********** T-U-V **********
TAAS TYTTÖ KADOKSISSA/FIc/cut. VET cut out dialogue from this 1957 Finnish film during its release: The references to Kyllikki Saari (a very famous Finnish murder case), and the references to the priest and police force chief (!).
Puoli/FI/K16/cut 2 min 32 sec! The grisly, evil-to-its-very-roots
distributor Showtime saw, did, and cut this omnibus horror flick
as follows: 1."Lot 249"; the murder of Susan, has lost
the mummy stuffing flowers to Susan's back 8 seconds worth. 2."Cat
From Hell"; The Hitman's death is almost completely deleted,
missing the cat going inside the Hitman's stomach through his
mouth. 3."Cat From Hell"; the ENTIRE ending of the
episode is cut out! A minute in a row!!! So, when Drogan (William
Hickey) finds the Hitman's body, we don't see the cat coming out
from the Hitman's mouth (a'la "Creephow"!), nor Drogan
dying of a heart attack! "Lover's Vow"; Carola's
metamorphosis to the gargoyle is severly cut: 4.Carola's gargoyle
claws coming out from her knees and the back of her foot are no
more. 5.Heavily cut: The gargoyle growing wings, and the ripping
out the human shell once and for all. Gone are also the lines Carola,
please. Change back., and the response I can't. 6."Lover's
Vow"; The gargoyle ripping Preston's throat is massively cut.
NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version released by Future Film is uncut,
full screen, and with a K15-rating. The Finnish dvd re-issue is
also uncut, the image now being in anamorphic widescreen, even
though the back cover still lists the aspect ratio as 1.33:1.
TANGO & CASH/FI/K16/cut 1 min 56 sec! Censors through-out the world seem to have difficulties with this Stallone-Russell non-sense actioner (with Jack "I was drunk at the Oscars" Palance), but VET passed this uncut in the 80's on cinema and video with no difficulties, and with a K16-rating. I gotta wonder, what the hell some censors (like the BBFC, and the Germans) saw in this flick, it contains almost no violence at all to my recollection! So, unfortunately the Finnish dvd (widescreen) is the same as the German disc, which contains cuts worth 1 minute and 56 seconds (!) made by the German censor FSK (for a 'FSK 16' rating). The cuts are as follows: 1.An Oriental guy pushing Cash onto the floor with a chair is trimmed. 2.An Oriental guy pushing Cash onto the floor with another chair is deleted. 3.A thug hitting a metal box with his head is missing. 4.Gabriel Cash hits a thug in the balls when sliding under him, then gets up and hits another guy - only the first hit remains, the rest is deleted. 5.Ray Tango breaking the glass of a laundry machine with a thug's head is removed. 6.Cash being electrocuted is shortened. 7.Tango being electrocuted is shortened. 8."Conan" being electrocuted is shortened by 5 seconds. 9.Tango shooting some thugs in Perret's facility, is shortened. 10.Tango & Cash shooting some more thugs is shortened. 11.Tango shooting a thug misses a blood squip. 12.Cash saving Tango by killing a thug deletes a blood spurt. 13.Quan getting killed is shortened. 14.Quan falling down is shortened. 15.Lopez getting killed deletes his body squirming. 16.A brutal fighting totalling 19 seconds is missing. 17.Cash putting a grenade in Requin's pants is removed. 18.Perret getting killed trims his body falling. NOTE: The UK 15-rated version is cut 43 seconds (the 18-rated UK version is uncut) - for some reason, the UK widescreen dvd is the cut 15-rated version.
