********** M-N-O **********
MACABRE/Macabre - Kauhun Yö/FIx/cut
3 sec. The infamous car accident scene, where a man's head is
crushed, is shortened. NOTE: The FIx-version released by the
distributor Filmex (above on the right) is uncut. The cut FIx-version
(on the left) is released by Videotime.
MAD MAX 2: THE ROAD WARRIOR/Asfalttisoturi/FI/K16/cut 4 min 40 sec!! The Finnish videoversion and the widescreen dvd re-issue (with a K15-rating) are identical to the US version, which had two brief cuts by the MPAA to archieve an R-rating. The Finnish dvd-version with an K16-rating, on the other hand, is the same as the German disk, which was extremely heavily cut by the German censors to archieve a 'FSK 16' rating, deleting almost all violence from the picture.
THE MANGLER/Luunmurskaaja/FI/K16/cut 10 sec. The censors cut this crappy flick to fit the K16-rating as follows: the mangling of Mrs Frowley is shortened by few seconds (the graphic palm-mangling is intact, but the further mangling is shorter), the mangling of Lin Sue has lost the very splattery shot of her body being completely squashed, the death of Gartley (Robert Englund) has been mildly reduced from the blood-gushing, and the severing of Mark has lost a shot of his waist splashing blood (the actual severing has stayed intact). Overall, the cut FI tape is still quite splattery. NOTE: The US version rated 'R' by the MPAA has suffered heavy cuts to splatter from the death of Mrs Frowley, and the death of Gartley. The Australian vid is also reported censored. The Swedish videoversion is fully uncut, and so is the US unrated version too. The Finnish dvd released from Future Film is rated K18, uncut, and anamorphic widescreen.
MANHATTAN BABY/Paha Silmä/FIx/cut 46
sec. The nasty crow-attack on a man, which turns his face to a
bloody mess, is heavily shortened. NOTE: The US Anchor Bay dvd is
uncut and widescreen (2.35:1).
MANIAC/Nukkemurhaaja/FIx/cut approx. 3
min. The cuts include all the extremely gory murders a'la Tom
Savini. These are the throat slit in the beginning, several
scenes where Joe Spinell cuts the dead womens' forehead, Disco
Boy's (Tom Savini) head exploding when Spinell shoots it with a
shotgun (along with blood spreading to Disco Boy's date), a knife
through the body in the ladies room, and of course the final
massacre where the wax dolls butcher Spinell (rips his hands,
guts, and finally his head off). The cuts have been made in a
substition technique, that when the "shock" scenes
start, the frame stops to a freeze-frame, and we can hear the
soundtrack going on (this is that the soundtrack wouldn't have to
be cut). And even the FIx-version's cover art is censored (The
Maniac isn't holding a scalp anymore)! This was probably made
just because of the cuts, which leave a little clue of The Maniac
actually ripping women's scalps off! NOTE: The Director's Cut of
the movie (at least released on Elite laser and dvd) is actually
shorter than the standard version, the scene with the hooker
being shorter, and a whole "dinner" scene being removed.
The 2002 UK version certified '18' (the movie was long banned
before this) has the cover artwork censored by VPRC (the sight of
the bloody knife and the scalp is stamped with a "Censored"
sticker) and the movie is cut 58 seconds by the BBFC: the cuts
are applied to the strangulation of the hooker (in the uncut
version this scene lasts about twice as long), and to the murder
in the bed (which loses four shots of the knife having contact
with the victim's breasts). The UK video released before the
British video act is very heavily cut by the distributor,
omitting much of the gore, and the Australian video has lost some
of the gore, most notably from the final massacre. The US Anchor
Bay dvd is fully uncut, and the movie is THX-mastered, and
anamorphic widescreen (1.85:1). Wow, I didn't even know that an
ultra low-budget movie shot in 16 mm (!) would ever get an THX
certificate, taking note of the source material quality. Or maybe
the THX certificate's standards are lower than I thought...
MANIAC COP/Mielipuoli Kyttä/FI/K16/cut
3 min 57 sec. The cuts (the scissorhands have used some
soundtrack-altering!) are as follows: 1.The murder of Cassie
Philips has lost couple of seconds when Cordell breaks her neck.
