
as the 47 seconds shorter R-rated version! So the BBFC guys
really are complete nuts, as I've long feared!
STREET FIGHTER: THE ULTIMATE BATTLE/FI/K14/cut 1 min 8 sec! The cuts include Bison snapping a couple of necks in the beginning, Guile (Van Damme) beating thugs, and the final battle between Guile and Bison hast lost some footage. NOTE: The Finnish theatrical version was also rated K14, and contained the same cuts. The dvd-version (widescreen) was passed uncut with a K16-rating in Finland. The British version (certified '12') is cut 41 seconds: Bison snapping two necks in the beginning, J-C Van Damme chopping an intruder baddie's throat, an ear-clap from the prison escape, Ken punching a soldier and being punched back, Ken kicking a soldier out of a moving vehicle, Cammy snapping a thug's neck, Vega slashing Ryu with bloody results, and Ryu headbutting Vega.
37 sec. 1.The shooting spree between Angel's guards and Romano's
guards has been cut remove the most graphic bullet hits. 2.Blade
shooting Angel's bodyguards has been poorly cut from two spots. 3.Blade's
girlfriend ducking down a knife, and causing a gang member
accidentally slitting a fellow gang member's throat, has lost the
slit (extremely poorly cut!). 4.Walsh executing a thug for
failing to shoot Blade's dog (!), has been completely removed.
NOTE: The UK videoversion is uncut.
Commando - Iskujoukko/FI/K16/cut. A campy rip-off of the "Rambo"-movies
(some scenes have been dublicated completely!). The scene where
the Russian bossbaddie snaps the old man's neck has lost, yep,
you guessed it, the snapping (poorly cut). The close combat of
"the amerikanski" Ransom vs the Russian bossbaddie has
been heavily cut. Also, before Ransom blows Radok away, he shoots
two of his goons in the hallway, but this is all cut. NOTE: The
British cert.18-videoversion has been cut 54 seconds (e.g. scenes
of Ransom using a crossbow were trimmed, and all shots of a
cockfight are omitted).
SUGAR HILL/FI/K16/cut 1 min 5 sec. Do note that this movie is the Wesley Snipes thriller, not a zombie-flick also called "Sugar Hill". Two cuts have been made to get an K16-rating; 1.The beating of Gus in the roof of the apartment house has been briefly cut. 2.The beating of the Italian gangster has been well shortened (also from Snipes' brother pissing on him). NOTE: The Finnish videoversion re-release (rated K16 also) by Scanbox, is uncut! The Finnish cinema-version (rated K18 at the time) was passed uncut.
SUPERSTITION/FIx/cut 1 min 56 sec. The cuts include a head blowing in the microwawe, some shots in the neat murder where a boy is sliced in half, the murder of the priest is very heavily cut, some bodyshots have been deleted, the nailing of the family's other daughter to the floor is shortened, the nightmare of the other girl is heavily cut, and the death of Andrew Pike is shortened. NOTE: The FI-version released by the distributor Future Film in the 90's was suprisingly passed uncut with a K16-rating!
SUUDELMA/FIc/cut. Finnish movie by Jaakko Talaskivi. The cuts by VET were made during its release in 1969.
- Mies Suolta/FI/K16/cut 9 sec. When censor was in its "highlights",
and everything was cut, this flick (rated 'PG' in the US!) was
trimmed by VET for a K16-certificate (!!!!). The stabbing of
Adrienne Barbeau has been shortened pretty poorly. NOTE: The
British cert.15-videoversion is uncut. Oddly, the US dvd-version
(widescreen) features some extra nudity not available in any
previous version. The Finnish dvd is rated K18, widescreen, and
uncut (it also contains the extra nudity found on the US dvd).
STONE/Miekka Kivessä/FI/S/cut. No cuts by VET, but the dvd-version
of this lame Disney fare is the same as the German disc, which
contains a cut from the German censors. Madame Mim's dialogue Sounds
like someone's sick. How lovely. I do hope it's serious,
something dreadful! in the scene where Arthur (as an animal)
has dropped from the chimney, has been trimmed to Sounds like
someone's sick. How love - - !!! NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version
re-issue is still cut, though the censor editing on the scene is
a little more polished, and not as poor as before. The Finnish
videoversion (dubbed) is not cut.
/ A-B-C / D-E-F / G-H-I / J-K-L / M-N-O / T-U-V / W-Y / # / MPAA-U/C /
You can use anything in this page for selfish purposes - The covers taken from The Finnish Cover Archive are used with permission.