TENEBRAE/Pelkoa Ei Voi Paeta/FIc/K18/cut approx. 1 min. When this Dario Argento's excellent giallo (as an English-language version) was in Finnish theatres back in '88, when censorship was in its "highlights", VET trimmed about a minute from extreme violence for it to archive an K18-rating (!). The killing of a whore is shortened, the stabbing of John Saxon is shortened, the legendary cruel hand chopping is almost completely removed (the Finnish theatrical print eliminates the axe chopping the hand off, and the woman's stump gushing blood; so the scene goes straight from the axe chopping the window to the woman splattering blood over the walls), and the graphic death of the murderer is heavily shortened. NOTE: The British cert.18-version is cut 5 seconds from the hand chopping (the UK video released prior to the British video act contains the same cut). The Finnish bootleg video (practically widescreen, only one scene in the beginning is full screen pan & scan for some reason) from Inferno Video is fully uncut, and contains an Italian-language soundtrack, and Finnish subtitles. The widescreen US dvd (and the UK dvd re-release [certified '18']) are almost uncut - they miss out some dialogue approxing about 25 seconds.
min 8 sec / cut 38 sec. The FIx-version (above on the right) cut
by the distributor (Omaxi) has lost one shot from the scene where
The Terminator (Arnie) gouges its own eye out, and Reese's
flashback where The Terminator attacks the rebel base, and starts
shooting like hell, is pretty heavily shortened. The FI tape (above
on the left) has lost the scene of The Terminator ripping a
hoodlum's guts out, and the scene where The Terminator gouges its
own eye out is cut almost completely, and the scene where Arnie
repairs his hand is heavily shortened too. NOTE: The Finnish
videoversion re-release in the late 90's, and the re-release by
Future Film, passed uncut with a K16-rating. The Finnish two-disc
special edition widescreen dvd (rated K15) is also uncut. The
American dvd (R1) has been altered as follows: the flashback of
The Terminator attacking the rebel base has the frame flipped
over, and the scene where The Terminator leaves the hotel has
been cropped from beneath. These alterings were made by the
request of director James Cameron to fix up some goofs in the
picture (the R2 dvds are all original versions).
TERROR IN THE AISLES/Kauhua Katsomossa/FIx/cut
3 min. Some scenes from movies "Alien", "Suspiria",
and "The Exorcist" have been shortened. The whole
"Texas Chain Saw Massacre" segment of this documentary,
has been completely deleted (what the fuck?). There are two FIx
tape releases, both of 'em contain the same censored version.
NOTE: The British cert.18-videoversion is cut 10 seconds. The US
version reportedly was trimmed for an R-rating.
Kiskot/FIx/cut. At least the scene where a teen is crushed by the
terror train is deleted in the version, which is released by
Magnum Video. NOTE: At least one FIx tape release (the above one
released by Harley Video?) is uncut. The Spanish dvd is uncut.
GENERATION/Texasin Moottorisahamurhaaja - Uusi Sukupolvi/FI/K16/cut
1 min 16 sec. VET did cuts totalling 1 minute and 16 seconds to
this piece, which is one of the most worse horror-flicks ever
made (and it doesn't even have any camp values), to archieve the
K16-rating as follows: *Vilmer (Matthew McConaughey) snapping the
boy's neck (extremely poorly cut 1 sec). *The scene where
Leatherface hooks up the girl, has lost the hooking, and some of
the subsequent girl's crying (12 secs). *After Renee Zellweger
has stood up to the couch, W.E. zapping her with an electric
stick a few times has been cut (4 secs). *After W.E. has slapped
Zellweger in the face with the stick, him repeatedly beating her
with it is missing, with the line It is easier to resist in
the beginning, than at the end (7 secs). *After Zellweger is
put in the trunk, W.E. zapping her numerous times with the
electric stick is completely missing, along with a bunch of
dialogue (poorly edited 24 secs). *Before the trunk is closed, W.E.
zapping Zellweger a few times is deleted; this even causes the
premature finish of the older woman's line (3 secs). *The off-screen
head-squashing of the girl is well shortened, so much that the
viewer doesn't even have a clue of what's actually happening in
the scene (25 secs). NOTE: The version titled "Return Of The
Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (at least available in Japan on dvd
and laser) has additional narrative scenes over 10 minutes worth;
A scene where Jenny's stepfather runs into her room, and slams
her against the wall - More dialogue of the conversation between
Barry and Heather in the car - The towtruck scene is not intercut
with the teens leaving Darla's office - Jenny's and Darla's
conversation in the bathroom is longer - Numerous scenes last a
little longer (with additional dialogue) - The musical score and
the sound-fx are almost completely different. The British cert.18-videoversion
(above on the right) has been passed from the BBFC clutches
completely without cuts.