2.The next murder has lost Cordell slitting the guy's throat and
smashing him to the winshield. 3.The dead guy's blood spreading
to the winshield and the girl trying to start the car. 4.The
scene where Cordell chokes a man to concrete has been shortened
about five seconds. 5.The scared woman shooting the innocent cop
has lost some footage from the shooting itself and a shot of the
dead cop on the ground, with his face covered in blood. 6.The
bodyshot of Jack Forrest's (Bruce Campbell) dead wife has been
shortened by one second (What ? These censoring assholes never
heard the magic words "freeze frame"?). 7.The scene
where Laurene Landon and Tom Atkins shoot Cordell in the street
has been shortened. 8.The grisly flashback-scene where Cordell is
slashed by a couple of thugs has lost some footage of Cordell
beating the thugs, and the whole portion of the scene where the
thugs slash Cordell. 9.The scene where Sheree North beats Tom
Atkins with her cane is heavily (and poorly) shortened. 10.The
shot of a dead cop "hanging around" has been deleted.
11.Cordell beating Sheree North, a big chunk, where Campbell
talks to Landon, and elsewhere in the building Cordell beats the
crap out of Atkins, has been deleted. 12.Atkins smashing to the
car roof. 13.A little bit from the death of Richard Roundtree and
William Smith, and then the portion of the scene, where Cordell
walks towards the commissioner's office with the blood-stained
sword has been deleted. 14.Cordell killing the security guard,
has been cut from the shot of the guard spitting blood. 15.Landon
dragging the dead security guard's body with her (heavily cut!),
and 16.A brief cut to the end where a stick goes through Cordell
in the car. NOTE: The British cert.18-videoversion has been
shortened by 4 seconds from the slashing of Cordell (and even the
cover artwork is censored by the VPRC [the bloody sword is
changed to a billy-club!!]). The Swedish videoversion is cut by 9
MANIAC COP 2/Mielipuoli Kyttä 2/FI/K16/cut
2 min 21 sec. The notorious distributor Showtime did their usual
stuff to this above-average sequel, and the results include: The
death of Jack Forrest (Bruce Campbell), the flashback-scene is
very heavily shortened (in the FI-version of the first movie, the
scene lasts longer!), the massacre in the police department is
heavily shortened including some bloody shootings and a
spectacular shot of Cordell throwing a cop into the air where he
smashes through several windows (!!!), and the burning of Cordell
in the end is shortened as well. Yuippii. NOTE: The British cert.18-videoversion
is shortened by a couple of seconds (same cut as in the UK
version of the first movie; the flashback of Cordell getting
slashed), and the Swedish videoversion is cut by few seconds on
the police department massacre. The German dvd (which contains an
English soundtrack) is uncut.
Kyttä 3/FI/K16/cut 20 sec. 1.Maniac Cop (Robert Z'Dar)
electrocuting a doctor (Doug Savant from "Melrose Place")
in the face with a defiblillator, is no more. 2.Maniac Cop
killing a camera man, is briefly cut. 3.McKinney (Robert Davi)
shooting the junkie in the john is reduced. The FI-version of
this movie includes material cut from the FI tape of "Maniac
Cop 2"! NOTE: The US rated 'R' version (above) is cut (McKinney
shooting a crook from the stretchers, shooting a crook on a door,
and the shooting in the john, have been trimmed from the bloody
bullet impacts). At least the dubbed Spanish videoversion and the
UK videoversion (certified '18') are totally uncut unrated
versions (which was originally distributed internationally). The
German Red Edition dvd is cut (plus the image is full screen pan
& scan [the original Super-35 aspect ratio being 2.35:1]).
MARATHON MAN/Maratoonari/FI/K16/cut. The cuts were made by the distributor. At least the first "dental" scene has been shortened. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version rated K15 is uncut and anamorphic widescreen. The FIx-version is also uncut.
MARKED FOR DEATH/Kuoleman Merkki/FI/K16/cut 1 min 17 sec. The cuts in the Finnish video of this ultra-violent Steven Seagal movie include all the arm-breakings, a neck-breaking, a decapitation, and the eye-gouging and back-break in the final battle. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version (rated K18, anamorphic widescreen) is unfortunately the same as the UK disc, which has BBFC cuts (made for an '18' certificate) totalling 22 seconds as follows: 1.Seagal breaking the arm of a Jamaican thug in the department store is removed (3 secs). 2.Seagal breaking the arm of a thug at Screwface's Jamaican house is deleted (6 secs). 3.Seagal gouging Screwface's eyes out in an explicit close-up is deleted (3 secs). 4.Seagal viciously breaking Screwface's back is completely removed (poorly edited 10 secs). The Finnish theatrical version had 53 seconds of cuts for an K18-rating (e.g. Screwface's eye-gouging and back-breaking). There are some reports of the US dvd (R1, non-anamorphic widescreen) being cut from Screwface's eye-gouging. The French dvd (which contains an English soundtrack) is completely uncut, and anamorphic widescreen.