THEY LIVE/Pahan Kehä/FI/K16/cut
56 sec. The scene where the "hero" and the black man
beat each other, is heavily shortened, and the shooting in the
stairway near the end of the movie is shortened as well. NOTE:
The Finnish dvd-version (which has the Finnish title misspelled
as "Paha Kehä"!) is uncut, anamorphic widescreen, and
rated K18. The British cert.18-videoversion is uncut.
THE THING/"Se" Jostakin/FIx/cut about 1 min. The scene where the dog turns to the weirdo creture is shortened, the scene where the stomach opens and rips doc's hands off is shortened (the stomach opening is intact, but the hand-severing is no more), shots of the alive seperate head have been deleted, the scene where one of the team members turns to a weirdo-creature pretty graphically (in the blood test) is shortened, and the burning of Windows is shortened. NOTE: The dvd-version (widescreen) released in the 90's in Finland suprisingly passed uncut with a K16-rating. The FI video is also uncut (with a K15-rating). The Finnish dvd re-issue is the identical to the previous release (except that the back cover incorrectly states that the disc is anamorphic).
On Amerikka/FIx/cut 2 min 11 sec. This was taken from a censored
(and very poor quality) Finnish theatrical print, which was cut
by 2 minutes and 11 seconds by VET (or perhaps the distributor)
for a K18-rating (!). The video distributor didn't apply any
further cuts for the video release. At least the "S/M"
scene near the end of the movie has got the hacking. NOTE: The FI
tape (rated K16) released by Kamras is reported uncut.
THUNDER ALLEY/Ukkoskuja/FI/K14/cut 13 sec. The scene of the young band-player using drugs, has been cut out. Don't use drugs, kiddies! NOTE: The British cert.15-videoversion is also cut 13 seconds. Hmm...?
TIMECOP/FI/K16/cut 58 sec. The scene where Van Damme cuts off the frozen hand of a thug is completely deleted, some shootings and kickings are cut, guys who are fused to flames from the time machine's flames are disappeared, Van Damme snapping a neck from a thug is deleted, and the scene in the end where the bossbaddie and the younger bossbaddie melt together is shortened. NOTE: The Finnish theatrical version with a K18-rating is uncut. The Finnish dvd-version released in 2001 (widescreen, rated K18) is uncut.
Ja Kuolla L.A:ssa/FIx/cut 37 sec. This overpraised thriller faced
the distributor's scissors as follows: 1.The shooting of Chance's
partner in the beginning has been shortened; the shots of
Masterson (Willem Dafoe!) saying to Chance's partner Buddy,
you're at the wrong place, at the wrong time and shooting
him to the head, have been removed (9 secs). 2.The scene where
Masterson (and his guard) shoot Jeff's thugs after the fighting,
is almost completely deleted; this deletion also contains
Masterson pushing a gun to Jeff's mouth and Masterson's dialogue
to Jeff (21 secs). 3.The scene where Masterson's guard shoots
Chance, and Chance shoots Masterson's guard is shortened from the
two shootings (poorly cut 7 secs). NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version
(rated K18) is anamorphic widescreen, and uncut. The British cert.18-videoversion
is not cut.
TOMMY/FIc/K16/cut 5 min 30 sec. Only the Finnish theatrical version (which ran in Finnish theatres about a million years ago) is cut. This cut contains the whole Keith Moon's hilariously perverted "Uncle Ernie" scene. NOTE: The Finnish videoversion (with a K16-rating) is uncut.