MEN IN BLACK/MIB - Miehet Mustissa/K12/cut 5 sec. The dvd-version is the same as the British dvd, which has 5 seconds of BBFC cuts made for the 'PG' certificate. The lines You insensitive prick! and I just hope the little prick hasn't skipped town have the word prick replaced with jerk. Still, in the "double pack collector's edition" dvd's 'Making-of' documentary, you can hear both of these lines in their uncensored form (and nevertheless this documentary still received a 'PG' certificate from the BBFC). NOTE: The Finnish videoversion (also rated K12) is uncensored. The Australian video rated 'PG' was heavily cut to avoid a 'M15+' rating (the Australian dvd bearing the rating is not cut) as follows: *The alien falling from the building is toned down. *The scene descriping what the bug does to Edgar's skin is missing. *Shot of a spray gun rammed down to the fumigator's throat is cut. *The shot of the dead waiter stuffed under the counter is shortened.
MESSENGER OF DEATH/Tuomion Enkeli/FI/K16/cut.
Showtime again did make sure that the "show" would be a
cut one. The censors all around the world seem to hate Charles
Bronson! The cuts have been made to the family massacre in the
beginning: 1.The murder of the blonde girl praying has been
deleted pretty poorly. The killer aims at the blonde girl, but
when he shoots, a completely different girl gets shot! 2.The
killer shooting the curled-hair blonde the second time has been
cut out. NOTE: The British cert.18-videoversion is uncut.
MILLIPILLERI/FIc/S/cut 15 sec. 1966
Finnish comedy from the legendary Spede Pasanen. VET demanded
that the bullfighting scene in the movie had to be shortened to
archieve the lower rating that the makers wanted. NOTE: The
Finnish dvd and vhs (also rated 'S', above) might have the cut
restored - the scene shows a bull being stabbed in the neck,
totalling around 15 secs, which is a little gruesome (I guess...),
but there is no 100 % guarantee on this one.
MISSING IN ACTION/Suoraa Toimintaa/FIx/K16/cut 33 sec. The shootings in the beginning, and some axe-violence (where Chuck Norris battles the Oriental fatso) is cut. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version (widescreen, with a K16-rating) is uncut.
MRS. DOUBTFIRE/Mrs. Doubtfire - Isä Sisäkkönä/FI/S/cut 13 sec. The Finnish widescreen dvd-version has the BBFC-approved version (because the Finnish dvd is the same as the UK disc), which had 13 seconds of cuts for the 'PG' certificate: After Miranda (Sally Field) has went to the toilet, Mrs Doubtfire (annoying [as usual] Robin Williams) starts making sexual references to Stu (Pierce Brosnan), eg horizontal mambo, but these just about all removed by the censor. NOTE: All R2 and R4 discs are the same BBFC-cut versions. The Finnish videoversion (also rated S) is uncut. The US dvd rated 'PG-13' is uncut (and widescreen).
rock-Kuoleman Tanssi/FIx/cut 1 min 5 sec. The first murder, where
the murderer sticks a dagger to a girl's heart is shortened, and
all the shots where a needle is pushed through a boob have been
deleted. NOTE: The Finnish bootleg video (an Italian-language
soundtrack, with Finnish subtitles) from Inferno Video is uncut.
MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING/Kuka Sanoo Tahdon/FI/S/cut. The Finnish dvd is the same as the UK disc, and all of the UK videoversion are cut to remove the word Fuck (for the movie to qualify for a '12' certificate). ATTIC is still not sure for the BBFC interference for the dvd. Info, anyone? NOTE: The Finnish videoversion (also rated S) is uncut. The US dvd is uncut, rated PG-13 (the decision of letting this film out with the Fuck was somewhat criticized by parents group dipshits), and widescreen.
NAISENKUVIA/FI/K16/cut 1 min 11 sec.
The notorious Finnish movie by maverick director Jörn Donner.
The two cuts (made to sexual content) were originally to the
Finnish thatrical version to archieve a K18-rating (!). All cuts
presumably have been applied to the porn film shooting session
starring the young couple. This includes the couple doing the 69 ,
and having sex in numerous different positions (this involves
some semi-hardcore footage). The video (above, re-rated K16) is,
contrary to several rumors, completely uncut (and letterboxed).