TOMORROW NEVER DIES/Huominen Ei Koskaan Kuole/FI/K14/cut. The standard Finnish dvd-version is the same as the UK dvd, which was cut by the BBFC for cinema, and cut 6 seconds further for video to qualify for the '12' certificate: 1.Stamper shooting sailors struggling in the water is cut. 2.Bond getting hit with a baseball bat is cut from four times to two. 3.Bond's killing of Dr Kaufman has him falling on the ground shortened, and a sight of his bloody head wound removed. 4.Sound-fx heavily muffled in the Chakra torturing. 5.Carver shooting Gupta is cut to remove a sight of blood exploding from his wound (substituted with a milder wide shot). 6.Michelle Yeoh taking a shiruken out of her shoe has been removed. 7.Michelle Yeoh killing a goon with a shiruken has been cut out. 8.Bond stomping on a man's face has been cut out. 9.Bond (with two guns) shooting a guard down the stairs is cut. 10.NOTE: The Finnish widescreen dvd-version re-release (the "Collector's Edition", also rated K14) is uncut. The Finnish videoversion is also uncut and rated K14. The UK video, which has exact same '12' certificate, has even more cuts (totalling to a few seconds), but these were accidentally restored into the UK dvd. The further video cuts are as follows: *The punch-impact sound-fx in Carver's party muffled. *Bond cracking a man's arm has the sound muffled. *The shooting of a Chinese man with a spear gun on the boat is shortened. *The bike shop fight has some sound-fx muffled. *On the stealth boat, Bond pulling out a knife and thrusting it to a sailor have been completely cut out. *Michelle Yeoh's kung fu kicks on a guard has the sound-fx reduced. *Sound-fx of a man scoulded by steam has been muffled by the censors. *Carver being hit by the engine, and screaming, has the sound reduced. *The final fight scene has the sound-fx heavily muffled. *Bond ramming a small knife into Stamper's chest has been removed.
TOTAL RECALL/Unohda Tai Kuole/FI/K16/cut 1 min 8 sec. The nasty-ass distributor Showtime trimmed this excellent Arnie classic. The shots of Quaid's (Arnie) eyes bulging out of his head is shortened, the post-Rekall fight in the alley is severely and poorly edited (Quaid breaking Harry's and the thug's necks, and shooting the two remaining thugs), the infamous scene of Quaid taking an innocent pedestrian as a shield against the bad guys' fire is reduced (along is cut a shot of a bloodied gunned-down thug), Lorie (Sharon Stone) kicking the crap out of Quiad is trimmed, the shooting of Kuato has the bullet coming out of Kuato's head substituted with a still of the bullet impacting his back (so the soundtrack could stay intact), Quaid pushing the spike on his cuff to a doctor's neck and then bashing the other doctor with it is removed, Quaid bashing a doctor with a tyre iron in the waist and then severing his head with it is completely deleted, Melina (Rachel Ticotin) hitting a guard with an axe is cut, the scene where Richter's hands are ripped off in the elevator is cut, and Cohaagen's (Ronny Cox) long suffering is now not so long. NOTE: The movie was pre-cut by the MPAA for an R-rating. The Finnish dvd-version released in 2001 with a K18-rating is the R-rated version with no additional cuts, and anamorphic widescreen. The Finnish videoversion re-release (rated K16), released by Finnkino, has been taken from the same Showtime master, so it has the same cuts. The Finnish cinema-version rated K18 (!) was cut! The Swedish videoversion is heavily cut (+ MPAA cuts); the post-Rekall fight is shortened, Quaid using the human shield is no more, and Benny's death is heavily cut. The Australian videoversion (with an 'M' rating) is cut severely (+ MPAA cuts); alternative camera-angles in the post-Rekall fight, the Rekall negotiator's brains being blown out, a three-breasted woman asking Richter would he like to have some fun has been shown in a much more tame camera-angle, the brawl in the bar on Mars has lost the midget stabbing Richter's aide, Benny's death is (of course) is heavily cut, and Cohaage's death is reduced. The Australian videoversion with an 'R' rating, and the British cert.18-videoversion are identical to the US R-rated version.
TOTUUS ON ARMOTON/FIc/cut. The beating near the end of the movie was cut by VET during the original 1963 release of this Finnish movie. NOTE: The Finnish videoversion, rated S, is uncut possibly.
1 min 5 sec. This was rated K16 and it was identical to the R-rated
version with no additional cuts in Finnish theatres (the R-rated
version was already trimmed for over 10 minutes by the MPAA!),
and for some reason unknown to man, the distributor made
additional cuts. 1.The metamorphosis of Melvin the nerd (Mark
Torgl) to the toxic avenger him(it?)self is lost some material,
like Melvin's head and arm bulging. 2.The scene where Toxie
crushes the drug dealer's head in a weightmachine is very briefly
shortened. 3.Some material of the robbery in the taco-bar is
shorter (some of this is shown later uncut in a flashback, like
Toxie ripping the black man's arm off). 4.A robber shooting Sarah's
dog is replaced with the frame going completely black (!!!). 5.The
flashbacks are briefly shortened. 6.Toxie putting mops to the
dead thugs' heads in Shinbone Alley. 7.Some shots in the climatic
scene, where Toxie rips the mayor's guts out have been deleted.
NOTE: The cut FI tape is the R-rated version, with addition to
the MPAA's and the Finnish distributor's cuts, previously deleted
scenes were use to add more material into the film, because the
MPAA cuts last over 10 minutes. In this one, the two girls
survive from Toxie's treatment with only a minor damage, and
especially the "national guard" scene lasts about a
million years! The Finnish videoversion re-release (rated K18) is
the uncut director's version. The British cert.18-videoversion
has been cut 20 (twenty!!!) minutes (the nunchuck-scenes which
are intact in the cut FI-version, Frank twirling a butterfly
knife, among all the gore) ! The Japanese laserdisc at least has
the hit-and-run of the little boy censored; when the car crushes
the boy's head, the image blurs just at the critical moment! Check the
film's MPAA cuts from here!
LAST TEMPTATION OF TOXIE/FI/K16/cut approx. 3 min. The massacre
in the video-shop in the beginning of the movie is heavily cut;
Some shots of Toxie ripping a thug's intestines out, is cut. The "vcr"-killing is shortened pretty
heavily, some shots of the "vcr"-killing's victim
spreading blood from his hand have been deleted, and the climax
of the scene where Toxie sticks a mob through the "vcr"-killing's
victim's head, and rips it off, is completely deleted. NOTE: The
cut FI tape has scenes that the director's cut R0 dvd classifies
as "deleted scenes". The only version that's truly
completely intact on the violence is the Japanese videoversion.
Yeah, right...
TRUE ROMANCE/FI/K16/cut 3 min 51 sec. This modern classic was for some reason cut to pieces, by the almost-as-notorious-as-Showtime distributor Egmont Entertainment. The fight between the pimp Drexl Spivey (excellent wanna-be nigger Gary Oldman) and Clarence Worley (mr. "drug-free" Christian Slater) has lost 21 seconds. This includes Marty holding Clarence and Drexl hitting him several times, Drexl kicking Clarence before taking his wallet, Clarence shooting Drexl to the nuts and Drexl falling to the floor, and for some goddamn muthafuckin' reason the scene where Clarence shoots Drexl to the head is shortened (deleting Clarence's line Fuck you! Fuck you, you piece of shit! almost completely). Dammit, you can't even see the bullets impacting, and still this is cut! The scene where Vincenzo Coccotti (mr. cooler than cool Christopher Walken) shoots Cliff (Dennis "hey, man!" Hopper) is shortened from six shots to just one (also deleting the cool line I havent killed anyobody...since 1984), and the scene where the thug called Virgil (excellent James Gandolfini) beats Alabama to shit is cut 3 minutes and 16 seconds (!!!); this includes Alabama falling to the floor and Virgil's line What's the matter, baby? Can't breath? You better get used to that, Alabama crashing to a chest of drawers and dropping the phone, Virgil beating Bama against the wall and pulling her hair, Virgil beating Bama after saying that You got a lot of heart, kid, a WHOLE sequence where Bama is blood-stained on the floor and Virgil has a monologue about killing, a close-up Virgil