VET originally demanded six cuts (!), but after an appeal from
the film's producer, the decision was altered. NOTE: The UK and
US theatrical versions (titled "Portraits Of Women")
were both rated 'X' and uncut. The uncut version has also been
shown on Finnish television.
NARRIEN ILLAT/FIc/cut. Finnish movie directed by Tapio Suominen. The cuts were applied in its initial 1970 theatrical release.
NEW JACK CITY/FI/K16/cut 2 min 1 sec. The Finnish video is very heavily cut from the violence, and also possibly from the drug content. NOTE: The Finnish dvd (anamorphic widescreen, also rated K16) is cut "only" 12 seconds, and that courtesy of the German censor (the Finnish disc is the same as the German one): Wesley Snipes landing down from a roof, and killing a cop is trimmed, and Ice-T beating Snipes near the end of the movie has lost a few hits. The Finnish theatrical version passed uncut rated K18. The UK dvd is certified '18', anamorphic widescreen, and uncut.
NEW YORK RIPPER/Viiltäjä/FI/K16/cut 6
min 12 sec. The cuts include all the murders, and most of the
body-shots, that is the slashing of the girl with the bicycle,
some shots of the bicycle-girl's body, some morgue-material (also
including the cut-in to the next scene showing a female corpse
being sewed, and some of the patologist's diaogue, like how the
murder was efficient butchering), the bottle-to-the-stomach-murder
and the murderer leaving the spot, the foot-to-the-pussy scene in
the restaurant has been very heavily shortened (dunno why...
sexual material isn't usually cut in Finnish vids), the murderer
slashing the girl in the hand (in the street), the girl's
hallucination where the murderer slits her throat is almost
completely deleted, the murderer slicing the woman (who's
escaping from the hotel room of the man with three fingers), the
famous scene of the murderer shredding a woman tied to the bed
with a razor (VERY VERY heavily cut, along with lots of dialogue!),
the bodyshot of the sliced woman tied to the bed is shortened by
a couple of frames, the girl stabbing the murderer has been
reduced, and a brief cut to the detective blasting the murderer's
cheek to kingdom come. NOTE: "New York Ripper" was
previously banned in the UK, but the British cert.18-version (finally
released in 2002) is cut "just" 22 seconds. The razor-murder
in the bed receives the hacking - the trailer of the movie
included on the UK dvd is also cut (from shots of the razor
murder, and that of the bottle-to-the-stomach murder). The US dvd-version
released by Anchor Bay is uncut and 2.35:1 widescreen. The Irish
video released by Cosa Nostra is also uncut and widescreen, but
the picture quality sucks.
NICO - ABOVE THE LAW/FI/K16/cut 32 sec. The scene in the middle of the movie, where Nico (Steven "Hi, I'm an actor" Seagal) beats the man in the street is pretty heavily (and pretty poorly) shortened (the punch from Nico deleted). Also the scene where Nico is beaten in the chair, and the arm-snapping of Henry Silva (also trimmed in the UK) have been shortened. NOTE: The British cert.18-videoversion is trimmed 15 sec, and the cut FI tape includes material (in the bar-sequence) which is cut from it. The US R-rated and the Netherlands' dvd-versions are not cut.
NIGHTBREED/Yön Kansa/FI/K16/cut 27 sec. The scene where the man rips his face to shit in the hospital is shortened, the fight in the cemetary is shortened, and the fight of Cabal and Dr. Decker near the end of the movie is shortened. NOTE: The movie was heavily cut in demand of the studio executives for a shorter running time against director Barker's will. The Director's Cut (unfortunately) remains unavailable.
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET/Painajainen Elm Streetillä/FI/K16/cut 1 min 16 sec. The murder of Tina is pretty heavily shortened, some shots of Freddy cutting himself, and the gory death of Glen (Johnny Depp). NOTE: The R-rated US version is shortened - beware, at least the UK dvd is identical to this. The FIx-version is completely uncut (with the shots cut by the MPAA intact)! The widescreen Finnish dvd (also included on the "Nightmare On Elm Street DVD Collection" box) is unbelievably identical to the cut US R-rated version!!