pulling a corkscrew from his foot, Virgil throwing Alabama through a shower glass in the bathroom, and about a 40 seconds in-a-row-cut where Alabama shoots Virgil on the floor and bashes his corpse with a shotgun. The bloody final in the hotel is shortened; several seconds of shots where the cop Cody (always great Tom Sizemore) is butchered and the death of Elliot Blitzer, and shootings of the wops, and Lee Donowitz's (Saul Rubinek) goons have been deleted. NOTE: The Finnish dvd rated K18 is uncut, and anamorphic widescreen. The Finnish videoversion re-release by Cinema Club has been accidentally distributrted uncut, and with a K16-rating!! The cover is identical to the cut one, except for the side, where a "Cinema Club" logo is located. In the Finnish theatrical version (rated K18!!!) the beating of Alabama was shortened 1 minute and 35 seconds (VET described this sequence as "Prolonged beating of a woman") !!! The version rated 'R' by the MPAA is cut: the cuts include Drexl, and Big D (Samuel L. Jackson) talking about eating pussy, chunks of violence - Drexl shooting Big D, especially from Drexl getting shot in his groin (the scene also has some explicit dialogue trimmed), the beating of Alabama, the death of Virgil (Alabama only shotguns him a single time, and doesn't beat up his body with the gun), Lee Donowitz shouting Take your fucking SA card and burn it! You little cocksucker!, and the end is altered; Alabama doesn't shoot Dimes (Chris Penn) anymore, but a wop thug does! The British videoversion certified '18' is the R-rated cut, and even with an additional 3 seconds cut by the BBFC (deleting Alabama flying through the shower glass). The UK dvd-version (also cert.18) is suprisingly fully uncut (and widescreen). The cut FI tape was based on the completely uncut unrated version, so this version includes the "dirty" dialogue including the eating pussy-talk, the missing dialogue from the Clarence-Drexl chat, and Lee Donowitz's famous line You little cocksucker!.
TWISTER/FI/K14/cut 1 sec. The Finnish videoversion's (rated K14) uncensored, but the widescreen Finnish dvd is the same as the UK dvd, which has two uses of the word Fuck deleted by the BBFC for the 'PG' certificate. The Finnish widescreen Special Edition dvd (rated K15) is unfortunately still the same as the UK disc; even though the BBFC denies any waiving of the cuts, there are some reports of the swearing being completely intact in the special edition disc.
TÄHDET KERTOVAT, KOMISARIO PALMU/FI/K8/cut 9 sec. 1962 Finnish crime film by Matti Kassila. The scene where Major Vadenblick brags on the horses has been shortened to eliminate a shot of the horses getting sexually involved. The cuts were originally made to the Finnish theatrical version, and the same cut print was used for the 1988 video release. There is a Finnish dvd out, but I doubt that it contains the full uncut version.
22 sec. All the cruel animal butcherings are intact, but the
famous death scene of a native woman (Me Me Lai) has suffered
some cuts; the slashing of her stomach is shortened, and the hot
rocks are not stuffed inside her anymore. NOTE: The UK dvd-version
(UK title "Last Cannibal World" - certified '18') is
cut 4 minutes and 32 seconds (the BBFC cut 2 minutes and 46
seconds, and the distributor chopped an additional 1 minute and
46 seconds!!)! The British Board of Film CENSORS comments: "To
obtain this category cuts of 4m 32s were required., some or all
of these cuts were substitutions. The cuts were Compulsory. Two
compulsory cuts required for 18, one to remove scenes of animal
cruelty organised or directed for the purposes of filmmaking and
one to remove a scene of eroticised sexual violence in accordance
with BBFC Policy, Guidelines and the Video Recordings Act 1984.
NB: distributor choose to make additional cuts beyond those that
were required." There is however reports of a version that
contains only the BBFC cuts (with the distributor cuts restored)
going into distribution. Also the movie's trailer (certified '18'!)
featured on the UK disc is cut 6 seconds by the BBFC, as they
comment: "To obtain this category cuts of 0m 6s were
required., some or all of these cuts were substitutions. The cuts
were Compulsory. Cut required to real animal cruelty (live
crocodile cut up) in accordance with the Cinematograph (Film)
Animals Act 1937". The Australian video is very heavily
censored as follows: *The death of Charlie The Pilot is shortened
3 seconds - a shot of spikes in his chest, plus a shot of him
still alive and pinned to the tree. *Ralph vomiting (plus a shot
of the dead Charlie The Pilot, with blood dripping) is cut. *Robert
checking that Charlie is dead, and then moving on, is deleted. *Robert
looking at the ants chew on the prisoner, is removed. *Shots of
the prisoner's hands being eaten is deleted. *The cannibal
children urinating on Robert, is cut. *Palan touching Robert's
body and between his legs, is cut. *A knife being stuck on the
crocodile's head before it is skinned (heavily cut). *A cannibal
reaching down, and picking up the crocodile's severed head, is
removed. *Cannibal walking away with meat, and another cannibal
eating. *The native woman throwing the baby into the water, and a
crocodile going after it. *Palan's rape is completely deleted! *Palan
becoming dinner (her head decapitated, her body disembowled, and
stuffed with food) is complete deleted (over a minute and a half
in a row!). *A shot of the axe wound on a victim's body, and
Robert holding a bloody axe. *Robert reaching for the intestines,
and then beginning to eat them, is deleted. *Robert eating the
intestines, and then breaking down, is deleted. The censorings
total to a whopping 7 minutes and 27 seconds!! Also several
snippets of dialogue, narrative scenes etc are missing. The US
dvd-version (with the title "Jungle Holocaust") is
uncut and widescreen. BONUS: Click on the cover for a
deluxe-sized presentation.
UNDER SIEGE/Kaappaus Merellä/FI/K16/cut 2 min 30 sec. The cuts include Casey Ryback (Steve Seagal) shooting some thugs, Ryback slashing a guy's groin, Ryback sawing a thug, and Ryback kicking some thug's ass. The final battle between Ryback and Strannix (Tommy Lee Jones) has lost several seconds of material including Ryback slashing Strannix and Ryback gouging Strannix's eye. NOTE: The Finnish theatrical version (rated K18) was suprisingly (?) uncut. The British cert.15-videoversion is cut 10 seconds; Ryback slashing a guy's groin and stabbing him in his arm pit has been censored, Ryback sawing a thug is cut out, a thug (the last one Ryback fights before facing Strannix) getting his Adam's apple ripped off by Ryback is no more, and Ryback gouging Strannix's eye. The Finnish videoversion double feature rated K15 ("Under Siege", and "Under Siege 2"), released in 2001, has been reported completely uncut. The Finnish dvd-version (rated K16) released in the late 90's has 9 seconds worth of cuts by the German censors (the Finnish disc is the same as the German one). The cuts are Ryback slashing a thug to his leg, Ryback stabbing a thug's arm pit, Ryback sawing a thug's hand, and a brief cut to the fight between Strannix and Ryback (of course Ryback gouging Strannix's eye). There is a Finnish widescreen dvd re-issue, which is rated K18, and just might be fully uncut).
Sotilas/FI/K16/cut 2 min 49 sec! The suprisingly heavy cuts in
this ok double wood log vehicle includes Scott (Dolph Lundgren)
shooting some gooks, Scott stomping his foot on a dead terrorist,
Scott shooting the terrorists, Scott shooting the partner of the
reporter bitch (Ally Walker), the reporter digging the bug out of
Luc's (Van Damme) leg is shortened, Scott snapping a scientist's
neck extremely graphically, some shots of the Universal Soldiers
burning, and the final battle between Scott and Luc is heavily
cut; including them beating each other over and over again. NOTE:
The Finnish dvd-version rated K18 (widescreen) is uncut. The
Finnish theatrical version rated K18 (!) was cut a couple of
seconds (presumably the very graphic scientist's neck-snap).
UNIVERSAL SOLDIER - THE RETURN/Täydellinen Sotilas - Paluu/FI/K16/cut 13 sec. The Finnish dvd-version of this very lousy sequel is the same as the UK disc, which has BBFC cuts totalling 13 seconds (1 second for cinema, and a further 12 seconds for video) made to "dangerous" imitable techniques (like Jean-Claude ear-clapping an opponent in the beginning of the movie). NOTE: The Finnish videoversion (also rated K16) is uncut. The US dvd-version (R1) is uncut.