REVENGE/Painajainen Elm Streetillä 2: Freddyn Kosto/FI/K16/cut 4
min 36 sec. The cuts include some "scary" material from
the bus scene in the beginning, the gym teacher's murder is
shortened, the scene where Freddy appears on Jesse and talks to
him (and then rips his own scalp off) is completely deleted, the
scene where Freddy comes out of Jesse's stomach is completely deleted too, the
murder of Jesse's friend is shortened, the scene where Freddy
bites Jesse's girlfriend is shortened, the scene where Jesse's
girlfriend stabs Freddy is shortened, and a shot of Freddy
slashing a guy with his razorglove is deleted. NOTE: The FIx-version
(above) is uncut, and so is the K18-rated Finnish widescreen dvd.
The Finnish theatrical version (rated K18 at the time) passed
WARRIORS/Painajainen Elm Streetillä 3: Unien Soturit/FI/K16/cut
6 min 26 sec. This is cut to a non-sense torso, which only a
demented cocksucker can watch. The shortened scenes are as
follows: 1.Kristen being just stuck on a pile of mud while
escaping Freddy (!!). 2.Ugly bodyshots of hanged bodies (along
with the line Put me down). 3.A water tap (shaped like
Freddy's razorglove) slashing Kristen. 4.Kristen's wrist bleeding.
5.Shots of Freddy-monster trying to eat Kristen in Kristen's
dream. 6.All shots of Philiph being a human-marionet with bloody
strings coming out of him are deleted (!!!). 7.The girl's arm get
burned by the smoke in her other hand. 8.Mechanic Freddy's hands
coming out of a TV and crashing a girl's head to the tv-screen. 9.Shots
of Freddy disguised as a demon nurse holding his (her?) tongue in
Joey's mouth. 10.The demon nurse spitting out some severed
tongues has been reduced. 11.A whole scene where Nancy sits
beside comatose Joey's bed, and Freddy's message (written in
bloody scars) appear on his stomach all by itself (completely
deleted!). 11.Freddy holding Kristen's mother's severed annoying
head, that's talking to Kristen. 12.The scene of the punk-girl's
murder (which climaxes of Freddy sticking her with his injection
needle glow) is pretty much completely deleted! 13.The nerd's (in
the wheelchair) death is shortened. 14.Nancy pushing a crowbar to
Freddy's stomach (and Freddy pulling it out). 15.Freddy talking how
the spirits of the children keeps him strong is completely
deleted (!). 16.The shot of Freddy slashing the shrink to the
stomach and beating him are shortened. 17.The death of Donald
Thompson (John Saxon) is shortened heavily, and 18.The death of
Nancy (and Nancy fighting Freddy) is extremely heavily shortened.
Uh-oh, that's about all (I think...). NOTE: The Finnish
widescreen dvd-version is uncut, and rated K18. The theatrical
version (K18!!!) which runned in Finnish theatres was 56 seconds
cut by VET! The British cert.18-videoversion is uncut.
DREAM MASTER/Painajainen Elm Streetillä 4: Unien Valtias/FI/K16/cut
5 min 5 sec. The notorious distributor Showtime horribly
shortened this what some may call a good sequel. The extensive
cuts list begins (of course) just as Freddy is resurrected. After
being surrounded by cars, Kincaid yells to the sky, and we cut to
Freddy slashing him in the belly, and tapping his head while
saying One down, two to go. Then we cut away from the
dream world, and to Kincaid's bed where he wakes up and dies. The
Finnish video on the other hand cuts directly from Kincaid
yelling to the sky to him waking up, completely eliminating the
slashing (which really is not that explicit), which totals to 17
seconds. The "wet dream" murder which follows shortly,
features Freddy splashing to surface from inside Joey's waterbed.