UROTSUKIDOJI III - THE RETURN OF THE OVERFIEND 1-4/Urotsukidoji III: Paholaisen Paluu 1-4/FI/K16. Not exactly cut, but the episodes are softer versions, that has strange "softballs" (the Japanese censorship custom), which blur the image in some spots, as in front of dicks, tentacles, pussys, and asses in action. Especially episode 2 (above the second from the left) is very heavily blurred. Even though the blurrings, that are mostly used in hard-core close-ups, they really don't disturb the viewing "experience" that much. NOTE: The infamous "Rape of Elektor" sequence in Episode 3 is completely uncut in the Finnish videoversion with no blurring made (this whole scene is cut out in the British cert.18-videoversion)!!! The episodes are cut in the UK as follows (all episodes rated '18'!): Episode 1 is cut 3 minutes and 31 seconds, Episode 2 is cut 7 minutes and 22 seconds, Episode 3 is pre-cut about ten minutes by the distributor (the BBFC had expressed their discrimination against the "Rape of Elektor" sequence early on) plus 3 seconds of additional BBFC cuts, and Episode 4 is cut 8 minutes and 7 seconds (c'mon BBFC dudes, they're fucking cartoons!!). The US dvd is fully uncut, and uncensored.
MY SAMURAI/U.S. SAMURAI/FI/K16/cut 3 min 44 sec. Suprisingly big amount of censorings to not-so-strong violence. NOTE: The Finnish dvd-version is uncut and rated K18. The UK videoversion is certified '15' and cut 2 seconds.
VASTUSTEN KAUTTA VOITTOON/FIc/cut. 1934 Finnish movie cut in its initial theatrical release.
VERTA KÄSISSÄMME/FIc/K16/cut 1 min. 1958 Finnish movie by William Markus, one of VET's most "favorite" directors. Upon the movie's release, VET first banned it (they thought that the movie was "immoral"!), and after an appeal, agreed to pass it if two scenes were removed: *A man hiding the body of a boy he has ran over with his car, into a bush. *The police shooting a suspect fleeing them. NOTE: The uncut version has been shown several times on Finnish tv, and (most?) current Finnish thetrical prints include the uncut version.
- Tuhon Ase/FIx/cut 3 min 26 sec. The cuts on this already-cut-R-rated-version-with-additional-distributor-cuts
of this masterpiece include Nicki pushing a burning cigarette to
her shoulder, some shots of the "Videodrome" program,
Max (excellent James Woods) pushing his hand to his open stomach
(heavily cut!), Barry Convex injecting a breathing video tape
into Max's open stomach, Max's gun and his hand becoming one (heavily
cut!), Max shooting his two business partners is trimmed, the
death of the video boutique guy (very heavily cut), and Barry
Convex turning to a bloody mess (completely deleted!). NOTE: The
Finnish widescreen K18-rated dvd-version (above) is unfortunately
identical to the R-rated cut, which is shortened about a minute. The Finnish theatrical
version was the R-rated version, and had additional VET cuts
about 20 seconds worth (VET comments that the cuts were applied
to "an explosion scene" in the last reel - this
probably refers to the death of the video boutique guy), and a K18-rating!
The full unrated version is available on widescreen on dvd in the
US, and in the UK on laserdisc - though, beware both UK videos,
one is the R-rated version (cert.18), and the other (released
prior to the UK video act) is the R-rated version with even more
cuts applied as follows: *Nicki asking Max to cut her, and
revealing the previous scars. *Max piercing Nicki's ear during
sex. *Nicki burning her breast with a cigarette. *Max shooting
one of his business partners in the head. *Barry Convex's death
is shortened (like his head bursting open is absent). Also beware
of the Japanese laserdisc, which is the R-rated version, plus
additional optical censoring made!
VIHDOINKIN HÄÄYÖ/FIc/cut 18 sec. This 1957 Finnish movie was cut by VET upon release: the drunken person going home in a car was deleted.
Soturit/FIx/cut. The ugly "barb wire"-scene is almost
completely deleted. NOTE: There are two FIx-versions released,
the cut one (above), and a one with a different cover that's
uncut. The Netherlands' video is uncut on violence, but is short
of several minutes (!) because of print damage.
/ A-B-C / D-E-F / G-H-I / J-K-L / M-N-O / P-R-S / W-Y / # / MPAA-U/C /
You can use anything in this page for selfish purposes - The covers taken from The Finnish Cover Archive are used with permission.