Freddy says his usual one-liners and then pushes Joey down into
the water. This is where the Finnish video stops. What in the
uncut version follows is 19 seconds featuring Freddy trying to
drown Joey, Joey screaming for help, and Freddy then slashing
Joey and pushing him down, and we see the water filling up with
blood. A small example of with how extreme prejudice is the
Finnish video censored, even Kristen's nice beach dream (which of
course ends up Freddy showing up) has a little edit. The part of
the dream where Kristen drowns into the sand has lost all footage
(totalling 7 seconds) of Freddy pushing Kristen down into the
sand with his foot. The next cut comes practically in the same
dream (which has now shifted to a second location, though) after
Freddy has thrown Kristen into the fire, he reveals his chest of
souls to Alice, and from the furnace, a burned-up Kristen zaps
Alice with her power, and Alice wakes up. The Finnish video cuts
straight from Kristen going to the furnace to Alice waking up,
therefore missing 16 seconds of content. When Kristen is found in
the real world burning in her bedroom, a close-up on her hand
burning has been deleted - also a shot of Rick trying to get to
her is deleted to smooth over the cut which overall totals to 9
seconds. Later in the scene placed in the class room, Sheila gets
dragged into Alice's dream, and a monstrous hand (coming from her
exam paper) attacks her - this is trimmed 10 seconds, even though
it's really mild stuff. And then we get to Sheila's death, which
is shortened to nothing in the Finnish video; after Freddy
removes Sheila's glasses, he twirls his tongue in front of her,
and then sucks her body dry through her mouth, and throws her
corpse on the desk - all of this is missing. The total amount of
the footage censored totals to 24 seconds. Later on when Alice
gets sucked into a cinema screen, and into the diner, where she
meets up with Freddy. Then comes the "Soul Pizza"
section of the scene, which is nowhere to be found in the Finnish
videoversion. This has a waitress bringing in a pizza, which has
little meatballs with yelling face's Freddy's victims. Freddy
picks one up with his razor glove, and chews it. This cut clocks
in at 29 seconds. The death of the bodybuilder girl is massively
cut; Freddy pushed the weights down as much that the girl's arms
crack open, and huge insect hands hatch, as the two limbs severed
drop onto the floor. She then runs from Freddy, and gets inside a
"Roach Motel", where she gets stuck on yellow goo all
over the floor, which rips out the remains of her human form, and
reveal a complete roach. All of this is removed in the Finnish
video, plus all of the tiny scenes of Alice and the guy being
trapped in a dream circle (or whatever it is) which are intercut
with the roach footage are also gone! This cut totals to a
whopping 1 minuite and 46 seconds!! Then there's time for the
final battle of Alice vs Freddy in the church. This starts by
Freddy entering, and Alice starting to continuosly and
relentlessly kick and punch him, while Freddy just laughs
maniacally. The Finnish video, by removing 22 seconds, reduces
this to just one kick! Then a moment on Alice shoots Freddy with
the gadget; the ray burning through Freddy's body is slightly
trimmed, a close-up of Freddy screaming is deleted, and a zoom
through the hole in Freddy's chest, which zooms to a close-up of
Alice's face is shortened by eliminating the zoom. The cut clocks
in at 8 seconds. Then just after Freddy has recovered, he punches
Alice hard and knocks her down on the cornmer - this is poorly
edited out, deleting 5 seconds. Then in the climax as Freddy sees
himself in the mirror, he gets destroyed - after the second flash
from the mirror piece, all of the following (which totals to 49
seconds) is deleted: many hands coming from inside Freddy smash
him against a chutch decoration, and some new hands pop up (like
from the back of his head). Alice's mirror flashes the third time,
and dozens of souls bulge from Freddy's chest (thus the cameo of
Linnea Quicley as a soul on Freddy's chest is completely missing!),
before Alice's mirror flashes for the fourth time; thus the
Finnish video cuts straight from Alice's mirror flashing the
second time to it flashing the fourth time. NOTE: This was
already cut 42 seconds by VET in Finnish theatres (rated K18!!!).
The Finnish theatrical cuts were at least to the death of the
bodybuilder girl. The Finnish dvd-version rated K18 is matted
anamorphic widescreen, and uncut. The British cert.18-videoversion
is trimmed 1 minute and 7 seconds, and it has a bunch of nunchuck-shots
cut out (Alice twirling them in front of a mirror, and her
brother using them in the gym), - the death of the bodybuilder
girl is also reported trimmed. Amazingly, the British
videoversion re-release (re-certified '15'!) is uncut. The
Swedish videoversion is cut 4 minutes and 44 seconds. And... of
course, you know what. The back cover of the video released by
Showtime has (suprise, suprise!) pics of the cut scenes (this
time, Freddy eating a piece of the "face pizza")!
NIGHT OF THE CREEPS/Lötköjen Yö/FI/K16/cut
3 min 30 sec! The goo' ol' Showtime just don't know when to stop,
so they horribly cut this flick, hacking out a lot of scenes
which aren't so bloody and graphic at all. The (in?)famous "lawnmover"
scene is heavily trimmed, the death of the old granny is pretty much completely deleted
(!), and the final scenes are so heavily trimmed, that they are
nothing now. You bastards!!! NOTE: The distributor accidentally
put out a limited edition of the uncut version. The look of the
cover and the tape are identical, so there isn't any way to know
which version could be uncut, unless you watch it (an' believe
you me, you'll notice!). The 18-rated UK video is also uncut. The
Finnish cinema-version had a K18-rating, and it was passed uncut.
NINJA STRIKES BACK/Ninja Iskee Takaisin/FIx/cut about 4 min. The distributor trimmed this cult favourite. The cuts include more fighting with the dreaded nunchucks, slicing off hands, and the great x-ray animations in the fights (a'la Sonny Chiba's "The Streetfighter")! The FIx-version is still incredibly graphic, including gore and severed heads. NOTE: The British cert.18-videoversion is cut 2 minutes and 59 seconds - most cutting presumably made on the scenes of martial arts weaponry.
NISKAVUOREN NAISET/FIc/K16/cut. 1938 Finnish movie by Valentin Vaala. When first the movie was submitted to VET in 1938, they banned it (!), and when resubmitted, they significantly cut a mild love scene in the movie, and only then approved it with a K16-rating. NOTE: The Finnish video (re-rated 'S'!) is the complete version, with all the censored footage restored.
NOITA PALAA ELÄMÄÄN/FIc/K16/cut. This, one of the very few Finnish horror movies, was cut by VET upon its release in the 1950's. The cuts were for racy dialogue: The Witch's line Ja minä tunsin miten kätenne kosketti paljasta rintaani (= "And I felt how your hand touched my bare breast"), and the Archeologist's line Tahdon sulkea syliini lämpimän ruumiin - niityllä, kukkien luona alastomana, tulen lämmössä, veren lämmössä (= "I want to embrace a warm body in my arms, in the meadow, naked by the flowers, in the heat of fire, in the heat of blood"). NOTE: The Finnish dvd claims to contain the footage previously censored. At least some of the broadcasts in Finnish tv have been of the uncut version. When the movie was initially released, the version distributed internationally was the fully uncut version.
NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER/Haastaja/FIx/cut. Ok, now here's a real gem. A movie with extremely poor direction, extremely lousy script, extremely lousy (over-)acting, extremely lousy editing, etc. And all this in a "Karate Kid" rip-off, luckily with more action than its precedessor. The heavy cuts are to the scene where Jason defends his over-acting dad from drunken thugs, and the best part of the movie, the full contact matches near the end, have a number of cuts, especially from the fight between Reilly, and Ivan The Russian (Jean-Claude Van Damme!!!). If you've abused some substances, this movie may actually be funny. NOTE: Both FIx-releases are from the same cut master-tape. The Finnish dvd-version (with a K18-rating!) is uncut. The British cert.15-videoversion is cut by 44 seconds as follows: two shots showing Jason putting a poster on the wall showing Bruce Lee holding nunchucks (!) are missing, and sights of J-C Van Damme crushing his opponent's throat with his elbow, and repeatedly punching his opponent's stomach have been eliminated.
THE OCTAGON/FIx/cut 2 min 56 sec. The cuts in both of the FIx-versions released (above on the left, and in the middle) include the shooting in the beginning of the movie, Scott James (Chuck Norris) kicking some butt, Lee Van Cleef strangling a thug, the masked ninja throwing a ninja star to a mercenary's back, James slicing thugs with a sword, the battle between James and the masked ninja is shortened (James kicking him, and all the shots of the masked ninja burning are deleted), and the throat slit of James' friend is shorter. NOTE: The FI tape which was released in the 90's by the distributor Future Film (above on the right) was passed uncut and rated K16. The British cert.18-videoversion is cut 33 seconds (omitting all shots of ninja stars, a big BBFC no-no). The Finnish dvd is completely uncut, full screen, and features suprisingly good extras.
THE OMEN/Ennustus/FIx/cut 8 sec. The decapitation of the photographer is heavily shortened. These cuts are actually made by VET, because the video was taken from the theatrical print that contained these cuts, made by VET for an K18-rating. NOTE: The Swedish videoversion is cut 11 seconds - the decapitation was too much even for the Sweets! The Finnish dvd-version (with a K15-rating) is uncut, and anamorphic widescreen.
Kostaja/FIx/cut 4 min 3 sec! The stupidity award goes to the
wacko distributor. Numerous shootings in the movie are shortened,
and the climax sequence is very heavily shortened. NOTE: The FI
tape passed uncut with a K16-rating from VET. The Finnish "Collector's
Edition" dvd is uncut and anamorphic widescreen (and with a
distributor-imposed K18-rating). The UK video (cert.15) is uncut,
and widescreen. Some American prints are 20 minutes shorter from
the narrative scenes.
OUT FOR JUSTICE/Katujen Laki/FI/K16/cut
1 min 23 sec. The cuts in this ok Steven Seagal vehicle are as
follows: 1.In the pre-credits sequence, Gino (Seagal, who else?)
crashes a pimp through a car's sidewindow, but not in the FI-version.
2.When Ritchie shoots Bobby, he actually shoots him one more time
before leaving the spot, but this is cut. 3.In the butcher shop;
one brief cut to Gino nailing a thug's hand to a wall with a meat
cleaver (!). 4.In the butcher shop; Gino's usage of a baseball
bat is shortened (poorly) by 8 seconds, along with the line Bust
his head!. 5.In the bar; a thug slamming Gino down, and Gino
slamming him with his goo' ol' pool handkerchief is deleted (some
shots of Sticks rising up from his table have also gone). 6.In
the bar; a thug is standing in a pool table, Gino slams him to
the groin before slamming him down...or rather doesn't. 7.In the
raid on Gino's house, almost 20 seconds are cut in a row; Gino
changes his clip (!), a thug attacks him, they wrestle, and Gino
shoots him to the neck. 8.The shootout between Richie's gang, and
the mobsters, is missing Richie shooting a mobster already dead,
saying You lose, and tossing the gun away. 9.The final
shootout at Richie's; one shot of Gino blasting a thug with a
shotgun in the kitchen is deleted. 10.The final shootout at
Richie's; Gino blasting a thug with his shotgun in the livingroom.
11.The final shootout at Richie's; Gino blasts a guy's foot with
his shotgun, but we lost a glimpse of that. 12.The final shootout
at Richie's; Gino kicking a beared thug in the groin, and then
punching him is cut (along with the line Fuck you, cop).
13.The final battle; lost about 10 seconds of Gino delivering
punches to Richie, and then kicking him down (poorly cut). 14.The
final battle; Gino crashing Richie through a window is omitted.
15.The final battle; brief cut to Richie getting the corkscrew to
his forehead. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version (rated K18) is uncut
and anamorphic widescreen. The British cert.18-videoversion is
cut 54 seconds (the cut FI-version includes material cut from
this!). The Finnish cinema-version rated K18 (!!!) was trimmed
about 20 seconds.
THE OUTLAW JOSEY WALES/Lainsuojaton/FI/K16/cut
2 min 18 sec!!! The censor-fearing distributor Fazer, which would
probably cut fuckin' "Lassie Come Home" to pieces, did
a real number to this medium violent western: 1.When the rebels
are "pardoned", 17 seconds entirely of rebels being
shot are removed. 2.The rape of Laura Lee (Sondra Locke) is
shortened by 30 seconds (!). 3.The final battle; lost Josey Wales
(Clint Eastwood), and the old Indian shooting cowboys 37 seconds
worth. 4.The final battle; lost dozens of seconds including Wales
shooting men pretty graphically, and the granma treating the old
Indian's wound with a sizzling arrow head in the hut. 5.The final
battle; when Josey shoots the cowboy running away, the shot of
him getting shot, and dropping from his horse, is replaced with
an already shown shot of another cowboy riding away unharmed (!!).
6.Laura Lee blasting a cowboy entering the hut through the roof,
with a shotgun is completely deleted (15 seconds worth). NOTE:
The Finnish dvd-version is uncut and widescreen with a K16-rating.
The Finnish dvd-version re-release (a part of "The Clint
Eastwood Collection") is also uncut and widescreen, and it
has a K15-rating, and some ok extras. The Swedish videoversion is
cut 2 minutes and 20 seconds! Please note too that you should
beware the cut FI tape not only because it's been cut, but also
because it has one of the most horrible widescreen / pan &
scan-transfers I've ever seen. The frame stands in the middle all
the time, therefore missing some really important data. Like
Wales shoots a guy, and we don't see the guy even moving his hand
to draw before that! You see? The magic of pan & scan can
even make a hero to a cold-blooded murderer!!!
/ A-B-C / D-E-F / G-H-I / J-K-L / P-R-S / T-U-V / W-Y / # / MPAA-U/C /
You can use anything in this page for selfish purposes. The covers taken from The Finnish Cover Archive are used with permission.